A fair read

CNN had a couple great takes on the Abby Phillips show.

Democrats are out of touch with the working class.
Economy is great, look at the stock market, except so many in the working class can't afford to put into the stock market
If you can't get a tattoo, how can you get transgender surgery
Stop virtue signaling with pronouns. You don't have to put your pronouns everywhere, just correct someone if they got it wrong and move on.
We are the party of diversity - then why are so many Latinos and Latinas voting Republican
Abortion isn't a huge issue because most state allow them so voters in those states don't care (blue, I mean red wall)
To speak the truth you might offend someone and that's ok but democrats are too afraid to offend anyone.
I read the first sentence and stopped when I realized it was another liberal lecturing the country that he knows more about what's best. He’s right and the American people are wrong.
Morning Joe and Race hustler Al Sharpton ( aka I don’t have to pay my back taxes because I am black ) summed up the reason Harris lost blaming it on misogynistic black and Hispanic men.You see in their world if you don’t vote for the democratic candidate and you are black or Hispanic it most be you are discriminating agreeing with Biden if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black.Dems have plantation mentally on black voters.
neither of the candidates deserve to be president and that's the problem. its the problem for the american people.
This is an interesting read, thank you NYSG. The writer is a Manhattan- or Brooklynite who takes the Democrats, particularly in NY, to task. Hammers them. And he's right.

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