Another school shooting in America


All Universe
Gold Member
Jan 7, 2006
Gun laws in Georgia:No state permit required to purchase.No firearm registration.No assault weapon law.No magazine capacity restriction.No owner license required.No permit required for concealed carry.No permit required for open carry.No background check required for private sales.
Right because our culture and country completely normalize garbage like this. There is nothing normal with a student brining a loaded weapon that can cause loss of life to an educational facility.

Not normal at all, but no reason to change laws. This is a mental health problem and a law enforcement problem. Shooter was known to LE, yet they did nothing.
Not normal at all, but no reason to change laws. This is a mental health problem and a law enforcement problem. Shooter was known to LE, yet they did nothing.
Neither party is going to address this with any legislation. Dog whistle issue that no one has the fortitude to address the real problem.
Neither party is going to address this with any legislation. Dog whistle issue that no one has the fortitude to address the real problem.

Only one simple change needed. No change to right to owning a gun. Just hold the parents accountable. Watch what happens when parents get 20 years behind bars for their kids taking their guns to school. They’ll make sure their kids don’t get their hands on them. And if their kid has mental health issues they’ll be extra cautious.
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Not normal at all, but no reason to change laws. This is a mental health problem and a law enforcement problem. Shooter was known to LE, yet they did nothing.

What could they have done?
The FBI can’t just show up and arrest the kid. Georgia does not have red flag laws which would have allowed the removal of guns out of the home.
Georgia is also lenient on parents who are negligent and they are only liable if they knew a crime would be committed with the guns.

Yes, it is a mental health issue but there is also more we can do with the law to mitigate risks.
Access to guns is slowly becoming like access to phones. Your parents have safe guards so you can't access but anyone can find a way in
Access to guns is slowly becoming like access to phones. Your parents have safe guards so you can't access but anyone can find a way in
Like anything else there needs to be accountability and penalties. More convictions like the parents of the Illinois shooter.

Any legislation to keep guns out of hands of the high risk population is a good idea, but you have to start where the biggest risks are and go from there. I just don’t see this happening at least in my lifetime.
The kid is an obvious nut and should have been thrown in the nuthouse last year when he made the threats. They also should have taken every gun out of the house.

Libs at fault for never wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings, and calling a nut a nut. They also want to bring everyone home and not in jail/nutbhouse where they belong

Conservatives are at fault for not wanting to take guns from unreasonable gun owners. All guns should be registered and all guns owners should have mandatory gun safety training.

Parents are at fault for not getting their kid proper treatment and keeping guns in the house with a screwball kid in the house.

So weird how they're not a "fact of life" anywhere else in the world.
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Made my points earlier….go back and check them
Well, like JD Vance, it sounds like you're resigned that there will be no legislative changes, but then you also liked a post that said that there shouldn't be any legislative changes.

Then you posted this:

Which is a bunch of policy changes. So which do you believe?
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The kid is an obvious nut and should have been thrown in the nuthouse last year when he made the threats. They also should have taken every gun out of the house.

Libs at fault for never wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings, and calling a nut a nut. They also want to bring everyone home and not in jail/nutbhouse where they belong

Conservatives are at fault for not wanting to take guns from unreasonable gun owners. All guns should be registered and all guns owners should have mandatory gun safety training.

Parents are at fault for not getting their kid proper treatment and keeping guns in the house with a screwball kid in the house.
I like how you equate conservatives' making any meaningful policy change on gun violence in America dead on arrival with the "Libs" and their perceived "wokeness."

Plenty of blame to go around! A real both-sides issue.
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guy bought his son a gun for christmas after the FBI exposed his son for threatning messages on the internet for shooting up the school. kid then shoots up the school. politicians then briefly give excuses for it behind bulletproof glass.

anyone who is against any type of gun reform is simply a bad human or an idiot. these are schools all the time. this doesn't happen elsewhere. whats the low hanging fruit?
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The kid is an obvious nut and should have been thrown in the nuthouse last year when he made the threats. They also should have taken every gun out of the house.

Libs at fault for never wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings, and calling a nut a nut. They also want to bring everyone home and not in jail/nutbhouse where they belong

Conservatives are at fault for not wanting to take guns from unreasonable gun owners. All guns should be registered and all guns owners should have mandatory gun safety training.

Parents are at fault for not getting their kid proper treatment and keeping guns in the house with a screwball kid in the house.
but one of these things can be accounted for. a child may be getting all the proper treatment and still commit an act like this. a child may show no signs and commit an act like this. what is the one part of the equation that we can account for?
Well, like JD Vance, it sounds like you're resigned that there will be no legislative changes, but then you also liked a post that said that there shouldn't be any legislative changes.

Then you posted this:

Which is a bunch of policy changes. So which do you believe?
Two things can be true. Neither party will produce any meaningful legislation on a Federal level because they just won’t, so yeah, be resigned to the fact that it won’t happen.

As to the points I mentioned above that should be taken…If you really want to reduce the number of gun deaths, start with legislation and enforcement where most of them occur. 32% of population are gun owners, 434 million total and 20 AR15’s, the vast majority owned and and used legally and safely. 50k gun deaths per year with the majority and largest increases due to suicide. Isn’t that the result of mental illness?

Most homicides are committed in urban areas by handguns. By far, the fewest deaths (<500) occur by any kind of rifle…not just an AR15.

So I support meaningful legislation, not a cherry-picked issue that makes someone feel good. I don’t support knee jerk measures which is what shu09 was alluding.

Oh, and AP has now changed the headline on the Vance story because they used the quote out of context on the original story ….weird fake news….
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Oh, and AP has now changed the headline on the Vance story because they used the quote out of context on the original story ….weird fake news….
Yes, I read the full quote before I posted about it last night, you want to explain to me how the full quote makes it any better? It's as pure of an admission of craven Republican fatalism as I've ever seen.

I updated the link last night because the AP are cowards.

Two things can be true. Neither party will produce any meaningful legislation on a Federal level because they just won’t, so yeah, be resigned to the fact that it won’t happen.

As to the points I mentioned above that should be taken…If you really want to reduce the number of gun deaths, start with legislation and enforcement where most of them occur. 32% of population are gun owners, 434 million total and 20 AR15’s, the vast majority owned and and used legally and safely. 50k gun deaths per year with the majority and largest increases due to suicide. Isn’t that the result of mental illness?

Most homicides are committed in urban areas by handguns. By far, the fewest deaths (<500) occur by any kind of rifle…not just an AR15.

So I support meaningful legislation, not a cherry-picked issue that makes someone feel good. I don’t support knee jerk measures which is what shu09 was alluding.
You lay the blame on both parties, but we both know that this isn't a both sides issue. There's one side that prevents any meaningful reform each time.

Also, it's clear that shu09 thinks there's no reason for any legislative changes. I don't think you two are on the same page at all.
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Yes, I read the full quote before I posted about it last night, you want to explain to me how the full quote makes it any better? It's as pure of an admission of craven Republican fatalism as I've ever seen.

I updated the link last night because the AP are cowards.

You lay the blame on both parties, but we both know that this isn't a both sides issue. There's one side that prevents any meaningful reform each time.
When Obama had a democratic senate and house after Sandy Hook, why wasn’t there any legislation passed?
Also, it's clear that shu09 thinks there's no reason for any legislative changes. I don't think you two are on the same page at all.
Like I said, before, I do not believe in any knee-jerk reaction to these shootings. I think 09 shares that view but I’ll let him answer for himself.
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When Obama had a democratic senate and house after Sandy Hook, why wasn’t there any legislation passed?
The Manchin-Toomey bill received 54 yeas and 46 nay votes and was blocked by a filibuster. Having a simple majority in the Senate doesn't matter.
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The Manchin-Toomey bill received 54 yeas and 46 nay votes and was blocked by a filibuster. Having a simple majority in the Senate doesn't matter.
And several of those Nay votes were Democrats.

If you want to debate the issue, I’m happy to do so as I have supported my views above with data. If your position is that this is a Republican only issue after you also posted a tweet from a misrepresented AP tweet that has since been corrected, I’ll just use your retort…”Is that all you got?”
The Manchin-Toomey bill received 54 yeas and 46 nay votes and was blocked by a filibuster. Having a simple majority in the Senate doesn't matter.
The Manchin Toomey bill wouldn’t have impacted here at all. Under that bill dad could buy the gun and give it to the son without any background check on the son because it was a transfer within the family.
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When Obama had a democratic senate and house after Sandy Hook, why wasn’t there any legislation passed?

Obama did not have a democratic majority after Sandy Hook.
Republicans held the majority of the house from Jan 2011 through Jan 2019. Sandy hooked occurred in December 2012.

The Machin Toomey bill was a softball. Nothing really objectionable in there and it was still blocked.
Even if the three nay Dems voted for it, it still would not have been enough.

Republicans in very red areas of the country can note vote against the gun lobby. Plenty of areas where Dems can't vote against certain lobbies as well, but on this issue specifically, it is fairly one sided about why we can't make any progress for a federal law.
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The Machin Toomey bill was a softball. Nothing really objectionable in there and it was still blocked.
Even if the three nay Dems voted for it, it still would not have been enough.

This was legislation for the sake of saying we did something but in reality it would be accomplishing nothing. I'm not sure how many school shootings it would have prevented when most of these kids are taking weapons from family members, which would not make them subject to background checks. There were so many ways to get around the background checks if the Manchin Toomey Bill.

What I find crazy is parents is parents who have underage children who drink or drink in their home can face civil and/or criminal penalties for all of their childrens actions while under the influence, yet that same common sense doesn't apply to kid using their weapons.
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but one of these things can be accounted for. a child may be getting all the proper treatment and still commit an act like this. a child may show no signs and commit an act like this. what is the one part of the equation that we can account for?
You are obviously hinting at the gun. I agree that there never should have been guns in this house with a kid who has a history of threats. The dad was rightfully charged and I hope him and his son share a jail cell for many years.

If you take away all the guns from all the Americans like some would like we will have a terror attack that makes hamas attack on Israel look like a pillow fight. Additionally, mass murder attacks can occur with other weapons. Knives, suicide attacks with explosives tied to individuals cars running over people at large gatherings or even airplanes.

We need some common sense gun reform where all guns are registered, guns bought or transferred within the family should require background checks, mandatory gun safety training every other year. We also need to punish unlawful gun owners and those who distribute illegal guns. We need to punish the criminals and not the lawful/responsible gun owners.
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Obama did not have a democratic majority after Sandy Hook.
Republicans held the majority of the house from Jan 2011 through Jan 2019. Sandy hooked occurred in December 2012.

The Machin Toomey bill was a softball. Nothing really objectionable in there and it was still blocked.
Even if the three nay Dems voted for it, it still would not have been enough.

Republicans in very red areas of the country can note vote against the gun lobby. Plenty of areas where Dems can't vote against certain lobbies as well, but on this issue specifically, it is fairly one sided about why we can't make any progress for a federal law.
oh man it's almost like a normal person would change their point of view after getting served like this but im sure default response is any legislation from dems is just fat.

and in reality kids keep dying and the school safety situation is simply outrageous. wouldnt we feel better if we at least tried?
You are obviously hinting at the gun. I agree that there never should have been guns in this house with a kid who has a history of threats. The dad was rightfully charged and I hope him and his son share a jail cell for many years.

If you take away all the guns from all the Americans like some would like we will have a terror attack that makes hamas attack on Israel look like a pillow fight. Additionally, mass murder attacks can occur with other weapons. Knives, suicide attacks with explosives tied to individuals cars running over people at large gatherings or even airplanes.

We need some common sense gun reform where all guns are registered, guns bought or transferred within the family should require background checks, mandatory gun safety training every other year. We also need to punish unlawful gun owners and those who distribute illegal guns. We need to punish the criminals and not the lawful/responsible gun owners.
how did our guns help 9/11? homeland security does exist.

we do need common sense gun reform but we don't have it. why?

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