Another school shooting in America

This was legislation for the sake of saying we did something but in reality it would be accomplishing nothing.

I disagree. It would have been legislation to say that we CAN do something. It would have shown that the gun lobby doesn't own our politicians and that we can't make incremental progress.

Background checks on all purchases and transfers is a no brainer. It would help, but not do everything on it's own... We can't make progress with one or two things that might help just because it won't solve everything?
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I disagree. It would have been legislation to say that we CAN do something. It would have shown that the gun lobby doesn't own our politicians and that we can't make incremental progress.

Background checks on all purchases and transfers is a no brainer. It would help, but not do everything on it's own... We can't make progress with one or two things that might help just because it won't solve everything?
The bill didn’t do background checks on all purchases and transfers. There were exemptions for family and friends. You had to sell to stranger to have a background check under that bill. You can literally sell to a mentally ill friend with no background check in that bill. That’s progress?
The bill didn’t do background checks on all purchases and transfers. There were exemptions for family and friends. You had to sell to stranger to have a background check under that bill. You can literally sell to a mentally ill friend with no background check in that bill. That’s progress?

Yes. Again, it would have shown that legislation over gun laws was possible.
Once people could see common sense laws pass without harming gun owners, they would be more open to the idea in the future.

You need the baby step easy legislation to pass before you can get to the bigger issues.

Start with the gun shows and online purchases. Once people see that didn't end the world as we know it, then we can move on to requiring all sales and transfers needing a background check.

The fact that the simplest of legislation failed just shows why we can't make ANY progress on this issue.
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Yes. Again, it would have shown that legislation over gun laws was possible.
Once people could see common sense laws pass without harming gun owners, they would be more open to the idea in the future.

You need the baby step easy legislation to pass before you can get to the bigger issues.
You're for the principle of any law against guns as opposed to one that will work.

Start with the gun shows and online purchases. Once people see that didn't end the world as we know it, then we can move on to requiring all sales and transfers needing a background check.
Kind of like once people see Trump as President didn't end America as we know it, they'll be more open to a second term?
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how did our guns help 9/11? homeland security does exist.

we do need common sense gun reform but we don't have it. why?
You have complaints without adding any solutions. How do you propose we solve these problems?
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You are obviously hinting at the gun. I agree that there never should have been guns in this house with a kid who has a history of threats. The dad was rightfully charged and I hope him and his son share a jail cell for many years.

If you take away all the guns from all the Americans like some would like we will have a terror attack that makes hamas attack on Israel look like a pillow fight. Additionally, mass murder attacks can occur with other weapons. Knives, suicide attacks with explosives tied to individuals cars running over people at large gatherings or even airplanes.

We need some common sense gun reform where all guns are registered, guns bought or transferred within the family should require background checks, mandatory gun safety training every other year. We also need to punish unlawful gun owners and those who distribute illegal guns. We need to punish the criminals and not the lawful/responsible gun owners.
This is a reasonable position that most gun owners would support. If both parties really wanted to reduce gun violence (and resulting deaths), they would put together a comprehensive plan that included everything in your last paragraph. If you just lead with legislation limiting gun purchases, it’s a non-starter because it doesn’t address the issues responsible for the majority of gun violence.
You're for the principle of any law against guns as opposed to one that will work.

I am for the ones that will work as well. We will never get to those if we can't even pass the simplest on laws that will help slightly.

You're arguing against progress because we can't have perfect.

Kind of like once people see Trump as President didn't end America as we know it, they'll be more open to a second term?

Yes, exactly. Everyone knows that Trump is morally depraved character who should be no where near the white house... but they saw that things were not horrible policy wise so they don't care about his character and are open to him being president again.
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I am for the ones that will work as well. We will never get to those if we can't even pass the simplest on laws that will help slightly.

You're arguing against progress because we can't have perfect.
I'm arguing it wouldn't have had a big impact, not that it's imperfect. Legislation involves compromise but this is no way moved the needle. Friends/Family expemption. Are we piratecrew friends? LMAO. Can I buy a gun from you without a background check. LOL
I'm arguing it wouldn't have had a big impact, not that it's imperfect. Legislation involves compromise but this is no way moved the needle. Friends/Family expemption. Are we piratecrew friends? LMAO. Can I buy a gun from you without a background check. LOL

Right... could you do that once? Probably. Twice? Maybe. Three times?
At some point there is a pattern where you are intentionally selling guns to people who would not be able to get them on their own and you're intentionally committing a crime but a loophole allows it.

That bill would have helped, albeit slightly..

But we'll never get to the more impactful laws because the gun lobby makes you think any progress to help close loopholes isn't worth it and they own our politicians.
Right... could you do that once? Probably. Twice? Maybe. Three times?
At some point there is a pattern where you are intentionally selling guns to people who would not be able to get them on their own and you're intentionally committing a crime but a loophole allows it.

That bill would have helped, albeit slightly..

But we'll never get to the more impactful laws because the gun lobby makes you think any progress to help close loopholes isn't worth it and they own our politicians.
My thoughts are the whole law is a loophole. As long as I can get my friend to buy a gun I want, then sell/transfer it to me, I can get anything I want. I'm not a criminal mastermind in anyway and I just skirted the system. Not to mention if I'm the gun owner and I want to sell my gun and don't want to do the paperwork, I'll just claim the buyer is my friend. How does someone prove he's not?

What I agree on is lobbyists are a huge problem. Gun lobbyists are not the only one, food, pharma, etc all own the politicians. Getting rid of lobbyists I'm all for that.
Stats under the federal ban under Bill Clinton show the huge reduction in mass shootings and the spike when the ban sunset under George Bush. I have stated this before during other school shootings. Every gun should be registered and tracked from manufacturer to buyer and then subsequent owner. When the chain is broken on ownership, that person should be held criminally liable for not transferring and registering the new owner.

Moreover, a ballistics data base should be done for every firearm to better track the people who use guns in crimes.
My thoughts are the whole law is a loophole. As long as I can get my friend to buy a gun I want, then sell/transfer it to me, I can get anything I want. I'm not a criminal mastermind in anyway and I just skirted the system. Not to mention if I'm the gun owner and I want to sell my gun and don't want to do the paperwork, I'll just claim the buyer is my friend. How does someone prove he's not?

I agree with you. No private sales or transfers should go without a background check, but that was not on the table as something that could possibly pass. So instead of passing the small change that could pass, we get nothing.

Start with the small change, do more as necessary and possible.
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I agree with you. No private sales or transfers should go without a background check, but that was not on the table as something that could possibly pass. So instead of passing the small change that could pass, we get nothing.

Start with the small change, do more as necessary and possible.
You see a small change, while I think every sale in the country could bypass that small change by just saying we're friends. A small change that isn't on the honor system would be a good small change. This is on the honor system.
I agree with you. No private sales or transfers should go without a background check, but that was not on the table as something that could possibly pass. So instead of passing the small change that could pass, we get nothing.

Start with the small change, do more as necessary and possible.
The problem with that line of thinking is that the small changes have the biggest impact on legal and law, abiding gun owners. It is a non-starter for them.

Unless you address things like mandatory penalties for gun crimes, nothing is going to happen.

If you really want to compromise and get things done, then you have to actually compromise.
You see a small change, while I think every sale in the country could bypass that small change by just saying we're friends.

You would be wrong though. It helped, especially in regards to "hobbyists" selling at gun shows.

All gun sales or transfers should require a background check and registration.
That's my view. That doesn't prevent me from seeing that small steps towards that can help.
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The problem with that line of thinking is that the small changes have the biggest impact on legal and law, abiding gun owners. It is a non-starter for them.

That's just not true though. The majority of law abiding gun owners would be fine with background checks for all sales.
Anything suggested though becomes a non starter because the gun lobby doesn't want to give an inch. They move the debate towards fearmongering against the government and nothing happens.

If you really want to compromise and get things done, then you have to actually compromise.

As if the Toomey Manchin bill wasn't a watered down compromise?
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You would be wrong though. It helped, especially in regards to "hobbyists" selling at gun shows.

All gun sales or transfers should require a background check and registration.
That's my view. That doesn't prevent me from seeing that small steps towards that can help.
My friends are baseball card hobbyists. They go to shows and have become friends with many other hobbyists. I'm sure it's the same with gun hobbyists. Loophole, don't need to do a background check. But I guess I'm wrong.
My friends are baseball card hobbyists. They go to shows and have become friends with many other hobbyists. I'm sure it's the same with gun hobbyists. Loophole, don't need to do a background check. But I guess I'm wrong.

Your assumption is that there are hobbyists which will now intentionally break the law.
If they are a hobbyists, and now required to get a background check under federal law, they will likely just get a background check rather than stick their neck out for a stranger.

Again - we agree that all sales should require a background check. Not sure why you're so adamant against making improvements when making something perfect isn't on the table.

You need $5? Sorry, I only have $1 on me, do you want that?
NO! I NEED $5.

Start with 1, worry about the next 4 afterwards.
That's just not true though. The majority of law abiding gun owners would be fine with background checks for all sales.
Anything suggested though becomes a non starter because the gun lobby doesn't want to give an inch. They move the debate towards fearmongering against the government and nothing happens.

As if the Toomey Manchin bill wasn't a watered down compromise?
I disagree. I know dozens of gun owners, and they are unanimous in the point of view that I shared. It’s the way you asked the question. They would be for background checks if there was also legislation and enforcement that was strict.

At the end of the day, if you want any kind of gun legislation, you’re going to have to compromise on the criminal consequences. Otherwise, it’s just not going to happen.
Your assumption is that there are hobbyists which will now intentionally break the law.
If they are a hobbyists, and now required to get a background check under federal law, they will likely just get a background check rather than stick their neck out for a stranger.

Again - we agree that all sales should require a background check. Not sure why you're so adamant against making improvements when making something perfect isn't on the table.

You need $5? Sorry, I only have $1 on me, do you want that?
NO! I NEED $5.

Start with 1, worry about the next 4 afterwards.
Yup that's my assumption because people will do what they have to do to make money, just like every pizzeria and landscaper out there is intentionally breaking the law with a few hires here and there, but they do it to make more money. But don't worry there's a loophole friend.
I disagree. I know dozens of gun owners, and they are unanimous in the point of view that I shared. It’s the way you asked the question. They would be for background checks if there was also legislation and enforcement that was strict.

At the end of the day, if you want any kind of gun legislation, you’re going to have to compromise on the criminal consequences. Otherwise, it’s just not going to happen.

You could write the perfect bill with the dozens of gun owners that you know, with whatever enforcement you want, but you know it would never pass until the gun lobby loses their hold on their politicians.

Gun owners want common sense laws. The gun lobby doesn't.

It's not a lack of compromise, or a lack of writing a good bill. It's what will the lobby allow us to do (just like many other issues on both sides) which right now is nothing.
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Your assumption is that there are hobbyists which will now intentionally break the law.
If they are a hobbyists, and now required to get a background check under federal law, they will likely just get a background check rather than stick their neck out for a stranger.

Again - we agree that all sales should require a background check. Not sure why you're so adamant against making improvements when making something perfect isn't on the table.

You need $5? Sorry, I only have $1 on me, do you want that?
NO! I NEED $5.

Start with 1, worry about the next 4 afterwards.
x1000 to your last statement. why does their have to be the perfect solution preventing from any solution. kids being trapped and shot in their classrooms is just about the worst thing you could think of on earth. and people are actively against making progress. tells you a lot
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x1000 to your last statement. why does their have to be the perfect solution preventing from any solution. kids being trapped and shot in their classrooms is just about the worst thing you could think of on earth. and people are actively against making progress. tells you a lot
People are for progress, but we disagree on what is progress. That bill wasn't worth the paper it was written on. It gave every sale a potential loophole plus it also did nothing for black market sales, which is nearly half the problem with guns in this country.
x1000 to your last statement. why does their have to be the perfect solution preventing from any solution. kids being trapped and shot in their classrooms is just about the worst thing you could think of on earth. and people are actively against making progress. tells you a lot

Exactly. Pass something small, world doesn’t end and we can do more.

God forbid we pass an imperfect bill.
The major problem with the bill was that it would have created a commission to study the issue and make recommendations. Gun lobby has been forceful against the government doing any studies on gun violence. I guess the study would have had loopholes or something so it’s dumb.
You could write the perfect bill with the dozens of gun owners that you know, with whatever enforcement you want, but you know it would never pass until the gun lobby loses their hold on their politicians.

Gun owners want common sense laws. The gun lobby doesn't.

It's not a lack of compromise, or a lack of writing a good bill. It's what will the lobby allow us to do (just like many other issues on both sides) which right now is nothing.
We have lobbyists in every aspect of our economy. Guns no different and fighting the money is a steep climb. Those lobbyists don’t do what’s best for the public in many cases (food, Pharma, etc.). BTW, I wouldn’t be shocked to see that tons of legislators on both sides have weapon stocks in their portfolio. The lobby is not going to budge until there is legislation that deals with the primary causes of gun violence. Until then, you’re right…they won’t do anything.

But even gun owners do not have the passion to support any legislation that limits their ability to purchase and use their guns lawfully, when those other issues remain ignored.
Exactly. Pass something small, world doesn’t end and we can do more.

God forbid we pass an imperfect bill.
The major problem with the bill was that it would have created a commission to study the issue and make recommendations. Gun lobby has been forceful against the government doing any studies on gun violence. I guess the study would have had loopholes or something so it’s dumb.
Because a “small bill” ignores the vast majority of gun homicides, and restricts the rights of lawful and law abiding gun owners. It’s interesting that the vast majority of these school shooters are students, from dysfunctional families where a parent provided access to the gun. Charging and convicting these parents will have a greater impact than any “small bill”.
Exactly. Pass something small, world doesn’t end and we can do more.

God forbid we pass an imperfect bill.
The major problem with the bill was that it would have created a commission to study the issue and make recommendations. Gun lobby has been forceful against the government doing any studies on gun violence. I guess the study would have had loopholes or something so it’s dumb.
Why couldn't they pass that same bill that still requires background checks to family and friends literally taking away a very easy way to get around it. They're handing it to you on a silver platter to not do background checks with something not easy to prove. We have these murders. We have fraud. We have identity theft. Yet you want to believe people are going to act in good faith with a bill with so many holes in it. SMH
Why couldn't they pass that same bill that still requires background checks to family and friends literally taking away a very easy way to get around it. They're handing it to you on a silver platter to not do background checks with something not easy to prove. We have these murders. We have fraud. We have identity theft. Yet you want to believe people are going to act in good faith with a bill with so many holes in it. SMH

Because republicans would not vote for what you’re suggesting.

They only got three republicans on board with that one which was obvious and easy. Passing what you or I want was not possible.
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When Obama had a democratic senate and house after Sandy Hook, why wasn’t there any legislation passed?

Like I said, before, I do not believe in any knee-jerk reaction to these shootings. I think 09 shares that view but I’ll let him answer for himself.

I am quite often against reactionary legislation that is often overly reactionary and ends up doing long term harm. The Patriot Act is the ultimate example of this.
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Yeah, I think it’s fair to be skeptical on reactive legislation, but not on this issue. There hasn’t been any.

We can’t even find a study on why it’s happening and potential steps to mitigate the risk.
because kids dying is a charade for processed foods and letting terrorist attacks happen on our soil. literally deflections posted here last 24 hours. insane.
for you both, how do you define a knee jerk reaction?

417 school shootings since columbine. i think we're just a litttttttle past knee jerk no??

Knee jerk response is proposing legislation which would have zero impact on the problem. And that’s what typically happens after a shooting.

500 gun homicide victims EVERY WEEK in urban areas and the vast majority with handguns. I don’t hear your outrage on a much larger problem. What’s your solution? Crickets….
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Knee jerk response is proposing legislation which would have zero impact on the problem. And that’s what typically happens after a shooting.

500 gun homicide victims EVERY WEEK in urban areas and the vast majority with handguns. I don’t hear your outrage on a much larger problem. What’s your solution? Crickets….

Children at school being murdered at school is a relatively new phenomenon in the history of our country. We’ve become numb to the random deaths in cities so the school shootings cause a more visceral reaction for most people. As a parent of school aged kids, it’s impossible not to place yourself in the shoes of a parent going through a shooting and the thought of that is obviously horrific. That’s not to downplay urban violence at all just hits closer to home for most people with a kid (or grandchild, niece, nephew etc) since it’s easy to avoid going to dangerous parts of the country so stepping into the shoes doesn’t apply as much.

On laws that should be passed at a federal level.

Mandatory background checks on all purchases.
Massive penalties for straw purchases on the seller.
If a gun was used in a crime and a person was the last register owner of that gun, that owner will be liable unless they reported the gun as stolen.
Automatic jail time for those found to be carrying a gun without a license, or an untraceable gun.
Parents should be liable for any crime committed by their child with the parent’s guns.

Not all encompassing or perfect, but plenty that we could do which would help and not harm responsible gun owners.
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Children at school being murdered at school is a relatively new phenomenon in the history of our country. We’ve become numb to the random deaths in cities so the school shootings cause a more visceral reaction for most people. As a parent of school aged kids, it’s impossible not to place yourself in the shoes of a parent going through a shooting and the thought of that is obviously horrific. That’s not to downplay urban violence at all just hits closer to home for most people with a kid (or grandchild, niece, nephew etc) since it’s easy to avoid going to dangerous parts of the country so stepping into the shoes doesn’t apply as much.
And that’s the sad part. School shootings get the headlines because it’s in the middle class backyard, but no one wants to address where most of the gun fatalities (and more youth are actually dying).
On laws that should be passed at a federal level.

Mandatory background checks on all purchases.
I’m for background checks, but there has actually been a huge increase in checks in the past 10 years. Also need to consider with a check is that it is static at the point of purchasing your first gun. What if a person develops a mental health or substance issue 5 or 10 years later?
Massive penalties for straw purchases on the seller.
If a gun was used in a crime and a person was the last register owner of that gun, that owner will be liable unless they reported the gun as stolen.
Automatic jail time for those found to be carrying a gun without a license, or an untraceable gun.
Parents should be liable for any crime committed by their child with the parent’s guns.

Not all encompassing or perfect, but plenty that we could do which would help and not harm responsible gun owners.
What you’re missing are criminal penalties and automatic jail time for those that use a gun (legal or illegal) in the commission of a crime. No pleas.

I agree on parents being liable and charging the parents in Illinois and now the Georgia father is the best way to ensure parents are responsible and accountable. The school shootings as I said earlier, all the same pattern. Shooter is from the school, has mental health issues, a dysfunctional family, and the red flag laws are too loose. This kid was a problem. When he made the original threat, there should be a process where the parents are told that they will be held completely liable for their sons actions going forward. Know ifs, ands or buts.
Children at school being murdered at school is a relatively new phenomenon in the history of our country. We’ve become numb to the random deaths in cities so the school shootings cause a more visceral reaction for most people. As a parent of school aged kids, it’s impossible not to place yourself in the shoes of a parent going through a shooting and the thought of that is obviously horrific. That’s not to downplay urban violence at all just hits closer to home for most people with a kid (or grandchild, niece, nephew etc) since it’s easy to avoid going to dangerous parts of the country so stepping into the shoes doesn’t apply as much.

On laws that should be passed at a federal level.

Mandatory background checks on all purchases.
Massive penalties for straw purchases on the seller.
If a gun was used in a crime and a person was the last register owner of that gun, that owner will be liable unless they reported the gun as stolen.
Automatic jail time for those found to be carrying a gun without a license, or an untraceable gun.
Parents should be liable for any crime committed by their child with the parent’s guns.

Not all encompassing or perfect, but plenty that we could do which would help and not harm responsible gun owners.
you do realize the coverage school shootings get vs the coverage urban violence gets is insane. Maybe if we gave the same coverage to violence in our ghettos we’d be able to put ourselves in their shoes and not look at it as oh I can avoid that place easily so as long as it happens there no big deal to me. Every time there’s a school shooting we learn about the victims, their family and friends. Urban settings you get shooting in the Bronx, coming up next the weekend weather.
for you both, how do you define a knee jerk reaction?

417 school shootings since columbine. i think we're just a litttttttle past knee jerk no??

oops 418. dont knee jerk react to this.

And that’s the sad part. School shootings get the headlines because it’s in the middle class backyard, but no one wants to address where most of the gun fatalities (and more youth are actually dying).

I’m for background checks, but there has actually been a huge increase in checks in the past 10 years. Also need to consider with a check is that it is static at the point of purchasing your first gun. What if a person develops a mental health or substance issue 5 or 10 years later?

What you’re missing are criminal penalties and automatic jail time for those that use a gun (legal or illegal) in the commission of a crime. No pleas.

I agree on parents being liable and charging the parents in Illinois and now the Georgia father is the best way to ensure parents are responsible and accountable. The school shootings as I said earlier, all the same pattern. Shooter is from the school, has mental health issues, a dysfunctional family, and the red flag laws are too loose. This kid was a problem. When he made the original threat, there should be a process where the parents are told that they will be held completely liable for their sons actions going forward. Know ifs, ands or buts.
why does everything have to be a comparison? 100% of school shootings are done by kids to kids. but forget that. they get covered because it's SCHOOL. its supposed to be a safe place for children not a curated firing squad with children as the game. why does this even need to be twisted in this way? why does coverage of school shootings matter? why does anything other then "yes we should do anything we can to try to minimize school shootings" your answer? we fight it tooth and nail. despicable.
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why does everything have to be a comparison? 100% of school shootings are done by kids to kids. but forget that. they get covered because it's SCHOOL. its supposed to be a safe place for children not a curated firing squad with children as the game. why does this even need to be twisted in this way? why does coverage of school shootings matter? why does anything other then "yes we should do anything we can to try to minimize school shootings" your answer? we fight it tooth and nail. despicable.
Because more children in urban environments die from gun violence. Did their lives matter less to you? That’s pretty sad.

And as usual, you have no solutions for anything. Par for the course.
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