And that’s the sad part. School shootings get the headlines because it’s in the middle class backyard, but no one wants to address where most of the gun fatalities (and more youth are actually dying).
I’m for background checks, but there has actually been a huge increase in checks in the past 10 years. Also need to consider with a check is that it is static at the point of purchasing your first gun. What if a person develops a mental health or substance issue 5 or 10 years later?
What you’re missing are criminal penalties and automatic jail time for those that use a gun (legal or illegal) in the commission of a crime. No pleas.
I agree on parents being liable and charging the parents in Illinois and now the Georgia father is the best way to ensure parents are responsible and accountable. The school shootings as I said earlier, all the same pattern. Shooter is from the school, has mental health issues, a dysfunctional family, and the red flag laws are too loose. This kid was a problem. When he made the original threat, there should be a process where the parents are told that they will be held completely liable for their sons actions going forward. Know ifs, ands or buts.