Biden VP pick and bias in reporting


In February the vast majority of doctors in this country were saying it was just the flu

he’s handled this like we expected. Some like it, some don’t.

and states took control too. Coumo for example. No blame there?

Never trumpers will never give trump a fair shake or debate an issue. But will fight for mail in ballots lol

just beat trump on the merits and with a reasonable platform, which hypothetically can be done if dems stop pandering to the loudest people who are in the minority. Give me that candidate and I vote left

give me Biden 10 years ago, I’m good

You’ll have to introduce me to those majority if doctors. I work in a hospital... not a single doctor believed it was “just the flu”.

didn’t know the full extent of how bad it really is/was, but knew from what was going on elsewhere it certainly wasn’t the flu
She never said anything like that AND you CAN actually see Russia from some parts of Alaska.
What are you talking about? I originally posted this: "She said, you can see Russia from Alaska." Her exact quote is this "You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska”. Sounds like what I wrote is almost exactly what she said.
What are you talking about? I originally posted this: "She said, you can see Russia from Alaska." Her exact quote is this "You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska”. Sounds like what I wrote is almost exactly what she said.

If she said that, why would such a true statement irk you so much?
Thoes of us who value character and integrity.
Lol. Yet the so called bible thumpers who complained about Democratic lotharios have no issue with Trump. Hypocrites.
What people do in their private lives,I could care less about that and that includes Trump. Someone having multiple lovers or cheating on a spouse has nothing to do with Their ability about running a Country or doing their job. Some of the best Presidents have been known for having affairs. There is no correlation.
You’ll have to introduce me to those majority if doctors. I work in a hospital... not a single doctor believed it was “just the flu”.

didn’t know the full extent of how bad it really is/was, but knew from what was going on elsewhere it certainly wasn’t the flu
Which hospital?
You’ll have to introduce me to those majority if doctors. I work in a hospital... not a single doctor believed it was “just the flu”.

didn’t know the full extent of how bad it really is/was, but knew from what was going on elsewhere it certainly wasn’t the flu

That is false. I know a very good doctor and I asked him after the St. John's game whether this China virus was something we should be worried about, he laughed and said no. I am sure many other doctors were in the same mindset.
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Apparently Sarah Palin was a decent basketball player in her day. I'll give her credit for that. She turned out to be a poor choice for VP. Whoever did the vetting on her should have been hung from the rafters.

I thought McCain was infinitely more qualified than Obama. In the end, charm, "change", and charisma won over substance.

I'm no fan of Katie Couric but the fact that Palin couldn't handle the question about reading didn't exactly help her image.

The Russia answer would have been fine had she been able to add something substantive about her knowledge on foreign affairs. It was her "Aleppo" moment.

In general, I think the most important question for a VP candidate is whether or not they are capable of being President to finish out the term.

Other than that, I agree with John Adams:

"the most insignificant Office that ever the Invention of Man contrived or his imagination conceived"
Apparently Sarah Palin was a decent basketball player in her day. I'll give her credit for that. She turned out to be a poor choice for VP. Whoever did the vetting on her should have been hung from the rafters.

I thought McCain was infinitely more qualified than Obama. In the end, charm, "change", and charisma won over substance.

I'm no fan of Katie Couric but the fact that Palin couldn't handle the question about reading didn't exactly help her image.

The Russia answer would have been fine had she been able to add something substantive about her knowledge on foreign affairs. It was her "Aleppo" moment.

In general, I think the most important question for a VP candidate is whether or not they are capable of being President to finish out the term.

Other than that, I agree with John Adams:

"the most insignificant Office that ever the Invention of Man contrived or his imagination conceived"
My in-laws took the entire family on an Alaskan cruise in August 2008 and by accident as we were walking around Juneau, ran right into the Governor's home which was an unassuming row house. I didn't even know Palin was the Governor and low and behold, she gets nominated a month later. I remember making a comment to my wife that this would be a pretty cake job as they reaped the benefits of the energy (oil) businesses and the entire state population was about the same as the city of San Diego.

I am always amazed at how politicians let themselves get tricked on some of these questions. When Kouric asked the question about what she read, Palin just should have responded with..."Look Katie, I'm prepared to talk about the issues and not these trivial gotcha questions" and just ignored it.
Still confused why they went with Palin. I was still undecided at time, but was leaning toward Obama, Palin was definitely one of the reasons (not main one) why I chose to vote for Obama over McCain.
Still confused why they went with Palin. I was still undecided at time, but was leaning toward Obama, Palin was definitely one of the reasons (not main one) why I chose to vote for Obama over McCain.
We were in the midst of the financial crisis and I think somebody thought it would be a great Hail Mary pass to have a female vice presidential candidate. My sense is they thought McCain had no chance and they needed to do something drastic. You would think her weaknesses would come up within about 45 minutes of vetting her.
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You’ll have to introduce me to those majority if doctors. I work in a hospital... not a single doctor believed it was “just the flu”.

didn’t know the full extent of how bad it really is/was, but knew from what was going on elsewhere it certainly wasn’t the flu
You’re way off. Things didn’t change until middle or late March.
You’re way off. Things didn’t change until middle or late March.

That's just not true. I was listening to the experts. I understood the threat.
This is what I posted on February 28th.

People should be afraid because we (the global we) haven’t been able to contain it. It’s more difficult because to contain because there may be no symptoms at all for some people.

While the fatality rate is much lower than something like SARS, it has already killed more than 2x the number of people that died from SARS.

The fatality rate is around 10-20x that of the flu. There is a Harvard epidemiology professor saying it’s likely that 40%-70% of the world will ultimately be infected with the virus.

I honestly don’t understand the science of it so maybe I am misunderstanding something, but a 40% infected population of the world with a virus that kills people at even 1% (currently looks above 2%) seems fairly horrifying to me.
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That matters? lol
Maybe I’d go there given their foresight (jk). Was just curious because the docs I spoke to were Sloan, Overlook, Morristown and RWJ. Timing is critical....Most medical professionals were downplaying and so did trump. I didn’t hear dems rebuking that with other medical opinions as they would have. Rather they slammed trump for travel restrictions (until they weren’t)
Maybe I’d go there given their foresight (jk). Was just curious because the docs I spoke to were Sloan, Overlook, Morristown and RWJ. Timing is critical....Most medical professionals were downplaying and so did trump. I didn’t hear dems rebuking that with other medical opinions as they would have. Rather they slammed trump for travel restrictions (until they weren’t)

Agreed. I spoke to one doctor and he laughed when I asked if we should be worried about the China virus. Trump was predictably blasted as xenophobic when he stopped travel from china.
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Agreed. I spoke to one doctor and he laughed when I asked if we should be worried about the China virus. Trump was predictably blasted as xenophobic when he stopped travel from china.
Certainly another example of the media and politicians being ridiculous (criticizing trump for travel bans) I’m not a fan of the phrase China virus because a very small population of Americans are ignorant and actually blame random Chinese Americans and do or say horrible things as a result. People shouldn’t be subjected to that. However the Chinese government doesn’t seem to have clean hands here, no pun intended
My in-laws took the entire family on an Alaskan cruise in August 2008 and by accident as we were walking around Juneau, ran right into the Governor's home which was an unassuming row house.

We made that trip two years ago.

I recall the guides saying that you could pretty much walk up to the door and knock. I don't know that I would call it a row house albeit it is not grand at all.


Interesting thing about Juneau is that there are no roads in or out of the city. You can only get there by boat or plane. As capitals go, there is not much to it.

When we got to Skagway, our guide drove us around the town and pointed out this small house/bungalow that Palin used to live in.


I was fascinated by the history but could not imagine living there year round.
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Certainly another example of the media and politicians being ridiculous (criticizing trump for travel bans) I’m not a fan of the phrase China virus because a very small population of Americans are ignorant and actually blame random Chinese Americans and do or say horrible things as a result. People shouldn’t be subjected to that. However the Chinese government doesn’t seem to have clean hands here, no pun intended

I prefer the WuFlu.
We made that trip two years ago.

I recall the guides saying that you could pretty much walk up to the door and knock. I don't know that I would call it a row house albeit it is not grand at all.


Interesting thing about Juneau is that there are no roads in or out of the city. You can only get there by boat or plane. As capitals go, there is not much to it.

When we got to Skagway, our guide drove us around the town and pointed out this small house/bungalow that Palin used to live in.


I was fascinated by the history but could not imagine living there year round.
I’m going to guess after Palin became the vice presidential nominee that they may have moved the governor’s residence to the location you showed. This was not what we saw back in 2008.
This should be an interesting read. He knows where the bodies are buried. His ripping off contractors was widely known but not an issue that Hillary went after which I always thought was a huge mistake. He was infamous of shaking down contractors when the work was done and offering them 25% of the agreed upon contract price. His shakedown was effective because they could not fight Trump out in court and keep their business afloat and pay employees. Trump knew he had leverage over these contractors and used it to the maximum advantage. He called this "renegotiation."
Maybe I’d go there given their foresight (jk). Was just curious because the docs I spoke to were Sloan, Overlook, Morristown and RWJ. Timing is critical....Most medical professionals were downplaying and so did trump. I didn’t hear dems rebuking that with other medical opinions as they would have. Rather they slammed trump for travel restrictions (until they weren’t)

you are always welcome....though I hope you actually never need a hospital...or at least not for a very long time.

Depending on when...and what the actual question was....and what type of doctor...epidemiologists, infectious disease, and ED docs in particular were paying much more attention to this early on...and were specifically warning that this wasn't the flu; surgeons, cardiologists, dermatologists, OBs, etc., those not really connected to a related specialty, weren't watching as closely, but most felt it wasn't the flu....but they didn't really know the extent either.

Let's face it...this was a new, there was a lot of learning right from the jump; treatment is much better now (as would be expected for anything that is new) and I suspect will only get better as we continue thru this....which I hope does not spike again this Fall/Winter.
I know. Cringing at the idea the president would ignore Putin paying bounties for killing US troops. I love it. Let’s Pwn the libs... wooo.

Like the Russian Collusion, the bounties was another hoax perpetuated by the liberal media. Meanwhile Project Veritas gets banned by twitter for exposing CNN's agenda.

Biden White House admits CIA intelligence Russia put bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan is NOT conclusive - despite using claim to attack Trump during election​

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Like the Russian Collusion, the bounties was another hoax perpetuated by the liberal media. Meanwhile Project Veritas gets banned by twitter for exposing CNN's agenda.

Biden White House admits CIA intelligence Russia put bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan is NOT conclusive - despite using claim to attack Trump during election​

Harry Reid playbook.
The Russian Bounty story never passed the smell test from the start. Clearly fake news from an intelligence community who wanted Trump removed at all costs.
The Russian Bounty story never passed the smell test from the start. Clearly fake news from an intelligence community who wanted Trump removed at all costs.
Nobody surprised but good for u Afghan for spiking football

loved when people said President was harming our rep and cited this as the primary example ha

whatever...happy it’s golf season. Won’t see me at any protests to throw our President out. I wish him luck....seems to need it
Like the Russian Collusion, the bounties was another hoax perpetuated by the liberal media.

You make it seem like Trump had no option but to ignore it. All he needed to say at the time was "We will investigate, and if true they would be held accountable"

We ended up with high confidence the GRU is working with Afghan criminal networks and low to moderate confidence that they paid bounties to kill US troops... and you're acting like this was debunked? It wasn't.

Also reported yesterday was that the data Manafort gave to Kilimnik was provided to Russian intelligence. That was not a hoax.

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