From the transcript:
Mr. Mandolfo.
You should also understand that, although this interview is not under oath, that by law you are required to answer questions from Congress truthfully. Do you understand that?
Mr. Archer: I do
Witnesses who knowingly provide false testimony could be subject to criminal prosecution for perjury or making false statements. Do you understand?
Mr. Archer. I do.
Mr. Mandolfo. Furthermore, you cannot tell half-truths or exclude information that would be necessary to make the statements accurate. You are required to provide all information that would make your response truthful. A deliberate failure to disclose information can constitute a false statement.
Do you understand?
Mr. Schwartz. It is still true that you are not aware that Hunter Biden ever discussed policy with his father, discussed business with his father, influenced American policy for purposes of his business or otherwise caused the Vice President or asked the Vice President to do anything improper, right?
Mr. Archer. That's my understanding
In all seriousness though, you were worried about how truthful he would be to Congress but not Tucker?
I watched some of the Tucker interview and it didn't seem to be that bad for Joe, but if you have a specific feel free to point it out as I did not watch the whole thing.