Crisis on the Border

Excellent news coverage. Spent 24 hours with someone who works in national security on Capitol Hill this past weekend. Our country is in serious trouble, they are very certain terror cells are once again alive and well but China has also had a field day with our open border. Some things I suspected were confirmed, but what is most shocking is how unprepared we are for the types of things our national security team are concerned about. The boat hitting the bridge investigation may very well reveal more than we are being told.
Excellent news coverage. Spent 24 hours with someone who works in national security on Capitol Hill this past weekend. Our country is in serious trouble, they are very certain terror cells are once again alive and well but China has also had a field day with our open border. Some things I suspected were confirmed, but what is most shocking is how unprepared we are for the types of things our national security team are concerned about. The boat hitting the bridge investigation may very well reveal more than we are being told.
Christopher Wray said there were multiple red flags like almost a year ago?? I’m still waiting for those executive orders.
We have no idea who is coming across our border, the really bad characters never get stopped. The border garbage/waste tells an important story. We received a years worth of Chinese nationals across our border in the last month. Meantime we have a leader asleep at the wheel.
We have no idea who is coming across our border, the really bad characters never get stopped. The border garbage/waste tells an important story. We received a years worth of Chinese nationals across our border in the last month. Meantime we have a leader asleep at the wheel.
Hmm. No blame on Republican House members that would not pass sweeping legislation with regard to immigration? Always one sided.
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Hmm. No blame on Republican House members that would not pass sweeping legislation with regard to immigration? Always one sided.
Who has been in charge for over three years and allowed record numbers to cross?
Who ignored the problem until it became a liability for re-election?
Who can shut the border down tomorrow?
Hmm. No blame on Republican House members that would not pass sweeping legislation with regard to immigration? Always one sided.
House GOP wants HR2 on senate floor or nothing...the lankford sinema bill was bipartisan with concessions from both parties and a defendant in NY state court told GOP not to vote because it is a campaign issue
Hmm. No blame on Republican House members that would not pass sweeping legislation with regard to immigration? Always one sided.
I give you a lot of credit trying to defend this position. You cannot expect the other side to help you out when Biden created this mess. Obama would tell you himself never underestimate Joe’s ability for screwing things up.
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For those that feel Israel is being too aggressive, what is your solution?

My Take: Obviously I don't want to see innocent civilians killed. With that said, Hamas is a cowardly, terrorist organization. They are hiding behind and trying to blend in with the civilians. Hamas is more to blame for the civilian casualties than Israel. The civilians also take some blame in this. They voted Hamas in, and they are also not telling authorities where Hamas is hiding and who are members of Hamas.

Hamas needs to be totally destroyed. If Israel makes some kind of peace agreement, Hamas will only honor it long enough to regroup and plot another attack on Israel.

The civilians have a choice in this too. They can either allow Hamas to hide amongst them and put themselves at risk or they can give up the Hamas strongholds so that the cowards can be destroyed.

Biden need to take some action here too. Hamas still has American hostages. We need to support Israel 100% and get our Americans back home safely.
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You cannot expect the other side to help you out.

That's really all it comes down to.

Addressing the border is something both sides have failed on equally while pretending they care about the issue. Only trying to make sure they are the ones that get the political win.
Both sides have definitely failed with border policy as they both come up with plans but accompany them with other policies that are far right or far left and have nothing to do with the border.

Biden has taken the failure to an entirely new level. Illegals have been entering the country at a rate never seen before. On top of that he is allowing all these "asylum seekers" to come here in record numbers. They are taking over cities that cannot afford to properly care for them.
That's really all it comes down to.

Addressing the border is something both sides have failed on equally while pretending they care about the issue. Only trying to make sure they are the ones that get the political win.
Both sides have used this as a dog whistle issue and are leveraging for the 2024 election because it is the most important issue.

I would not say "equally" though...if Trump was able to implement his policies we wouldn't be where we are, but the "ripping children from their mothers arms" BS and making fun of "The wall" did more harm than good.

It's a total mess now and Biden can be doing things without Congressional approval which will not happen in an election year.
That's really all it comes down to.

Addressing the border is something both sides have failed on equally while pretending they care about the issue. Only trying to make sure they are the ones that get the political win.
That was true before Trump started to do something. I applaud the current administration for doing something anything now. Trump tried to get 5 Billion approved to finish the wall and it was rejected. Our current President could have made executive orders 3 years ago when every one knew he was making a mistake, remember he recently claimed he needed another Trillion to fix it. I use a trillion but really don’t know how much he asked for. End result he did not need anything but some executive orders. This guy worked with Obama who did a decent job at the border, he had no real interest in fixing the border. Election 5 months away now he’s going to claim victory. The whole thing is laughable.
Now we go into brain wash mode and try to get re-elected. This one issue could cause him to lose the election.
I do agree with you it’s about a political win and not about country.
I do agree with you it’s about a political win and not about country.

Yep. It's infuriating.

The EO's will help as a band-aid (and only executed because of politics) but much more still needs to be done on the issue and neither side is going to allow the other to get the political win. The same bill blocked by republicans this round could be pushed again if Trump gets back into office and dems would block it.
Both sides continue to add other items into the border bills that have nothing to do with the border or immigration. As Merge said, neither side wants to give the border win to the other side.

It should be common sense. Allow legal immigration through proper channels, not open borders. People who stay beyond their visas need to be deported. They need to know that if they start a family while they remain here illegally, their family can go back to their country with them. It is them breaking up a family if the family chooses to stay, not the govt. Asylum seekers need to be vetted prior to them being let into the country. We are taking in way too many people that are just looking for handouts and not actually seeking asylum.
I had to take Grandma to court in Lakewood and had to sit through some hearings. My favorite was an undocumented immigrant who was caught drinking and driving without a license or Insurance. To make matters worse he was carrying loaded fire arms. Judge slammed the gavel down hard and issued his ruling our new friend was told he could not apply for a NJ drivers license for the next 6 months and we wondered why people/police are getting shot. If that was anyone of us we would be locked up. Maybe there is No place to put these criminals? Maybe we need to build more jails? What happen to enforcing laws?
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I had to take Grandma to court in Lakewood and had to sit through some hearings. My favorite was an undocumented immigrant who was caught drinking and driving without a license or Insurance. To make matters worse he was carrying loaded fire arms. Judge slammed the gavel down hard and issued his ruling our new friend was told he could not apply for a NJ drivers license for the next 6 months and we wondered why people/police are getting shot. If that was anyone of us we would be locked up. Maybe there is No place to put these criminals? Maybe we need to build more jails? What happen to enforcing laws?
Some laws are enforced but the criminals are let go to commit more crimes with the no bail laws. Other things like shoplifting are no longer even given a slap on the wrist, now it is more like a gentle tough.
I had to take Grandma to court in Lakewood and had to sit through some hearings. My favorite was an undocumented immigrant who was caught drinking and driving without a license or Insurance. To make matters worse he was carrying loaded fire arms. Judge slammed the gavel down hard and issued his ruling our new friend was told he could not apply for a NJ drivers license for the next 6 months and we wondered why people/police are getting shot. If that was anyone of us we would be locked up. Maybe there is No place to put these criminals? Maybe we need to build more jails? What happen to enforcing laws?
I think you had to be mistaken. If you are charged with possession of a firearm, you would not be in municipal court. That person would be in the Ocean County Courthouse in Tom’s River. That charge is a mandatory jail sentence which would trigger deportation.
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I think you had to be mistaken. If you are charged with possession of a firearm, you would not be in municipal court. That person would be in the Ocean County Courthouse in Tom’s River. That charge is a mandatory jail sentence which would trigger deportation.
I was sitting in the front row, that's exactly how it went down. The judge was aware of this individual not his first time there. He was charged with DWI with no license or insurance and judge said "I understand you were also in possession of a firearm". He nodded yes. I was in the courtroom for about one hour and saw some crazy cases, several were parents leaving kids home alone all day and not bringing them to school. Placed was packed, I was lucky to get out of there in an hour.
I was sitting in the front row, that's exactly how it went down. The judge was aware of this individual not his first time there. He was charged with DWI with no license or insurance and judge said "I understand you were also in possession of a firearm". He nodded yes. I was in the courtroom for about one hour and saw some crazy cases, several were parents leaving kids home alone all day and not bringing them to school. Placed was packed, I was lucky to get out of there in an hour.

Those parents sound like sad excuse for human beings.
Biden said for 3 years plus he could not do anything on the border without legislation.Now with election coming and his bad pole pole numbers he has decided he can issue an executive order restoring some Trump border policies.If the election remains close maybe he will say he wants to build a wall.LOL.