they only fact checked his absolute outrageous statements like babies being aborted after birth. get real.

Pirate Pride response:
Some abortions result in the baby actually surviving. A rare occurence no doubt but the Democrats would not vote for a republican Bill to ensure that a baby that does survive an abortion is given life saving treatment. The governor of W Virginia that Trump mentioned wanted to be able to take steps to refuse medical treatments to save the Child. It's a complicated situation that Trump IMO did not verbalize clearly enough and the female moderator even took it another step to call him out by saying that no state has a law that allows them to kill a baby if born... that's actually what the W Virginia gov wanted...... but that's not what Trump was saying.
will never not be disheartened by the commitment to both sidesing this batshit dictator-loving anti-democratic self-proclaimed wanna be dictator never stops lying liar - like, tribalism—I get it—but can't you set that aside in this the most extreme of cases? This narcissistic convictionless criminal whose only interest is his self interest and who fawns over our enemies should be beyond the pale for anyone who identifies as a patriotic American
will never not be disheartened by the commitment to both sidesing this batshit dictator-loving anti-democratic self-proclaimed wanna be dictator never stops lying liar - like, tribalism—I get it—but can't you set that aside in this the most extreme of cases? This narcissistic convictionless criminal whose only interest is his self interest and who fawns over our enemies should be beyond the pale for anyone who identifies as a patriotic American
Equally disheartening is a candidate who was never democratically nominated but appointed by the elites of a party. Not sure if it’s the least democratic and American thing to witness but it’s up there.

But let’s add to the disheartening and include a human being was shot at and we have basically given up on finding out information on his assassination as a country. Everyone played dumb on Capitol Hill and eventually it’s been swept under the rug.
But let’s add to the disheartening and include a human being was shot at and we have basically given up on finding out information on his assassination as a country. Everyone played dumb on Capitol Hill and eventually it’s been swept under the rug.
Yes. The reporting is changed and not all cities responded so they are not included in the FBI report, though they do still report it. Just need to look it up elsewhere if your curious about city by city... That said many cities were included are have been showing decreases. There will be some increases as well but overall crime is on a downward trend since 2020. Weather than decrease ends up at 15% or 5% once the data is no longer preliminary, it is still going to show a decrease. Not rising through the roof.
You don’t know that. You can go back 3 years LA and NYC have not been reporting in the entire time this administration has been in office. You can’t objectively say it has decreased just like Trump can’t say it’s rising through the roof. The data is materially incomplete.
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To be clear, this was 10 people total. I thought maybe that "6 of 10" was a fraction of the total number of undecided voters they surveyed, but no. I don't necessarily think the Harris campaign is losing sleep or desperately seeking another debate over a sample size of 10 undecided voters (three of whom sided with Harris, and one still undecided) compared to the rest of the post-debate reaction.

She needs more debates because she wins on emotions. There's 7 weeks until the election. For 2 weeks people are going to say wow she was more presidential. She handled herself better. But that's not going to matter after 7-10 visits to the grocery store. That's not going if there's more issues if there's violent crime by non American citizens. She needs to keep it fresh in people's heads or life is easily going to put that in the rear view mirror.
The moderator excuse is the equivalent to getting on a game thread and blaming the refs.

Sure, they could’ve thrown a few more fact checks Harris’s way if they were inclined to. But that doesn’t excuse Trump’s total lack of preparation. The slightest bit of discipline and he could’ve fact checked her himself or called out her non answers to various questions. Instead his meltdown made her mediocre performance look like JFK vs. Nixon.

If he loses this election he will have no one to blame but himself. Totally fumbled this.
Read a game thread when fouls are 5-0 against us. Even worse read one where it's 5-0 against us where we're playing Duke and we think the officials are in their pockets to begin with. Nobody is saying well we should've known this was going to happen in those game threads. They're saying this is bullshit.

I actually thought Trump handled himself well the first 30 minutes of questions, then the next hour was brutal. But he went on the road and was willing to play in a hostile environment. The President of the United States has to do that. It's part of the job. I think the people deserve to see Kamala in what is considered a hostile environment towards her. Even if it's just going taking questions at a pro-life event.
You don’t know that. You can go back 3 years LA and NYC have not been reporting in the entire time this administration has been in office. You can’t objectively say it has decreased just like Trump can’t say it’s rising through the roof. The data is materially incomplete.

The data is still all out there for NYC and LA. Just not included in the FBI's report.
Crime has started to decrease across the country. That doesn't mean a decrease is noted in every single district.

To be fair to Trump, there was a large increase under Biden. This argument during the mid terms made sense.
It just makes less sense in 2024 now that there are signs of improvement.
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From my view she's saying, they were attacked, and like any country who is attacked they should and they do have a right in going after their attacker....who she wants is left unsaid and I believe left unsaid for a reason to make sure she doesn't lose the far left nutjobs from coming out to vote.

To put it in basketball terms, if Seton Hall makes a dirty play, I have no problem when a team comes after Seton Hall for making that dirty play. Over the course of a year all teams make a dirty play or two, that doesn't necessarily mean when a fight breaks out on the court I'm rooting for the other team to win the fight. If a fight broke out because of the nut punch 15 years ago I wasn't rooting for Texas Tech, but be damn sure I have no problem with teammates coming to defend their teammate getting cheap shotted.
You are twisting yourself into knots trying to twist this as she wants the Palestinians to win. Just nothing in her past or what she has said has anything to do with this view. I am pro-Israel. I am also anti-Netanyahu, who shares a lot of the blame what happened. She ai
Equally disheartening is a candidate who was never democratically nominated but appointed by the elites of a party. Not sure if it’s the least democratic and American thing to witness but it’s up there.

But let’s add to the disheartening and include a human being was shot at and we have basically given up on finding out information on his assassination as a country. Everyone played dumb on Capitol Hill and eventually it’s been swept under the rug.
This whole thing about Democratic nomination is crap. First, this about a party’s nominee. There is nothing in the Constitution that talks about a party’s process of picking a nominee. Just that whoever is running for president is elected by the vote. Second, this is not unprecedented. In 1968 Hubert Humphrey was the nominee and not chosen by the voters of the Democratic Party voters. This is an utter nonsense talking point. Of the alt-right.
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Read a game thread when fouls are 5-0 against us. Even worse read one where it's 5-0 against us where we're playing Duke and we think the officials are in their pockets to begin with. Nobody is saying well we should've known this was going to happen in those game threads. They're saying this is bullshit.

I actually thought Trump handled himself well the first 30 minutes of questions, then the next hour was brutal. But he went on the road and was willing to play in a hostile environment. The President of the United States has to do that. It's part of the job. I think the people deserve to see Kamala in what is considered a hostile environment towards her. Even if it's just going taking questions at a pro-life event.
I agree Harris should go on Fox, and her refusal to do so shows a total lack of courage on her part. That doesn’t excuse Trump’s performance though. As someone who is generally distrustful of MSM I had no problem with the moderators fact checks. Trump was telling blatant lies. If he just sticks to talking about the economy (like he did the first 30 minutes) rather than ranting about Dogs being eaten and live babies being murdered he will win in November.
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You are twisting yourself into knots trying to twist this as she wants the Palestinians to win. Just nothing in her past or what she has said has anything to do with this view. I am pro-Israel. I am also anti-Netanyahu, who shares a lot of the blame what happened. She ai
This whole thing about Democratic nomination is crap. First, this about a party’s nominee. There is nothing in the Constitution that talks about a party’s process of picking a nominee. Just that whoever is running for president is elected by the vote. Second, this is not unprecedented. In 1968 Hubert Humphrey was the nominee and not chosen by the voters of the Democratic Party voters. This is an utter nonsense talking point. Of the alt-right.
Never said she wants Palestine to win. Don’t even think she wants Palestine to win. She just won’t say I want Israel to win this war because the loud pro Palenstine group will come after her big time as soon as she admits she wants that.

It’s bull shit. If you want the party to just pick a person, don’t have a primary. If you want to be for democracy and give the people the ability to elect their nominee, do that. Don’t waste everyone’s time saying you’re pro democracy and care what the people want then run away from the people’s choice as soon big money turns their back on the people’s choice.
You are twisting yourself into knots trying to twist this as she wants the Palestinians to win. Just nothing in her past or what she has said has anything to do with this view. I am pro-Israel. I am also anti-Netanyahu, who shares a lot of the blame what happened.


This whole thing about Democratic nomination is crap. First, this about a party’s nominee. There is nothing in the Constitution that talks about a party’s process of picking a nominee. Just that whoever is running for president is elected by the vote. Second, this is not unprecedented. In 1968 Hubert Humphrey was the nominee and not chosen by the voters of the Democratic Party voters. This is an utter nonsense talking point. Of the alt-right.

Gonna disagree there.
I think the Dems knew they would be replacing Biden as the nominee by the fact they moved up the 1st debate so far ahead of where it would normally be. If that was the plan, they could have given us the opportunity to have a voice about if we wanted Harris as the nominee or not... If we're being honest, she is really not effective campaigning. She would likely have lost in a primary against more polished politicians, and democrats would likely be far ahead right now.

They party pushed Hillary over Bernie in 2016 which gave us Trump in the first place and now risk doing it again.
No matter who the moderators are Trump cannot help himself. As Ralph Kramden used to say on the Honeymooners "I have a big mouth "
Then Kamala should not be afraid of going into a hostile environment with him. Very small chance she will do a hostile environment on her own like Trump did NABJ, but if he's there to make a fool of himself she shouldn't have any problem being there.
The Democratic and Republican Parties are clubs where like minded people get together to discuss things that interest them. Their sole job is to find and elect candidates who support their policy positions. They are not beholden to the voters. Similarly, voters are not beholden to the the party. You can be a registered Democrat and not vote for Harris. You can vote for Trump. I've heard some people are planning to vote for RFK. Primaries have only become prevalent in the last 50 years or so. Before that, the party elites nominated the candidates. i read all the time in this very forum about the poor choices we are faced with. Maybe the primary system should be abolished.
Then Kamala should not be afraid of going into a hostile environment with him. Very small chance she will do a hostile environment on her own like Trump did NABJ, but if he's there to make a fool of himself she shouldn't have any problem being there.
She has a political stradegy and whatever it is she is sticking to it. She wants another debate with him and he is backing off which is another good political strategy by him although I would love one .Both teams will be spending most of their time in battle ground states I would assume . The undecided votes in the battleground states will win the election . That is my take for what it's worth (not much) Although I have worked on local and county campaigns this is a different animal.
She has a political stradegy and whatever it is she is sticking to it. She wants another debate with him and he is backing off which is another good political strategy by him although I would love one .Both teams will be spending most of their time in battle ground states I would assume . The undecided votes in the battleground states will win the election . That is my take for what it's worth (not much) Although I have worked on local and county campaigns this is a different animal.
The American people deserve 3 debates. The American people deserve both people to be put in the Lion's Den. If a debate is easier than sitting with Putin, they're showing us nothing. It's amazing we have a clear winner of the debate and very few can define her positions. Nobody knows what the hell an opportunistic economy is.
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The American people deserve 3 debates. The American people deserve both people to be put in the Lion's Den. If a debate is easier than sitting with Putin, they're showing us nothing.

Trump skipped all of the debates during the primary. The American people deserved to see him in that setting as well. Maybe they would have seen his mental decline as being unfit standing next to DeSantis and we would have a better option right now.

It's amazing we have a clear winner of the debate and very few can define her positions. Nobody knows what the hell an opportunistic economy is.

She described some of the policy positions during the debate when talking about the "opportunity economy", the rest are on her website.
I don't agree with them all, but certainly more well defined than those of her opponent.
Trump skipped all of the debates during the primary. The American people deserved to see him in that setting as well. Maybe they would have seen his mental decline as being unfit standing next to DeSantis and we would have a better option right now.
Agree 100%.

She described some of the policy positions during the debate when talking about the "opportunity economy", the rest are on her website.
I don't agree with them all, but certainly more well defined than those of her opponent.

She's giving $50,000 tax breaks startup small business owners. I have friends who all say they're going to close their businesses and open up new LLC's the day she enacts that.
I have friends who all say they're going to close their businesses and open up new LLC's the day she enacts that.

That's just dumb rhetoric to be honest.

The costs they would need to incur would be specific to starting up a business without operations. I don't really see the benefit there unless they are open to committing tax fraud... which an immediate deduction up to $50k instead of the current $5k is probably not worth the risk there.

There are certainly better / legal ways to avoid tax.
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That's just dumb rhetoric to be honest.

The costs they would need to incur would be specific to starting up a business without operations. I don't really see the benefit there unless they are open to committing tax fraud... which an immediate deduction up to $50k instead of the current $5k is probably not worth the risk there.

There are certainly better / legal ways to avoid tax.
The way the government just handed out ERC money to fraudulent companies, $200,000+ you think they're going to be looking at $50K. At the same time all a t shirt embroidery company needs to do is open up a new LLC to make T-shirts he's going to sell for NIL or any other new revenue stream purposes for some separation and liability purposes. Nothing fraudulent about that. Buy a new piece of machinery and now he's got a new machine the government paid for which he'll use for his existing business and he'll sell 10 shirts with that 2nd revenue stream.
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The way the government just handed out ERC money to fraudulent companies, $200,000+ you think they're going to be looking at $50K. At the same time all a t shirt embroidery company needs to do is open up a new LLC to make T-shirts he's going to sell for NIL or any other new revenue stream purposes. Nothing fraudulent about that. Buy a new piece of machinery and now he's got a new machine the government paid for which he'll use for his existing business and he'll sell 10 shirts with that 2nd revenue stream.


A piece of machinery is not a start up cost, and would currently be allowed a full deduction under section 179.
The government doesn't "pay for the machine" You get a deduction against your income immediately instead of over the life of the asset which would have been depreciated over time anyway.

Also, if you want a "new revenue stream" you could expand your business and costs related to doing so would already qualify as a start up cost for immediate deduction. No need to try and game the system there. It is designed to help people start a business and expand them. Changing the *deduction from $5k to $50k is what you're objecting to if you're against this.

And lets be clear, if you spent $50k this year... you still wouldn't pay tax on any of that. It would just be a $5k deduction now and the rest over the next 15 years.
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A piece of machinery is not a start up cost, and would currently be allowed a full deduction under section 179.
The government doesn't "pay for the machine" You get a deduction against your income immediately instead of over the life of the asset which would have been depreciated over time anyway.

Also, if you want a "new revenue stream" you could expand your business and costs related to doing so would already qualify as a start up cost for immediate deduction. No need to try and game the system there. It is designed to help people start a business and expand them. Changing the credit from $5k to $50k is what you're objecting to if you're against this.

And lets be clear, if you spent $50k this year... you still wouldn't pay tax on any of that. It would just be a $5k deduction now and the rest over the next 15 years.
You're missing the point. He has scumbag friends. Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are.
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A piece of machinery is not a start up cost, and would currently be allowed a full deduction under section 179.
The government doesn't "pay for the machine" You get a deduction against your income immediately instead of over the life of the asset which would have been depreciated over time anyway.

Also, if you want a "new revenue stream" you could expand your business and costs related to doing so would already qualify as a start up cost for immediate deduction. No need to try and game the system there. It is designed to help people start a business and expand them. Changing the credit from $5k to $50k is what you're objecting to if you're against this.

And lets be clear, if you spent $50k this year... you still wouldn't pay tax on any of that. It would just be a $5k deduction now and the rest over the next 15 years.
There's a 5K credit for startups now? Pretty darn sure it's a 5K deduction.

If you read these it's a credit. The other night on the debate stage she said deduction. Does anyone know?

There's a 5K credit for startups now? Pretty darn sure it's a 5K deduction.

If you read this it's a credit. The other night on the debate stage she said deduction. Does anyone know?

It's a $5k deduction now.
She is proposing an increase from $5k to $50k.

"she will expand the startup expense tax deduction for new businesses from $5,000 to $50,000"
Frankly both Trump and Kamala's proposed tax policies are silly. Just renew the Trump tax cuts, adjust for inflation and increase the child care tax credit substantially and lots of folks will be happy.
It's a $5k deduction now.
She is proposing an increase from $5k to $50k.

"she will expand the startup expense tax deduction for new businesses from $5,000 to $50,000"
Deductions are credits are much different. So as you stated originally, you said credit. These other organizations wrote about it as a credit. I wouldn't doubt she had no clue what she was talking about at first and it came out as a credit and then changed to a deduction. She's learning as she goes. She now knows it's price gouging not price gaging.
Deductions are credits are much different. So as you stated originally, you said credit. These other organizations wrote about it as a credit. I wouldn't doubt she had no clue what she was talking about at first and it came out as a credit and then changed to a deduction. She's learning as she goes. She now knows it's price gouging not price gaging.
i see the price gouging va gaging thing so much. simple mistake that seems to be fixated on. the good news is she knows its industry not indaahstry.
Deductions are credits are much different. So as you stated originally, you said credit.

Re-read the thread. I originally said deduction and was clearly talking an out a deduction, though did mistakingly write credit in a later post.

In any case, tell your friends not to commit tax fraud.
hes bailing out, like a dog
LMAO. When Trump's doing it he's bailing. When she doesn't talk to any media it's a strategy. I think we will get at least 1 more debate this is Trump negotiating to get it on his terms. She needs the debate more in my opinion because she didn't win on the economy. People will be dealing with financial problems for the next 7 weeks and they will revert back to thinking was I better off under Trump or now as opposed to who looked more Presidential.

With that said we deserve more and the next one should be on Fox.
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In any case, tell your friends not to commit tax fraud.
Taking advantage of laws is not tax fraud. It's a system filled with loopholes. Literally disgusting how business owners get away with Pass through entity taxes that regular working people can't using their state tax payments as a deduction from their federal income. It's not fraud, it's the system. A couple friends went from sole proprietors to LLC's taxed as S-Corps to take advantage. Would you call that fraud?
Taking advantage of laws is not tax fraud. It's a system filled with loopholes. Literally disgusting how business owners get away with Pass through entity taxes that regular working people can't using their state tax payments as a deduction from their federal income. It's not fraud, it's the system. A couple friends went from sole proprietors to LLC's taxed as S-Corps to take advantage. Would you call that fraud?

As long as they are following the rules and it made sense for them, then I’d call that a good idea.

Though what I was talking about your suggestion of your friends closing their business and reopening to deduct things that would not really meet the definition of start up expenses since they already had active operations. That would be fraud.