Very rich you of all people calling anyone else dense. I get what you’re saying. Trump lies about people eating dogs and thinks his followers will believe it. Just like Harris lies about Trump being an existential threat to Democracy and her followers largely believe it. Again, if you believe either, you are deranged.

Generally agree. We will be fine, but during his first term, many here expected those around him to keep him from doing anything too crazy.

He’s not going to make the same “mistake” next time. He’s not going to have people around him unless they are loyal to him and agree to everything he says. There won’t be someone like Pence, Barr, Kelly, tillerson, etc around to keep him reigned in. Maybe you’re rooting for that.

TDS has two sides. Those who believe that America will be destroyed if he wins, and those who think someone like Trump deserves to be president when there were much better options available during the primary.
Very rich you of all people calling anyone else dense. I get what you’re saying. Trump lies about people eating dogs and thinks his followers will believe it. Just like Harris lies about Trump being an existential threat to Democracy and her followers largely believe it. Again, if you believe either, you are deranged.
her followers believe trump is a maniac and theyre right.
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There’s not liking Trump for his policies or his personality, obviously a lot to criticize on both fronts. But when you insist that American Democracy will cease to exist if he wins the Presidency, that’s when you are no longer having a rational conversation and crossing into derangement.
This is where you are wrong. In Trump’s first term, he did have some quality people around him that put guardrails up against his natural sick inclinations. This time, he will only have loyalists around him to do whatever he wants.

For example, what would have happened if Mike Pence did not certify the election? What chaos would have that brought to the country? What if the se alternate electors would have arrived at the Capitol to the other election to Trump? Do you have any idea how close we were to the beginnings of a conflict that would have been wide spread. That my friend is a threat to democracy. This e if you who can’t see it are blind through orange colored glasses.
This is where you are wrong. In Trump’s first term, he did have some quality people around him that put guardrails up against his natural sick inclinations. This time, he will only have loyalists around him to do whatever he wants.

For example, what would have happened if Mike Pence did not certify the election? What chaos would have that brought to the country? What if the se alternate electors would have arrived at the Capitol to the other election to Trump? Do you have any idea how close we were to the beginnings of a conflict that would have been wide spread. That my friend is a threat to democracy. This e if you who can’t see it are blind through orange colored glasses.
Dude you defend the people who had an election, had a clear winner and then said no to the results. Now I know your rant they didn't have to have an election, nowhere in the constitution does it say you have to have one, I get it. But end of the day the party you follow DID have an election and then gave a big middle finger to those voters by convincing big donors to shut down the funding for the winner. Talk about seeing things through colored glasses.
Dude you defend the people who had an election, had a clear winner and then said no to the results. Now I know your rant they didn't have to have an election, nowhere in the constitution does it say you have to have one, I get it. But end of the day the party you follow DID have an election and then gave a big middle finger to those voters by convincing big donors to shut down the funding for the winner. Talk about seeing things through colored glasses.q
Again, you are conflating two different issues. First , Biden stepped down. So that person is longer available. Second, Who voted for RFK jr to be on the ballot? No one. To be on the ballot does not mean you need to be voted by the people. Candidacy does not mean being elected. I have given you historical examples as well as a present day example. Period stop end of story.

You on the other hand bitch about no one voted for Kamala during a primary of a party in which there is no requirement to do so. Yet you back a person who wanted to overthrow the mandated constitutionally elected President of the US. You have it all wrong and backwards.
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Again, you are conflating two different issues. First , Biden stepped down. So that person is longer available. Second, Who voted for RFK jr to be on the ballot? No one. To be on the ballot does not mean you need to be voted by the people. Candidacy does not mean being elected. I have given you historical examples as well as a present day example. Period stop end of story.

You on the other hand bitch about no one voted for Kamala during a primary of a party in which there is no requirement to do so. Yet you back a person who wanted to overthrow the mandated constitutionally elected President of the US. You have it all wrong and backwards.
Get into why Biden stepped down. He was forced out because behind the scenes the powers that control the DNC told funders to hold their money, get a new candidate and donate to the next person.

Peacefully and patriotically he said. Not to mention the mayor and Pelosi didn't do crap that day to prevent things like they should and could have. Just like the secret service didn't do their job on July 13th. But this right wing website probably has it wrong.

Get into why Biden stepped down. He was forced out because behind the scenes the powers that control the DNC told funders to hold their money, get a new candidate and donate to the next person.

Peacefully and patriotically he said. Not to mention the mayor and Pelosi didn't do crap that day to prevent things like they should and could have. Just like the secret service didn't do their job on July 13th. But this right wing website probably has it wrong.

forget about kamala and biden for a second. why are you so against admitting to what he's saying about trump? why are you so adamant about ignoring it? why are you so committed to denying it? why are you holding on so hard to refusing to see his reality?
Get into why Biden stepped down. He was forced out because behind the scenes the powers that control the DNC told funders to hold their money, get a new candidate and donate to the next person.

Peacefully and patriotically he said. Not to mention the mayor and Pelosi didn't do crap that day to prevent things like they should and could have. Just like the secret service didn't do their job on July 13th. But this right wing website probably has it wrong.

Now you’re switching the subject. Now, you must take that in full context. But let’s play your game. Let’s assume Nancy Pelosi blew it by underestimating what was coming to the Capitol. A Congressperson having the responsibility of law enforcement. Ok. Let’s assume that.

However, Trump was responsible for the riot itself. In 250 years, our country never needed that protection. But in 2020, we did. And why was that? Trump incited the insurrection. He conspired to send false electors to the Senate that ignored the vote of the people. Moreover, he did nothing while he watched the Capitol be overrun with this garbage. He watched as police were being hurt, he watched while other politicians begged him to call it off. He watched and did not send out the guard to protect the Capitol

The President is commander in Chief and at the very best you can say about him was that he failed at trying to quell the insurrection.

Moreover, he called those same insurrectionists great beautiful people and has now promised to pardon them.

Those are all facts. And that’s why he is a threat to the democracy of this country. The excuse making for this man is absolutely ridiculous.
Now you’re switching the subject. Now, you must take that in full context. But let’s play your game. Let’s assume Nancy Pelosi blew it by underestimating what was coming to the Capitol. A Congressperson having the responsibility of law enforcement. Ok. Let’s assume that.

However, Trump was responsible for the riot itself. In 250 years, our country never needed that protection. But in 2020, we did. And why was that? Trump incited the insurrection. He conspired to send false electors to the Senate that ignored the vote of the people. Moreover, he did nothing while he watched the Capitol be overrun with this garbage. He watched as police were being hurt, he watched while other politicians begged him to call it off. He watched and did not send out the guard to protect the Capitol

The President is commander in Chief and at the very best you can say about him was that he failed at trying to quell the insurrection.

Moreover, he called those same insurrectionists great beautiful people and has now promised to pardon them.

Those are all facts. And that’s why he is a threat to the democracy of this country. The excuse making for this man is absolutely ridiculous.
explain how he was responsible for the riot itself. This ought to be good. Peacefully and patriotically make your way over to the Capitol and have your voices heard. Now if he said go there, raise hell and don’t leave until the mission is accomplished that would be a different story.

But yes when you have gigantic numbers showing up in DC for anything you want a strong presence of security. Why would anyone say no to that?
explain how he was responsible for the riot itself. This ought to be good. Peacefully and patriotically make your way over to the Capitol and have your voices heard. Now if he said go there, raise hell and don’t leave until the mission is accomplished that would be a different story.

But yes when you have gigantic numbers showing up in DC for anything you want a strong presence of security. Why would anyone say no to that?
Sorry man, why don’t you just take it from fellow Republicans about who caused it like Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnel, Lyndsay Graham all said he was responsible. So just stop with this nonsense. You want to point the finger at anyone except exactly who you should be pointing it at.
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Sorry man, why don’t you just take it from fellow Republicans about who caused it like Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnel, Lyndsay Graham all said he was responsible. So just stop with this nonsense. You want to point the finger at anyone except exactly who you should be pointing it at.
Thanks for not answering the question Kamala. Just take it. If I just took things I would have gotten a vaccine that promised to stop the virus. However it didn’t.
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Thanks for not answering the question Kamala. Just take it. If I just took things I would have gotten a vaccine that promised to stop the virus. However it didn’t.
I did answer it. There is plenty of testimony about it. You just are blind to it that he caused it. And then he failed to protect the Capitol and that is something you can’t even pretend to defend. Yet, here you are like so many other Trumpers who wrap themselves in the flag but in reality you have perverted it and desecrated it for your god Donald Trump.
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I did answer it. There is plenty of testimony about it. You just are blind to it that he caused it. And then he failed to protect the Capitol and that is something you can’t even pretend to defend. Yet, here you are like so many other Trumpers who wrap themselves in the flag but in reality you have perverted it and desecrated it for your god Donald Trump.
I’m a Trumper still voting for RFK Jr as long as he’s on the ballot in NJ despite my hate for 3rd parties. And no your answer was take what others said. If people liked the Romneys and McCains this much a just over a decade ago Obama would’ve never been president.
I’m a Trumper still voting for RFK Jr as long as he’s on the ballot in NJ despite my hate for 3rd parties. And no your answer was take what others said. If people liked the Romneys and McCains this much a just over a decade ago Obama would’ve never been president.
lol you are going to vote for a man who no one ever voted for to be on the ballot?? lol. There goes your argument about the Dems.

RFKJr is the biggest fraud. If you run for President, you run for it. But not this goof ball, heroin addict. He will take himself off the battleground states ballots which means he doesn’t want to win, has no intention to win, but wants to manipulate the system so he helps Trump get elected for a job. Shameful.
lol you are going to vote for a man who no one ever voted for to be on the ballot?? lol. There goes your argument about the Dems.

RFKJr is the biggest fraud. If you run for President, you run for it. But not this goof ball, heroin addict. He will take himself off the battleground states ballots which means he doesn’t want to win, has no intention to win, but wants to manipulate the system so he helps Trump get elected for a job. Shameful.
No the Democratic Party had an election and forced the winner out. Read what I’ve said 10 times just nominate a guy no election that’s fine. Don’t have an election and say F-U to the person the people voted for.
explain how he was responsible for the riot itself. This ought to be good. Peacefully and patriotically make your way over to the Capitol and have your voices heard. Now if he said go there, raise hell and don’t leave until the mission is accomplished that would be a different story.

But yes when you have gigantic numbers showing up in DC for anything you want a strong presence of security. Why would anyone say no to that?
and this is the real trump derangement syndrome. if you know someone like this, just cut ties. lost souls.
explain how he was responsible for the riot itself.

He filled people with rage by telling them bullshit lies and gathered them there. He knew what would happen and did nothing while it was happening. As the capital was breached, he watched on TV and ignored his aids telling him to do something.

Just read the Meadows texts that weee released. All kids of people begging for him to do something, and Meadows acknowledge he was trying. Trump wanted what was happening to happen.
He filled people with rage by telling them bullshit lies and gathered them there. He knew what would happen and did nothing while it was happening. As the capital was breached, he watched on TV and ignored his aids telling him to do something.

Just read the Meadows texts that weee released. All kids of people begging for him to do something, and Meadows acknowledge he was trying. Trump wanted what was happening to happen.

Based on that you literally could then say politicians were responsible for most of the riots of 2020. Why aren’t all of them facing this hatred from cern or shusa? In case you haven’t noticed, there’s on of those politicians who had a lot to say in favor of riots in Minneapolis running as the democratic nominee. What would you say Kamala’s running mate did for 3 days while
Minneapolis was burning?
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Based on that you literally could then say politicians were responsible for most of the riots of 2020. Why aren’t all of them facing this hatred from cern or shusa?

Feel free to start a thread to discuss specific politicians, what they said and what they should have done.. But there are no politicians on the left who could have said stop, and gotten the protesters/ rioters to stop. The protestors were not there because of something a politician said. The Dems don’t have a cult like leader like Trump.

Trump is unique in that sense. He had the power to stop his supports that day but didn’t even try. Instead, after the breach at the capital, he tweets about Mike Pence not having courage. That alone should have been disqualifying for a normal person.
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Feel free to start a thread to discuss specific politicians, what they said and what they should have done.. But there are no politicians on the left who could have said stop, and gotten the protesters/ rioters to stop. The protestors were not there because of something a politician said. The Dems don’t have a cult like leader like Trump.

Trump is unique in that sense. He had the power to stop his supports that day but didn’t even try. Instead, after the breach at the capital, he tweets about Mike Pence not having courage. That alone should have been disqualifying for a normal person.
sorry that entire year was a coordinated effort by democrats to let protesters take over cities and there were different politicians backing them on the news almost every night including the current VP. Peoples businesses were overrun destroying lives and they didn’t do anything for months. How is that qualifying. They may not have had an impact but we will never know. Trump bad but the people who didn’t stand up against their party for what’s right are honorable and who I want leading the country. Give me a break. That’s horseshit.
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sorry that entire year was a coordinated effort by democrats to let protesters take over cities and there were different politicians backing them on the news almost every night including the current VP.

I don’t like Harris at all, but the idea that she had any influence in why people were rioting, and that she could have impacted them is pretty ridiculous. VP’s are always insignificant.

People were begging Trump to do something on Jan 6 because they knew it would have an impact. He didn't try.
No answers. Just pure TDS.
there you go. you're admitting you're deranged for trump who is deranged himself. this isnt some discovery though, it's been going on for 8 years.

its no coincidence it's the most obnoxious people you know too. trump dolls on forklifts, every F150 with flags out the back, every banner or shirt thats some sort of lewd phrase that children shouldn't see like F joe biden. everywhere. you might see a few Harris signs on a lawn here or there (not many) but the deranged trump army is in every neighborhood with his name on their home, not theirs. and its not just him in this board...and some even pretend to vote for RFK! you gotta be stupid to think we're that stupid
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Based on that you literally could then say politicians were responsible for most of the riots of 2020. Why aren’t all of them facing this hatred from cern or shusa? In case you haven’t noticed, there’s on of those politicians who had a lot to say in favor of riots in Minneapolis running as the democratic nominee. What would you say Kamala’s running mate did for 3 days while
Minneapolis was burning?
haha of course Hall85 likes a monster whataboutism post
I don’t like Harris at all, but the idea that she had any influence in why people were rioting, and that she could have impacted them is pretty ridiculous. VP’s are always insignificant.

People were begging Trump to do something on Jan 6 because they knew it would have an impact. He didn't try.
So comical you cut off quoting my post where I say those people didn’t try then respond Trump didn’t try.

Walz took about 36 hours to ok the national guard requests going in Minneapolis. Trump didn’t do anything in 5 hours.
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So comical you cut off quoting my post where I say those people didn’t try then respond Trump didn’t try.

Walz took about 36 hours to ok the national guard requests going in Minneapolis. Trump didn’t do anything in 5 hours.
lmao now youre on about the VPs VP.... TDS
So comical you cut off quoting my post where I say those people didn’t try then respond Trump didn’t try.

Walz took about 36 hours to ok the national guard requests going in Minneapolis. Trump didn’t do anything in 5 hours.

The people were not there at the direction of Walz. They weren’t there because of lies Walz told them. I get why you want to compare everything to try and find a way out of having to blame Trump for something… but not everything is comparable.

That said, Walz took too long to respond. It wasn’t 36 hours, but they day after they were requested. Still too slow.

See how easy that is? No need for “whatabouts” etc. Walz deserves criticism for his slow response (even though Trump praised him for his response a couple days later)
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The people were not there at the direction of Walz. They weren’t there because of lies Walz told them. I get why you want to compare everything to try and find a way out of having to blame Trump for something… but not everything is comparable.

That said, Walz took too long to respond. It wasn’t 36 hours, but they day after they were requested. Still too slow.

See how easy that is? No need for “whatabouts” etc. Walz deserves criticism for his slow response (even though Trump praised him for his response a couple days later)
they were there at the direction of Trump? Trump organized the January 6th rally? Where has this ever been proven?
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they were there at the direction of Trump? Trump organized the January 6th rally? Where has this ever been proven?

lol… are you serious?

Dec. 19: “ Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”

Dec. 26: The ‘Justice’ Department and the FBI have done nothing about the 2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud, the biggest SCAM in our nation’s history, despite overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed. History will remember. Never give up. See everyone in D.C. on January 6th.”

Dec. 27: “See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!”

Jan. 1: “The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!”

Jan. 1: “January 6th. See you in D.C.”
lol… are you serious?

Dec. 19: “ Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”

Dec. 26: The ‘Justice’ Department and the FBI have done nothing about the 2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud, the biggest SCAM in our nation’s history, despite overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed. History will remember. Never give up. See everyone in D.C. on January 6th.”

Dec. 27: “See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!”

Jan. 1: “The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!”

Jan. 1: “January 6th. See you in D.C.”
The whole attack was planned by multiple far right groups. And then we have footage that shows people like Ray Epps pointing people in the direction of the Capitol leaving 3 in 10 Americans believing the FBI had some involvement here. I see nothing in there that says attack the Capitol. Attack the politicians. I’ve heard much worse rhetoric from politicians on the left. The seton hall vs St. John’s game can be advertised as this game will be wild. That doesn’t mean do anything bad.
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The whole attack was planned by multiple far right groups. And then we have footage that shows people like Ray Epps pointing people in the direction of the Capitol leaving 3 in 10 Americans believing the FBI had some involvement here. I see nothing in there that says attack the Capitol. Attack the politicians. I’ve heard much worse rhetoric from politicians on the left. The seton hall vs St. John’s game can be advertised as this game will be wild. That doesn’t mean do anything bad.

You. “When was it proven he asked people to come?”

Me. “Here’s the proof”

You.. “but whatabout!! “

You’re just incapable of seeing a flaw. You have to pivot.
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You. “When was it proven he asked people to come?”
That’s a complete twist of my question. I asked when he directed them. Inviting people and directing them, which implies an order are completely different and a spin of the highest level. Well done, but wrong.

In other news the hateful rhetoric leaves Trump’s life at risk, but I don't see you blaming the MSM, politicians, etc who spew garbage and bring the hate here.
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That’s a complete twist of my question. I asked when he directed them. Inviting people and directing them, which implies an order are completely different and a spin of the highest level. Well done, but wrong.

lol… the president can’t direct people’s movement. I didn’t suggest he forced anyone with a direct order, but he told them to go! He wanted them there… and when they started rioting, what did he do? He watched and ignored the people telling him to do something.

I don't see you blaming the MSM, politicians, etc

I have many times here, the MSM sucks and said have said many times that politicians on both sides need to tone down their rhetoric. I don’t need to repeat it in every thread.
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lol… the president can’t direct people’s movement. I didn’t suggest he forced anyone with a direct order, but he told them to go! He wanted them there… and when they started rioting, what did he do? He watched and ignored the people telling him to do something.
you said those people weren’t in Minneapolis at the direction of Walz implying Trump directed J6. He said I know you will soon be marching over peacefully and patriotically. Everyone knew they would be marching it wasn’t some Trump organized function. Then you have Ray Epps whisper something in a protesters ear and seconds later that protester starts going through the barriers only a few minutes later Epps is texting people that he orchestrated this. We got a softball 60 minutes interview on Epps and pretty much swept under the rug just like Crooks and probably just like the shooter today. Most identified people facing charges for things that happened on J6 nothing on a well documented guy calling for people to go into the Capitol the night before. Very odd.
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