
I'm surprised his name has never been mention . Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina .Maybe because he is not interested . A moderate D in a red state . Solid background. I would like to read some comments on him .
Cooper is a more boring version Beshear. Steady and good governor. Just boring. And boring in this country loses.
Axelrod has been in the not-Biden column for months.

Can't believe he'd step aside but if he does, sadly, Harris get right of first refusal.

Only person who can make him step aside is Jill.
I don’t think that’s the case. She have been a bad VP. No one will be mad that she is not nominated for President. That is a sure way to lose.

You're incorrectly trying to use performance or competence for the role as reasons anyone would be upset that she gets "passed over" in this hypothetical. It's all about her skin color and XX chromosomes.
I don’t think that’s the case. She have been a bad VP. No one will be mad that she is not nominated for President. That is a sure way to lose.
Harris did horribly drawing black voters during the primary in 2020. And it’s been downhill since.

There needs to be a minority on the ticket, but it won’t be her.
Dems should roll with Wes Moore- Maryland governor. Young, enthusiastic, smart, business man, veteran.

Anyone who thinks Biden wasn’t in this state for the last 4 years is delusional. He’s been pumped with drugs for every appearance since he’s been elected. This was all a democrat ploy to replace him before November. Trump should have never agreed to debating this early and playing into their cards
Dems should roll with Wes Moore- Maryland governor. Young, enthusiastic, smart, business man, veteran.

Anyone who thinks Biden wasn’t in this state for the last 4 years is delusional. He’s been pumped with drugs for every appearance since he’s been elected. This was all a democrat ploy to replace him before November. Trump should have never agreed to debating this early and playing into their cards

I'd rather go with Shapiro of all the Democrat governors. But they will pick a partisan hack like Whitmer, Newsom, or Pritzker. Maybe even our own Phil Murphy LOL.

I agree this debate was a ploy to replace Biden, but Trump wasn't really hurt by it. The muted mics actually helped him and didn't make him appear unhinged. He knew he wouldn't be heard if he interrupted so he didn't even try. He started very strong but couldn't hold that discipline for 90 minutes. That said, I thought it was a decent night for him. The contrast was crystal clear.
If you believe Biden will now step down, what’s the over/under on his decision/announcement? My guess is before next Friday.

I’m not buying the statements from him about staying in or from Obama, etc. The dreaded vote of confidence.

Dropping out in the first 48 hours would be knee-jerk. It needs to look measured and that he made a thoughtful decision. Dems also have to have public messaging on the replacement plan.
Beshear would never run now. He’s popular in Kentucky, which is red, but wouldn’t beat Trump in Kentucky. I think he has his goal set on 2028.
Beshear would never run now. He’s popular in Kentucky, which is red, but wouldn’t beat Trump in Kentucky. I think he has his goal set on 2028.
The problem with Beshear and most of the cast of characters is that they have zero or little name recognition nationally and never having been under a national spotlight, run the risk of having a flame out moment (see Sarah Palin). Also I’m sure there are piles of op research being collected that will be used immediately.

Newsome is most logical but what do you do with Harris? Keep her as VP (two Californians?), or jettison for another minority?

You know Bernie will be positioning for something.
If you believe Biden will now step down, what’s the over/under on his decision/announcement? My guess is before next Friday.

I’m not buying the statements from him about staying in or from Obama, etc. The dreaded vote of confidence.

Dropping out in the first 48 hours would be knee-jerk. It needs to look measured and that he made a thoughtful decision. Dems also have to have public messaging on the replacement plan.

I don't see Biden resigning the presidency, but I do see him exiting the race. I'd expect that decision within two weeks. They will likely make the move right before the GOP convention.
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I don't see Biden resigning the presidency, but I do see him exiting the race. I'd expect that decision within two weeks. They will likely make the move right before the GOP convention.
Yes, I meant exit not step down.
I don't see Biden resigning the presidency, but I do see him exiting the race. I'd expect that decision within two weeks. They will likely make the move right before the GOP convention.
Friday july 5th news dump
Kinda funny Biden collapses big Dem lie exposed and comeback is both were bad in debate.Trump crushes him and Obama chalks it up to nothing but bad debate.Condescending Dems continue to think the great unwashed will believe them.
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