Kamala's actual record

he fails to acknowledge this
You and knies fail to acknowledge he was forced out. Easy to raise money in a couple days when you have people saying we won’t donate until Joe drops out. Celebrities, news anchors, 36 democrats saying he needs to go, Biden reportedly seething at Pelosi behind the scenes for publicly saying to drop out. But yeah he took himself out of the race.

You guys keep believing he took himself out. He was thrown out and instead of saying I was thrown out to not look like a schmuck we have this fake news hero who did it for the good of the country.
You and knies fail to acknowledge he was forced out. Easy to raise money in a couple days when you have people saying we won’t donate until Joe drops out. Celebrities, news anchors, 36 democrats saying he needs to go, Biden reportedly seething at Pelosi behind the scenes for publicly saying to drop out. But yeah he took himself out of the race.

You guys keep believing he took himself out. He was thrown out and instead of saying I was thrown out to not look like a schmuck we have this fake news hero who did it for the good of the country.
no i believe everyone pressured him immensely. but they cant actually force him out. he still has to step down himself.
90 minute debate is now extraordinary circumstances, duh. Sad
It isn't "slut shaming" to talk about Willie Brown. It was discussed last go round, among many other issues with her record, but everyone wants to avoid that now because they want Trump to lose. Which I get. But doesn't mean there isn't merit to talking about it. She wasn't subject to a primary this go-round, where all of the stuff that was addressed publicly last time would have come to the forefront.

It isn't "slut shaming" to talk about Willie Brown. It was discussed last go round, among many other issues with her record, but everyone wants to avoid that now because they want Trump to lose. Which I get. But doesn't mean there isn't merit to talking about it. She wasn't subject to a primary this go-round, where all of the stuff that was addressed publicly last time would have come to the forefront.
So i want to understand something slut shaming is only warranted in the left dem or libs nothing of that nature happens on the right, gop or conservatives? How does one define meg kelly twirling for ailes in his office?
So i want to understand something slut shaming is only warranted in the left dem or libs nothing of that nature happens on the right, gop or conservatives? How does one define meg kelly twirling for ailes in his office?
Are you really comparing twirling around for someone to blowing someone?

I don’t see a problem with either. When it comes to someone else’s sister I’m liberal. When it comes to my sister I’m conservative.
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Are you really comparing twirling around for someone to blowing someone?

I don’t see a problem with either. When it comes to someone else’s sister I’m liberal. When it comes to my sister I’m conservative.
Was he or she in an exclusive relationship when this reportedly took place?
Is she the first female to ever be involved in an oral sex episode?
So i want to understand something slut shaming is only warranted in the left dem or libs nothing of that nature happens on the right, gop or conservatives? How does one define meg kelly twirling for ailes in his office?
You don’t want understand anything. I will make it easier. Dems good. R’s bad. Trump worse. There you go and enjoy.
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Was he or she in an exclusive relationship when this reportedly took place?
Is she the first female to ever be involved in an oral sex episode?
he or she? Is kamala pronoun confused?

No but you’re the one who said this stuff never happens on the right? Your 100 threads of stupidity don’t happen on the left? You’re Mr. Non partisan. I’ll bet if 12 kids were killed by Israel on a soccer field you’d have 5 threads about it, but Israeli kids were killed so you don’t bring it up.

FYI in order to win the election Kamala is going to have to flip on way more than JD Vance on Trump. Hope you have a great music video ready to go when she flips on decriminalizing border crossings, Medicare for all, equity for all.
he or she? Is kamala pronoun confused?

No but you’re the one who said this stuff never happens on the right? Your 100 threads of stupidity don’t happen on the left? You’re Mr. Non partisan. I’ll bet if 12 kids were killed by Israel on a soccer field you’d have 5 threads about it, but Israeli kids were killed so you don’t bring it up.

FYI in order to win the election Kamala is going to have to flip on way more than JD Vance on Trump. Hope you have a great music video ready to go when she flips on decriminalizing border crossings, Medicare for all, equity for all.
Willie he kamala she

Why should israel/gaza middle east or ukraine/russia be a partisan situation?

GOP wants escalated conflict so they can pass a narrative that biden is weak with military and foreign affairs

Dems want Israel to harness the situation and negotiate.

Enough tragedy has taken place Oct 7 and on for both sides.

Did the US led combat missions during the 91 persian gulf war lead to aggressive war crimes against inferior iraqi armed forces along the highway of death?
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Willie he kamala she

Why should israel/gaza middle east or ukraine/russia be a partisan situation?

GOP wants escalated conflict so they can pass a narrative that biden is weak with military and foreign affairs

Dems want Israel to harness the situation and negotiate.

Enough tragedy has taken place Oct 7 and on for both sides.

Did the US led combat missions during the 91 persian gulf war lead to aggressive war crimes against inferior iraqi armed forces along the highway of death?
Narrative? The narrative has written itself. Kamala warns Russia of unprecedented penalties if they invade Ukraine then 5 days later they invade and you talk about the GOP for looking weak around the globe? Where are these unprecedented penalties? Who was in charge of the house, senate and executive branch in February 2022.
Kamala is a joke She negotiating with Putin to end war would be a comedy routine with Kamala explaining again that Russia is a country next to Ukraine which is a country etc.What a scholar.needed a second try to pass bar exam like Hilary
This is the lady who could be negotiating with Russia, China, and Iran.

res ipsa loquitor. Harris is a terrible candidate. Trump is a terrible person. As a non-affiliated, I have voted for a third-party candidate in the last 2 presidential elections, but I live in NJ, so it doesn't matter anyway. If I lived in Pennsylvania, this time around, I might have to hold my nose and vote for Trump. That's how bad a candidate the Dem's dredged up this time.
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res ipsa loquitor. Harris is a terrible candidate. Trump is a terrible person. As a non-affiliated, I have voted for a third-party candidate in the last 2 presidential elections, but I live in NJ, so it doesn't matter anyway. If I lived in Pennsylvania, this time around, I might have to hold my nose and vote for Trump. That's how bad a candidate the Dem's dredged up this time.
It also tells you how bad a candidate that Biden was and how desperate he was to hold on to power. They will try to canonize him at the Democratic convention but we all saw how he can’t even function and had to be dragged out with an embarrassing exit. No mas Joe.

We need better, but the system is set up to give us mediocre to terrible candidates.
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res ipsa loquitor. Harris is a terrible candidate. Trump is a terrible person. As a non-affiliated, I have voted for a third-party candidate in the last 2 presidential elections, but I live in NJ, so it doesn't matter anyway. If I lived in Pennsylvania, this time around, I might have to hold my nose and vote for Trump. That's how bad a candidate the Dem's dredged up this time.
Trump is a terrible person and a terrible candidate. It was clear from the splits between Biden and the Democratic senators on the ballot in battleground states (Casey in PA, Gallego in AZ, Baldwin in WI) that Joe Biden's reelection campaign was DOA because his decline was obvious and the man couldn't string a sentence together without flubbing. You swap Biden out with any generic democrat, even a "bad" one like Harris, and of course they're going to do better.

I don't believe the results of that Michigan poll, but the momentum swing is obvious.

Apart from Biden, who was an electoral albatross, Democrats have a decent chance of holding on to the Senate and taking back the House. And a big part of that is Donald Trump, a guy whose one big election win was against one of the most unpopular politicians in American history. 2018, 2020, and 2022 - he's been the party's official or de facto leader throughout and it's been nothing but disappointment and underperformance by Republicans.
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Trump is a terrible person and a terrible candidate. It was clear from the splits between Biden and the Democratic senators on the ballot in battleground states (Casey in PA, Gallego in AZ, Baldwin in WI) that Joe Biden's reelection campaign was DOA because his decline was obvious and the man couldn't string a sentence together without flubbing. You swap Biden out with any generic democrat, even a "bad" one like Harris, and of course they're going to do better.

I don't believe the results of that Michigan poll, but the momentum swing is obvious.

Apart from Biden, who was an electoral albatross, Democrats have a decent chance of holding on to the Senate and taking back the House. And a big part of that is Donald Trump, a guy whose one big election win was against one of the most unpopular politicians in American history. 2018, 2020, and 2022 - he's been the party's official or de facto leader throughout and it's been nothing but disappointment and underperformance by Republicans.
Agree 100% about most everything you said.

My problem is the disingenuous media coverage about the whole situation. Surrogates and Dem party consultants posing as journalists or objective thought leads stared into cameras for months and told you Biden was fit for office and relection. Literally up until the morning shows right before he stepped down because of pressure from donors and the party elite. Where is the non-stop questioning of Harris on this? Anyone with a YouTube account can find recent videos of her praising Biden’s acumen, along with Mayor Pete and other surrogates. The cover up is the story and how he is somehow fine to continue acting as President but couldn’t be the nominee going forward. The whole thing is sickening.
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Kamala is a joke She negotiating with Putin to end war would be a comedy routine with Kamala explaining again that Russia is a country next to Ukraine which is a country etc.What a scholar.needed a second try to pass bar exam like Hilary
listen, im no kamala supporter, but you keep repeating the one line she has, and it's also blown way out of proportion. literally one line

yet you have your nose up the guys butt who literally has years of moronic, incoherent rambling where he barely forms a gramatically correct sentence and can't use words above a 5th grade reading level.

do you understand the irony? probably not, no trumper does.
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Kamala is a terrible candidate. Mentioned as the most liberal Senator in the Senate in 2019 - somehow that mention has been taken down on the political site it was posted. The whitewashing of her actual career began in earnest very quickly. She ran for President in the Dem primary and didn't win one delegate - not one. She can't finish a sentence and is great at word salad. Imagine her dealing with world leaders? There are so many better women candidates from the Dem party it's not even close. She was a bad VP pick and the Dems hid her after a year in office because she was so bad. Did a great job being the Border Czar too - lol. They kept the border open because that is what they wanted and now that we are close to the election they are just now enforcing some of the rules there.

Trump is a major jerk and more but his policies helped the country more than hurt the country. I will have to hold my nose and vote for him this go round unfortunately but my vote probably won't make a difference. If Kamala gets elected all our taxes will go up for sure. Don't believe the garbage that middle class taxes won't go up - it never happens that way. She will keep the border open and continue moving the country to the left. I'll take my chances with the bigmouth, womanizer that is Trump (those adjectives could have also described a number of past presidents as well).

Sucks that these are our choices again...
Kamala is a terrible candidate. Mentioned as the most liberal Senator in the Senate in 2019 - somehow that mention has been taken down on the political site it was posted. The whitewashing of her actual career began in earnest very quickly. She ran for President in the Dem primary and didn't win one delegate - not one. She can't finish a sentence and is great at word salad. Imagine her dealing with world leaders? There are so many better women candidates from the Dem party it's not even close. She was a bad VP pick and the Dems hid her after a year in office because she was so bad. Did a great job being the Border Czar too - lol. They kept the border open because that is what they wanted and now that we are close to the election they are just now enforcing some of the rules there.

Trump is a major jerk and more but his policies helped the country more than hurt the country. I will have to hold my nose and vote for him this go round unfortunately but my vote probably won't make a difference. If Kamala gets elected all our taxes will go up for sure. Don't believe the garbage that middle class taxes won't go up - it never happens that way. She will keep the border open and continue moving the country to the left. I'll take my chances with the bigmouth, womanizer that is Trump (those adjectives could have also described a number of past presidents as well).

Sucks that these are our choices again...

I don't think she's a terrible candidate given where she comes from. This is exactly the type of person who embodies the modern day Democratic Party.

She would be a terrible president for the country, but Democrats love her. The Democrats are largely an extremist left-wing party in 2024. As recently as 10-15 years ago, it was a center-left party.
listen, im no kamala supporter, but you keep repeating the one line she has, and it's also blown way out of proportion. literally one line

yet you have your nose up the guys butt who literally has years of moronic, incoherent rambling where he barely forms a gramatically correct sentence and can't use words above a 5th grade reading level.

do you understand the irony? probably not, no trumper does.
Consider for a moment that Trump hardly uses a teleprompter, consider for a moment he’s a billionaire, love or hate him he draws huge crowds, consider he also delivers on a lot of things he says. Plain and simple he gets s—t done. Plus he’s not afraid to go into unfriendly environments to talk with people. That being said he repeats himself and drives me crazy mostly because he’s unfiltered. I totally get how you could hate him, he’s been ruthless to a lot of business people on his way to making a fortune. I’ve run my own business for over 40 years and learned a big lesson along the way. I don’t need to like someone who gets the job done. Do I like the choices no but feel safer with Trump keeping us out of wars. I feel like we are voting for the people of Ukraine and Israel as well as for ourselves. Harris will be more of the same, Trump may bring peace.
Saw the Bob Marley movie the other night, we could use a BM right now, he brought that country together.
lol trump just can't help himself. unprompted absurd comments about kamala being black. just stop talking.

started to have an inkling that moderates are getting sick of him and ready for something new. his been in the spotlight for 8 years, but feels like 800.

if only we had a real democrat primary.
lol trump just can't help himself. unprompted absurd comments about kamala being black. just stop talking.

started to have an inkling that moderates are getting sick of him and ready for something new. his been in the spotlight for 8 years, but feels like 800.

if only we had a real democrat primary.
He is going to lose IMO. As much as folks may want to change on policy, and as much as their day to day costs etc may have been better during the first 3 years of his presidency, I think so many just want to move on for him and will vote for any alternative with a pulse. The shortened window helps Harris enormously because she avoided the beating and vetting one would normally get, and the mainstream media sans Fox is going out of its way to paint her in the most positive light possible, controlling the message and ignoring all the stuff from her resume one can critique. I’m shocked the assassination is even getting as little coverage as it is presently - with another Presidential candidate that would still be subject to so much more coverage. But the failed attempt coupled with his reaction and that historic picture helps Trump politically, so they are going to minimize that now as much as they can. The issue of Harris lying to the public in the weeks and days immediately before Biden’s debate disaster and thereafter is getting no coverage. Everything is being whitewashed because they want Trump out and think a majority of the public is going to follow suit. Hope she is up for the task because I think she is going to be a disaster.
lol trump just can't help himself. unprompted absurd comments about kamala being black. just stop talking.

started to have an inkling that moderates are getting sick of him and ready for something new. his been in the spotlight for 8 years, but feels like 800.

if only we had a real democrat primary.
He is definitely his own worse enemy and talks to much. It would have been great to have 2 highly intelligent men or women debating issues showing respect to each other. Presidential candidates use to shake hands and be friendly toward each other.
Trump did show up in enemy hostile territory and could have turn the event into a positive experience. I give him credit for walking onto the stage, do you think Kamala would go on Fox News? Personally think both should have to face the opposing media and answer questions.
He is definitely his own worse enemy and talks to much. It would have been great to have 2 highly intelligent men or women debating issues showing respect to each other. Presidential candidates use to shake hands and be friendly toward each other.
Trump did show up in enemy hostile territory and could have turn the event into a positive experience. I give him credit for walking onto the stage, do you think Kamala would go on Fox News? Personally think both should have to face the opposing media and answer questions.
Trump was right the first question was asked in a nasty way but he went about answering it wrong and made it worse. How do you start and event as a journalist basically saying most people don’t want you here? Imagine Kamala showing up to speak at a pro life event and that being the first comment? That’s not journalism that’s an attack. That’s no defense for Trump because there is none but horrible professionalism on her part.

But you’re right I’d like to see Kamala at events where she knows she’s not going to be popular. Talk at a pro life event. Talk to parents who have healthy children who had difficult pregnancy and didn’t go through with recommended abortions.
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Personally think both should have to face the opposing media and answer questions.
Opposing media is a giant part of the problem in this country. We should get rid of opposing media and just have journalists who ask the tough questions respectfully. Ask the tough questions to Trump. Ask the tough questions to Kamala. But don't go into anything with an agenda to raise one up or degrade the other. That's activism not journalism.

I watch Abby Philip at night and it's a decent show because they have a couple republicans on the panel. They spent 50 minutes talking about Trumps comments which will have little to no impact on the election because most Americans will forget by next week let alone 3 months from now. And the other 10 minutes on the Middle East which will be front and center on election day if we don't do anything about it.
Trump has been just horrible since the foisting of Harris by the dems.

He should be seeking debates with her. He should ask for 2 debates: one on Sep 10 on ABC and another on Oct 10 on Fox. Put her on the defensive.

Calling her a bum and not black is not going to help.
Opposing media is a giant part of the problem in this country. We should get rid of opposing media and just have journalists who ask the tough questions respectfully. Ask the tough questions to Trump. Ask the tough questions to Kamala. But don't go into anything with an agenda to raise one up or degrade the other. That's activism not journalism.

I watch Abby Philip at night and it's a decent show because they have a couple republicans on the panel. They spent 50 minutes talking about Trumps comments which will have little to no impact on the election because most Americans will forget by next week let alone 3 months from now. And the other 10 minutes on the Middle East which will be front and center on election day if we don't do anything about it.
Another disturbing thing I noticed is how do intelligent black journalists who are fighting racism start a group solely for Black journalists. How is racism going to fade into the sunset when groups insist on segregating. I never can understand this type of thinking. It's like teaching racism and showing movies to second graders about slavery and racism. Before teaching everyone was equal and friends afterwards there are questions. Same kids who were comfortable in their own skin before are suddenly forced to feel different. Born and raised in Montclair which is a melting pot, raised my own kid there as well. Maybe I just see things differently because everyone always got along fine.
Another disturbing thing I noticed is how do intelligent black journalists who are fighting racism start a group solely for Black journalists. How is racism going to fade into the sunset when groups insist on segregating. I never can understand this type of thinking. It's like teaching racism and showing movies to second graders about slavery and racism. Before teaching everyone was equal and friends afterwards there are questions. Same kids who were comfortable in their own skin before are suddenly forced to feel different. Born and raised in Montclair which is a melting pot, raised my own kid there as well. Maybe I just see things differently because everyone always got along fine.
You mean like the Congressional Black Caucus that only lets in certain blacks?
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Opposing media is a giant part of the problem in this country. We should get rid of opposing media and just have journalists who ask the tough questions respectfully. Ask the tough questions to Trump. Ask the tough questions to Kamala. But don't go into anything with an agenda to raise one up or degrade the other. That's activism not journalism.

I watch Abby Philip at night and it's a decent show because they have a couple republicans on the panel. They spent 50 minutes talking about Trumps comments which will have little to no impact on the election because most Americans will forget by next week let alone 3 months from now. And the other 10 minutes on the Middle East which will be front and center on election day if we don't do anything abou

Another disturbing thing I noticed is how do intelligent black journalists who are fighting racism start a group solely for Black journalists. How is racism going to fade into the sunset when groups insist on segregating. I never can understand this type of thinking. It's like teaching racism and showing movies to second graders about slavery and racism. Before teaching everyone was equal and friends afterwards there are questions. Same kids who were comfortable in their own skin before are suddenly forced to feel different. Born and raised in Montclair which is a melting pot, raised my own kid there as well. Maybe I just see things differently because everyone always got along fine.
I'm a big fan of Montcliar. Go there quite a bit to the restaurants, movies and concerts. Great town with a diverse population . As a outsider it seems to be a great town to raise a family .
Another disturbing thing I noticed is how do intelligent black journalists who are fighting racism start a group solely for Black journalists. How is racism going to fade into the sunset when groups insist on segregating. I never can understand this type of thinking. It's like teaching racism and showing movies to second graders about slavery and racism. Before teaching everyone was equal and friends afterwards there are questions. Same kids who were comfortable in their own skin before are suddenly forced to feel different. Born and raised in Montclair which is a melting pot, raised my own kid there as well. Maybe I just see things differently because everyone always got along fine.

Should all discontinue?
He is definitely his own worse enemy and talks to much. It would have been great to have 2 highly intelligent men or women debating issues showing respect to each other. Presidential candidates use to shake hands and be friendly toward each other.
Trump did show up in enemy hostile territory and could have turn the event into a positive experience. I give him credit for walking onto the stage, do you think Kamala would go on Fox News? Personally think both should have to face the opposing media and answer questions.
i wouldnt give trump credit for anything. its only self serving in his mind.
Trump has been just horrible since the foisting of Harris by the dems.

He should be seeking debates with her. He should ask for 2 debates: one on Sep 10 on ABC and another on Oct 10 on Fox. Put her on the defensive.

Calling her a bum and not black is not going to help.

Agreed, he's been undisciplined and off message since the GOP convention. I think the mistake of selecting Vance instead of Burgum is settling in too. Vance gives the Democrats another culture warrior to attack, which is a winning tactic for them. Burgum would not have given them that opportunity.
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I'm a big fan of Montcliar. Go there quite a bit to the restaurants, movies and concerts. Great town with a diverse population . As a outsider it seems to be a great town to raise a family .
Never regret living there as a kid and raising a family. When people of the community came to my house to celebrate it was as diverse a crowd as you could get. Everyone was different and everyone got along, including people with money and people with no money. To me it was a microcosm of what the world should be like.
make no mistake; the media isn't painting any picture of trump. he does it all to himself. he doesn't need any help. someone should have turned his truth social/twitter off a while ago. he only gives the media softballs time after time.

his message should be that he has presidential experience and is focused on fixing the economy. but that's too normal for him. he HAS to be a jackass.
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