Kamala's actual record

make no mistake; the media isn't painting any picture of trump. he does it all to himself. he doesn't need any help. someone should have turned his truth social/twitter off a while ago. he only gives the media softballs time after time.

his message should be that he has presidential experience and is focused on fixing the economy. but that's too normal for him. he HAS to be a jackass.
I agree that Trump does himself no favors and gives tons of ammo to use against him. Where I strongly disagree is about media bias. The press is strongly left leaning and has been for years. Trump's big mouth only makes it too easy for them and they take advantage each and every time. Joe B has been a walking corpse the last few years and the media covered it up. If Trump cured cancer the headline would read - Trump puts thousands of doctors out of work.
I agree that Trump does himself no favors and gives tons of ammo to use against him. Where I strongly disagree is about media bias. The press is strongly left leaning and has been for years. Trump's big mouth only makes it too easy for them and they take advantage each and every time. Joe B has been a walking corpse the last few years and the media covered it up. If Trump cured cancer the headline would read - Trump puts thousands of doctors out of work.
nobody in media is talking we gave Putin criminals and hitmen back for ordinary people.
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Agreed, he's been undisciplined and off message since the GOP convention. I think the mistake of selecting Vance instead of Burgum is settling in too. Vance gives the Democrats another culture warrior to attack, which is a winning tactic for them. Burgum would not have given them that opportunity.
He should have made up with Nikki or found a good female or minority candidate. They did a terrible job of anticipating Kamala entering the election. They should have chosen a VP that was either a minority or woman or both. Vance is OK but he just confirms the base and will do very little to help Trump get back some of the women and minorities that did not vote for him the last election. Major blunder by the Repubs IMO.
VP’s do very little to move the needle, but agree on Trump should have been a little more strategic on optics.

Events are more likely to shift feelings of the independent voters. 30 days ago no one would have predicted Biden’s free fall and an assassination attempt. We are teetering on a war in the Middle East, global fears in a U.S. recession and markets in a free fall, not to mention what could happen in Ukraine and on the border in that time period. October surprises could be multiple.
He should have made up with Nikki or found a good female or minority candidate. They did a terrible job of anticipating Kamala entering the election. They should have chosen a VP that was either a minority or woman or both. Vance is OK but he just confirms the base and will do very little to help Trump get back some of the women and minorities that did not vote for him the last election. Major blunder by the Repubs IMO.
I just disagree with this completely. Stop playing the democrats game of picking people based on sex or race. Get the most qualified person for the job. Now you want to say JD wasn't the best choice, I have no reason to disagree with that. But saying he should have found a good female or minority is a DEI hire. Find the best person, if that person happens to be female, so be it. If that person happens to be minority, so be it. If that person happens to be both female and minority so be it. Enough with the labels unless the label is most qualified.
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I just disagree with this completely. Stop playing the democrats game of picking people based on sex or race. Get the most qualified person for the job. Now you want to say JD wasn't the best choice, I have no reason to disagree with that. But saying he should have found a good female or minority is a DEI hire. Find the best person, if that person happens to be female, so be it. If that person happens to be minority, so be it. If that person happens to be both female and minority so be it. Enough with the labels unless the label is most qualified.
This is also politics. Tell me how Vance appeals to women voters who Trump lost last election and to minorities who he lost last election? If he can close those gaps he has a good chance of winning.
Help me understand how Mr Hillbilly Elegy does that. If you can inform me and I agree then you have a point. If not you don't. It's not always about the best candidate, but the person that can attract the most voters in the key swing states that Trump lost last go round.
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This is also politics. Tell me how Vance appeals to women voters who Trump lost last election and to minorities who he lost last election? If he can close those gaps he has a good chance of winning.
Help me understand how Mr Hillbilly Elegy does that. If you can inform me and I agree then you have a point. If not you don't. It's not always about the best candidate, but the person that can attract the most voters in the key swing states that Trump lost last go round.
You put people qualified to do the job with good policies they'll appeal to most Americans regardless of age, race, sex, religion, etc. I said JD Vance is not a great pick, but that doesn't mean the best option is a female or minority. Those are 2 completely separate statements and both can be true. Youngkin and Sununu I think would have been a better picks.
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VP’s do very little to move the needle, but agree on Trump should have been a little more strategic on optics.

Events are more likely to shift feelings of the independent voters. 30 days ago no one would have predicted Biden’s free fall and an assassination attempt. We are teetering on a war in the Middle East, global fears in a U.S. recession and markets in a free fall, not to mention what could happen in Ukraine and on the border in that time period. October surprises could be multiple.
I have a bad feeling the coming months will hold lots of surprises and none of them will be good. Iran is going to get things started soon. We are not safe in our own country right now, we forgot all about never forgetting. Buckle your seat belts in my opinion. As stated previously weak and feeble leadership leads to death and destruction.
You put people qualified to do the job with good policies they'll appeal to most Americans regardless of age, race, sex, religion, etc. I said JD Vance is not a great pick, but that doesn't mean the best option is a female or minority. Those are 2 completely separate statements and both can be true. Youngkin and Sununu I think would have been a better picks.
Youngkin would have been a little better in the swing state of VA. Sununu gives you New Hampshire and that is probably it - not a good pick. Both have more experience than Vance though. Haley would have shown a lot if she would accept the position (not sure she would) as she developed a national profile and got lots of votes in the primaries and was very qualified.
Youngkin would have been a little better in the swing state of VA. Sununu gives you New Hampshire and that is probably it - not a good pick. Both have more experience than Vance though. Haley would have shown a lot if she would accept the position (not sure she would) as she developed a national profile and got lots of votes in the primaries and was very qualified.
You want to say Haley specifically because she's qualified, but saying a woman or a minority just says Marjorie Taylor Greene could be on the list over Youngkin.

I don't think any of the VP's gave anybody anything the last few decades in elections. People were tired of Trump, that's why Biden won. Not because Kamala gave him anything. Pence brought red Indiana with him so nothing. Biden didn't win anything for Barack. Cheney didn't win anything for Bush. Gore didn't win anything Clinton.

Trump is just being stupid right now with the debate. Debate her any time, any place getting her off script and get her uncomfortable cooking up word salad after word salad. VP won't matter after that.
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