Most Americans now agree with Colin Kaepernick’s anthem protest


Jan 1, 2003

By Dana Kennedy

June 13, 2020 | 8:36am


Colin Kaepernick, left, and Eric Reid kneel in protest during the national anthem before a San Francisco 49ers game in 2016.Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images


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What a difference four years makes.

Former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who polarized the nation in 2016 when he knelt during the national anthem, now has the support of a majority of Americans, according to a new poll.

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, 52% of Americans now say it is “OK for NFL players to kneel during the national anthem to protest police killings of African Americans,” a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows.

In 2016, only 28% of Americans agreed with Kaepernick’s stance when a similar poll was taken and the number only jumped to 35% in 2018.

Democrats strongly favored the right to protest, at 77%. Only 20% of Republicans, and 20% of self-described Trump voters, said yes. Along racial lines, 77% of blacks, 57% of Hispanics and 47% of whites answered positively.

The poll of 1,570 Americans took place last month.
Not this American! I have no problem with him protesting just do not do it at work! I am not paying to watch you protest and I am certainly not paying to watch you disrespect the United States flag! After work if he wants to protest that’s fine!

What has Kaepernick been doing during these protests? I haven’t seen him. Maybe he’s waiting for someone to hire him first!
He has the right, but I will never agree with this way of protesting. And I say that fully understanding the point of view that this is not about the flag to many.

For me the flag is something that IMO all Americans should be proud of. It stands for the sacrifices, many of which were the ultimate sacrifices, allowing all to live as we do. Is this country perfect? of course not. Man is a flawed being and that will never change. Here or anywhere else on earth.

So for those who are not and probably have never been treated as equals, do protest. But don't do so in a patriotic setting which should be a commemorative tribute to the brave men and women that protected the very shores we all live within.
It really doesn’t matter much, but if you read the article, in 2016 the question was “do you agree with him kneeling”, and this poll was asked “are you ok with him kneeling”. Really not the same thing, but that’s “journalism” today.
Kaepernick has donated over 1M dollars to a number of different organizations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement such as Mothers Against Police Brutality. Additionally he helped to create the Know Your Rights Camp which helps teach disadvantaged youth self empowerment, American History and their legal rights. He has always put his money where his mouth is, but the media has not always highlighted his efforts.
This shows you the power of media and persuasion. If you keep up the drumbeat, the sheep always follow.

One of the problems in this country today is people either choose not to or are incapable of thinking for themselves.
This shows you the power of media and persuasion. If you keep up the drumbeat, the sheep always follow.

One of the problems in this country today is people either choose not to or are incapable of thinking for themselves.

People have become conditioned to expose themselves to just one view point - their own. And by listening to only their side, they just dig in further. Not good.
I probably wouldn't do it, but I support any athlete's right to do it. Will be very, very interesting to see how college football and basketball players chose to make statements. Will a university administration demand that its athletes not take a knee during the National Anthem? I hope not.
This shows you the power of media and persuasion. If you keep up the drumbeat, the sheep always follow.

One of the problems in this country today is people either choose not to or are incapable of thinking for themselves.
The power of the media who seem to have an all white lineup, many come from extremely wealthy families, telling your employer to be more diverse. How many of these jackasses will give up their job to make their own company more diverse. Check out the diversity of CNN and MSNBC lineups. I was in the car yesterday listening to Maggie and Moose on WFAN yesterday talking about this. I thought to myself Boomer and Gio, Joe and Evan, Maggie and Moose, Steve Summers, etc. Which one is giving up their gig to make WFAN more diverse?
He has the right, but I will never agree with this way of protesting. And I say that fully understanding the point of view that this is not about the flag to many.

For me the flag is something that IMO all Americans should be proud of. It stands for the sacrifices, many of which were the ultimate sacrifices, allowing all to live as we do. Is this country perfect? of course not. Man is a flawed being and that will never change. Here or anywhere else on earth.

So for those who are not and probably have never been treated as equals, do protest. But don't do so in a patriotic setting which should be a commemorative tribute to the brave men and women that protected the very shores we all live within.

Mic drop.
NIKE pays him a fortune to get his endorsement. Sad to watch (on real news media) that looters were gleefully crashing the Nike superstore in midtown NYC. This whole protest movement is out of control and needs our political leadership to lead us and patriotic protesting in general. The best protests garner the most sympathy when they meld with the greatest sensitivity. The flag means alot to so many viewers particularly those at non televized events when the anthem is played, especially our veterans, police, clergy. Why must my grandchilden think that our great African American athletes do not respect our flag, or our country? It is counter to the whole BLM in my opinion. Black lives matter, because they are respectful Americans is the message that try to teach my family. Kapp is taking a negative in our society and making it worse IMO.
Kaepernick has donated over 1M dollars to a number of different organizations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement such as Mothers Against Police Brutality. Additionally he helped to create the Know Your Rights Camp which helps teach disadvantaged youth self empowerment, American History and their legal rights. He has always put his money where his mouth is, but the media has not always highlighted his efforts.
Ok, throwing money at it, not quite the same. He only “protests” when he was being paid to do something else. Where is he now? If he truly believed in whatever his cause is he’d be out there fighting for it when he isn’t being paid to do his job and when the cameras were off. Instead he’s only interested in protesting when his temper tantrum can be caught on camera for a “look at me” moment!
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The power of the media who seem to have an all white lineup, many come from extremely wealthy families, telling your employer to be more diverse. How many of these jackasses will give up their job to make their own company more diverse. Check out the diversity of CNN and MSNBC lineups. I was in the car yesterday listening to Maggie and Moose on WFAN yesterday talking about this. I thought to myself Boomer and Gio, Joe and Evan, Maggie and Moose, Steve Summers, etc. Which one is giving up their gig to make WFAN more diverse?
Just a side note. I hate quoting my own post. I’m looking forward to places like Harvard just accepting people from the inner cities who didn’t get the finest education and because of it haven’t received the best results on standardized tests. Harvard seems to be awfully exclusive. I look forward to watching them lead the way and being the example we all need.
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A poll of 1500 people doesn't represent "most Americans". What were the % of the representative groups they list who were asked and where?
So basically a poll of “most Americans” in Kapernick’s living room and not a poll of most real Americans! The real truth and the truth the media wants you to believe are two different things!
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I probably wouldn't do it, but I support any athlete's right to do it. Will be very, very interesting to see how college football and basketball players chose to make statements. Will a university administration demand that its athletes not take a knee during the National Anthem? I hope not.
When you don their uniform and wear their name across your chest you represent that university. That is NOT the time to protest as you do NOT speak for the university as a whole. If you want to protest then you do it on your own time, not the university’s time. You are NOT being given a scholarship to protest and fans and alumni are not paying and donating to watch you have a temper tantrum. You are being given an athletic scholarship and/or a place on the team to represent the university by participating in athletic events. Protest after the game on your own time!
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Kaepernick has donated over 1M dollars to a number of different organizations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement such as Mothers Against Police Brutality. Additionally he helped to create the Know Your Rights Camp which helps teach disadvantaged youth self empowerment, American History and their legal rights. He has always put his money where his mouth is, but the media has not always highlighted his efforts.
CK’s Nike deal runs between $3-5 million a year...not bad for an unemployed athlete who attached himself to an issue to stay relevant leading a controversial move. The $1M is a nice PR move.... You would think if he’s that popular now, he should get that contract to play, right?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion regarding the issue, but pro athletes have already made it known that they will be protesting this year, so it is an either an image that people will need to get used to seeing or if they are uncomfortable they have the option of not attending or changing the channel. Pro athletes are not just robots here to entertain us, they have a brain and their own opinions. They have the right to protest peacefully whenever they want despite how uncomfortable it makes people feel.
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion regarding the issue, but pro athletes have already made it known that they will be protesting this year, so it is an either an image that people will need to get used to seeing or if they are uncomfortable they have the option of not attending or changing the channel. Pro athletes are not just robots here to entertain us, they have a brain and their own opinions. They have the right to protest peacefully whenever they want despite how uncomfortable it makes people feel.
They have a right to protest on their time, not mine! I will not be watching or attending any pro sports if that is what they intend to do. I don’t pay to watch temper tantrums.
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Why do people think that those that fought for our country fought for gratitude rather than freedom?

a person consults with someone that served our country and as a compromise and gratitude to those that served he kneels for the fallen while raising awareness for a cause that he thinks will improve our country, he’s the enemy.

a person that dodged the war and insults POW is a patriot, kooky logic.
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Kaepernick has the freedom to protest as he should so choose and we all have the freedom to support or criticize his protest. Isn’t that how it works?
When you don their uniform and wear their name across your chest you represent that university. That is NOT the time to protest as you do NOT speak for the university as a whole. If you want to protest then you do it on your own time, not the university’s time. You are NOT being given a scholarship to protest and fans and alumni are not paying and donating to watch you have a temper tantrum. You are being given an athletic scholarship and/or a place on the team to represent the university by participating in athletic events. Protest after the game on your own time!

I don't want to get too carried away, SHUis NJ's...., but if one agrees with you, he is saying a kid on a basketball scholarship has to repress his constitutional rights while a college is providing him tuition and a room. I think you are going to be disappointed this coming season when athletes with college names on their uniforms take a knee before games. Considering the tenor of our country right now, I'd be very surprised if many do not.
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The power of the media who seem to have an all white lineup, many come from extremely wealthy families, telling your employer to be more diverse. How many of these jackasses will give up their job to make their own company more diverse. Check out the diversity of CNN and MSNBC lineups. I was in the car yesterday listening to Maggie and Moose on WFAN yesterday talking about this. I thought to myself Boomer and Gio, Joe and Evan, Maggie and Moose, Steve Summers, etc. Which one is giving up their gig to make WFAN more diverse?
Tony Paige and Bart Scott arent too far is a big stride a woman has a significant placement on the programming, yes i know kim jones and lori rubenstein make cameos
I don't want to get too carried away, SHUis NJ's...., but if one agrees with you, he is saying a kid on a basketball scholarship has to repress his constitutional rights while a college is providing him tuition and a room. I think you are going to be disappointed this coming season when athletes with college names on their uniforms take a knee before games. Considering the tenor of our country right now, I'd be very surprised if many do not.

LOL, there is no Constitutional right in play here.

I don’t watch the NFL or the NBA, haven’t for years, so I don’t care what they do.

I would be disappointed if college football or college basketball players kneeled during the anthem. To me, just the wrong and disrespectful way to show your angst.

Would I stop attending the few games in person that I do or stop watching on TV? No, not yet, but it would trend that way for me.
So basically a poll of “most Americans” in Kapernick’s living room and not a poll of most real Americans! The real truth and the truth the media wants you to believe are two different things!
Exactly it will be fun to turn the games on an and see the stands only 50% Or maybe 30% full. Thinking Roger never took marketing classes when he went to college. The commissioner of a sport already beaten down goes all in on finishing the job. If I turn on the Giant game and see someone take a knee I’m done watching.
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I don't think
Kaepernick has the freedom to protest as he should so choose and we all have the freedom to support or criticize his protest. Isn’t that how it works?[/QUOTE
I don't think he does when he's in company time and when people are paying to watch.
on his own time that's a different story.
Exactly it will be fun to turn the games on an and see the stands only 50% Or maybe 30% full. Thinking Roger never took marketing classes when he went to college. The commissioner of a sport already beaten down goes all in on finishing the job. If I turn on the Giant game and see someone take a knee I’m done watching.
I will make sure to let daniel jones know this in end of half scenarios
Kneeling for the anthem is painful to me and is anti-patriotic and anti-veteran. The act dishonors my father and uncles who served in WWII-so it’s personal.

My grandfathers who also served in ww2 I believe along with most of my family that they would support the kneeling effort..

Question for yeah do you know this for sure, is this something you have spoken about with them?

Reason I ask because is if we are basing our decisions on what service members would think or feel is disrespectful why don’t we just ask them?
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When you don their uniform and wear their name across your chest you represent that university. That is NOT the time to protest as you do NOT speak for the university as a whole. If you want to protest then you do it on your own time, not the university’s time. You are NOT being given a scholarship to protest and fans and alumni are not paying and donating to watch you have a temper tantrum. You are being given an athletic scholarship and/or a place on the team to represent the university by participating in athletic events. Protest after the game on your own time!

we want our athletes to be roles models and stand up for what is right and most applaud them 24/7. But when they stand up for something people don’t like you see a reaction like the above.

I will 100% support our players if they decide to kneel or partake in any other and if you don’t think Kevin willard along with the athletics department will do the same then your in for a hell of a season.

I plead with you all to be on the right side of this one. Obviously time will tell and the winners write the history so we shall see.

We should be behind our guys 100% their friends And family members are dieing at an insane rate. They are crying out for help, will we hear it?
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My grandfathers who also served in ww2 I believe along with most of my family that they would support the kneeling effort..

Question for yeah do you know this for sure, is this something you have spoken about with them?

Reason I ask because is if we are basing our decisions on what service members would think or feel is disrespectful why don’t we just ask them?
I always thought it was extremely disrespectful and so did my family that served.
My grandfathers who also served in ww2 I believe along with most of my family that they would support the kneeling effort..

Question for yeah do you know this for sure, is this something you have spoken about with them?

Reason I ask because is if we are basing our decisions on what service members would think or feel is disrespectful why don’t we just ask them?
Willing to bet many who served in korea and vietnam have different outlooks on things, that was then and this is now, two needless conflicts many committed ultimate sacarafice for little accomplishment in other terriroties of the world...far different than either of the WWs

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