Finally read the report, First, the Russian cyber war against the US is truly frightening. I am afraid of the their future attempts that could go after critical infrastructure or military.
Part One
Conspiracy with Russia. Mueller examined this under the scope of not collusion but conspiracy to violate federal laws. Moreover, this was judged through the lens of whether there was enough evidence of crimes. Based upon that high standard of proof, Mueller deemed that there was insufficient evidence for CRIMINAL Conspiracy. However, there was way too may links between the Trump campaign and Russia. Those contacts as far as I am concerned is collusion - The willingness to work together.
Clearly, the Trump tower meeting proves that the Trump campaign was willing to work with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary. According to even Giulliani, that is acknowledged that the campaign tried to get dirt but explains that there is nothing wrong with it. Well, yes there is even if it is not criminal it is dead wrong. Moreover, the reason that the participants were deemed not to have sufficient evidence of a criminal evidence is because 1) they did not know it was wring under election law this is a requirement and 2) that since they did not get any dirt, there would be a difficulty of placing a value on it. However, it is abundantly clear that the Trump campaign was willing to work with the Russian government .
Second, Manafort providing internal polling data in particular on battle ground states of PA, Wisc, Minn, Michigan to a man tied to Russian Intelligence is particularly disturbing. Manafort had Gates send internal polling data. However, since other witnesses remained outside the country and Manafort lying, Mueller could not get to the bottom of this. However, although not enough evidence for a criminal charge there is evidence here. There was certainly evidence of the Trump campaign working with the Russians. However, while there was smoke of it, not enough for a criminal prosecution. However, this does not mean that Trump didn't do it. Example, there was a "peace plan" that was sent to Manafort for Russia to gain control of Eastern Ukraine. This needed US support. Trump could give a signal by having Manafort designated as the US representative for Russia to go ahead. Manafort denied that this ever happened when questioned by Mueller and in front of the Grand Jury even though the investigation found 4 different emails concerning this. Manafort later denied that he ever passed this info along to the campaign or Trump. Mueller did not believe this due to his unreliability and this was one of the reasons his plea agreement was torn up. This is a devastating piece that no one is talking about.
Just because a prosecutor does not have sufficient evidence to charge, does not mean that there isn't any evidence. Or the evidence that we do have we certainly have a good idea what happened and who did what. For example, No one was ever charged with the murder of Jimmy Hoffa, but law enforcement has evidence against Tony Provenzano, not enough to charge, but for him to be a suspect and a person that they believed had Hoffa killed. Similarly, there are far too many Russian contacts and meetings with the Trump campaign for this to be mere coincidence. There is no proof of a crime but clearly enough inappropriate contact that should never be tolerated by people surrounding the President. For Trump to say the there were no contacts whatsoever with Russia and them to uncover this bold face lie that there were many contacts and some teetering on proof of a crime is pretty outrageous conduct of a candidate for President.