Lokar didn’t desecrate the flag, he refused to wear it. As noted clearly above, no sports team other than the US National team should be wearing it on uniforms anyway. I don’t agree with any divisive groups. I think black lives matter as much as blue ones, as do all lives... but I don’t agree with BLM, or Antifa, or Proud Boys, or others. I don’t agree that my iPhone should capitalize Black Lives Matter as an autocorrect.
I’m not going to continue this debate with you because you’re trying to turn it into a pissing match. You think I’m selfish because I don’t want it in my back yard? How about I want to turn the page and see division narrow, maybe less of the Pelosi hate vs. McConnel irk. You fall right into the trap, maybe a little dim witted. Shit, politicians don’t hate each other. They foster the belief so stupid people argue with each other instead of seeing that the political class is homogenous and getting rich off the taxpayers teat. We talk about changing the system, but how will the system ever change when the people who can change it are the ones profiting from status quo?
I just can’t believe you cannot fathom that someone doesn’t have to take a side. That they can be against both side’s extremist notions.
I’m not going to continue this debate with you because you’re trying to turn it into a pissing match. You think I’m selfish because I don’t want it in my back yard? How about I want to turn the page and see division narrow, maybe less of the Pelosi hate vs. McConnel irk. You fall right into the trap, maybe a little dim witted. Shit, politicians don’t hate each other. They foster the belief so stupid people argue with each other instead of seeing that the political class is homogenous and getting rich off the taxpayers teat. We talk about changing the system, but how will the system ever change when the people who can change it are the ones profiting from status quo?
I just can’t believe you cannot fathom that someone doesn’t have to take a side. That they can be against both side’s extremist notions.