Just to clarify as you've quoted me in your response. First of all, I've never referred to "fat" people, but have pointed to the data on comorbidities. We can certainly frame this as a pandemic of the unvaccinated, but the data also shows we can frame it as a pandemic of several comorbidities. From the NIH Library in August.
A total of 39,451 COVID-19 deaths were identified from four States that had comorbidity data, including Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and New York
. 92.8% of the COVID-19 deaths were associated with a pre-existing comorbidity. The risk of mortality associated with at least one comorbidity combined was 1113 times higher than that with no comorbidity.
And just to be clear, I am not advising anyone not to take the vaccine, but if we really wanted to reduce hospitalizations and death, this is where we should have started at the beginning (before we even had a vaccine). Now I know some people will say "everybody has a comorbidity, but a) that is not true and b) that is no reason to try to eliminate one if it is in control of the patient.