Murphy’s a joke. My kids are now participating in rec sports, indoors, without masks, against other unmasked kids in our town and others. At BOE/school facilities. A number of parents in my town asked our Superintendent/BOE why our kids still have to wear masks in classrooms when they can play sports unmasked in a gym 50 feet down the hall of their classroom. And on weekends against kids from other towns, thereby increasing outside exposure. Our Superintendent/BOE say their hands are tied by Murphy’s EO 251 “school mask mandate”. The attorneys consulted say they have no discretion - despite the blatant logic inconsistency outlined above - and view the EO as requiring compliance. The Superintendent/BOE are in a tough spot because I understand why they can’t act in a way that is deemed to be in violation of the law, and god knows all it takes is one hypocritical parent to complain and the state to make an example of them. This is all on Murphy.