That number is inaccurate. Is a ratio. The denominator is wrong. They use only documented cases when calculating the survival rate. The ACTUAL number of people who have had Covid could be over double the number of reported cases. Every death is confirmed as Covid positive. 10’s or even hundred of millions of people had and recovered are not reported because they survived. There are over 34 million documented cases. Some estimate that it’s likely over 150 million have actually contracted the virus but since many are asymptomatic or mild there aren’t documented. The survival number can only go up. ThIs is data on all cases. If you take those with co-morbidities is 99.99%
.25% of the US population died from Covid to date.
So that’s the floor here. the “remove comorbidity” stuff is nonsense. We don’t do that for any other illness that you would be comparing it to... and pretty much any adult is going to have at least 1 comorbidity.
Just be real with what it is. It’s not going to kill us all but it’s not the flu either. It was a threat that will likely end up killing a million Americans and caused serious illness in a couple million more. We were lucky that very effective vaccines were developed so quickly which has greatly mitigated the risk to all of us.