OT: Tom Petty


All Universe
Gold Member
Mar 25, 2004
Sad. Unintentional overdose due to painkillers and was suffering from a broken hip. Truly one of the greats and an all-time favorite.

Credit the family for raising awareness to the opiod crisis we have in this country.
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Love Petty, saw him a year and a half ago. "Accidental" overdose? Fentanyl and Oxy? That's a heavy duty combo. Sad.
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People get addicted to hard drugs cause in the beginning, tge pleasure they bring is world beating. Do we really have to prescribe these drugs to so many people? They used to talk about gateway drugs. And now doctors give you that gateway on a script, and when that runs out, heroin is alot cheaper. Just say the drug companies making this poison.
The recently released autopsy report on the death of Roy Halladay who died while the plane he was flying crashed found both Amphetamine and heroin in his body and whether that was a factor in his crashing his plane is unclear.
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People get addicted to hard drugs cause in the beginning, tge pleasure they bring is world beating. Do we really have to prescribe these drugs to so many people? They used to talk about gateway drugs. And now doctors give you that gateway on a script, and when that runs out, heroin is alot cheaper. Just say the drug companies making this poison.
Had a wisdom tooth pulled last month and the orthodontist hands me a script for Aleve was enough...and my pain threshold is normal. There is a lot of blame to go around...Doctors overprescribe in this country.
Is there anyone in Hollywood/entertainment/music who isn't addicted to drugs and/or alcohol? Sure doesn't seem like it. Poor examples for our youth, yet so many look up to these people because they can sing or act.
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Petty was on a grueling tour for a 66 year old guy... and doing it all with a really messed up hip?

Some guys defy the odds, but time catches up to you in music just like it does for athletes.

BTW - Halladay did not have heroin in his system. It was morphine. What he was doing with that is another question.
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Petty was on a grueling tour for a 66 year old guy... and doing it all with a really messed up hip?

Some guys defy the odds, but time catches up to you in music just like it does for athletes.

BTW - Halladay did not have heroin in his system. It was morphine. What he was doing with that is another question.
Halladay had a mix of Ambien morphine and amphetamines in the system in fact he had enough Ambien in him per nanogram to blood level ratio that it would have impaired him from driving a car
Is there anyone in Hollywood/entertainment/music who isn't addicted to drugs and/or alcohol? Sure doesn't seem like it. Poor examples for our youth, yet so many look up to these people because they can sing or act.

We're making progress in understanding addiction in this country. Why does it happen, what are the factors causing it, how to treat it. There are shades of grey. Some just get caught by making choices to experiment in party situations, others have some sort of emotional angst or trauma, trouble coping, etc. Even those uber successful. Historically we've lumped them all into one category, which we shouldn't.

I think there's a distinction when we're talking about becoming addicted to painkillers. They are insanely addictive and prescribed at a high rate. If you or anyone you know has broken a bone, replaced a joint, or anything, they were likely prescribed a major dosage based upon subjective pain tolerance that needs to be monitored.
We're making progress in understanding addiction in this country. Why does it happen, what are the factors causing it, how to treat it. There are shades of grey. Some just get caught by making choices to experiment in party situations, others have some sort of emotional angst or trauma, trouble coping, etc. Even those uber successful. Historically we've lumped them all into one category, which we shouldn't.

I think there's a distinction when we're talking about becoming addicted to painkillers. They are insanely addictive and prescribed at a high rate. If you or anyone you know has broken a bone, replaced a joint, or anything, they were likely prescribed a major dosage based upon subjective pain tolerance that needs to be monitored.
This. I'm not sure though, that we're doing enough especially on the prevention side. Its taking an awful human and financial toll. 60k+ deaths in 2016? Don't be surprised if 2018 is 100k. Cuts across all income levels and races. I'd like to see the AMA, Pharma, Insurers, law enforcement, etc all to do a lot more.
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Sad to see/hear. Opioids are dangerous. Difficult to figure out the best solution to control this since, unfortunately, nothing else is as effective in managing chronic pain to a large extent.
Saw Tom Petty and Joe Walsh at The Rock last June. So thankful I decided to attend a show performed by one of the greatest songwriters of all time.
After the show I tried to start a Let's go Pirates chant on the escalator. All I heard back was one person yelling "Let's go Devils". So I yelled back "Let's Go Jesus"

Sad to hear about his passing and autopsy but his family is bravely doing the right thing.
Had minor surgery about 15 years ago. When I woke up I was feeling no pain. In fact I was acting like a jerk although I didn't know it at the time.

Turns out the doctor unknown to me had used cocaine during the surgery to ease my pain. Something I never used or would never think of using. The aftermath is I still remember how good I felt but didn't know how high and childish I was acting until the drug wore off.

That just reaffirmed my chosen lifestyle. Never to use drugs in any fashion other than when there is absolutely no other option and then in the smallest does possible while weening off them as soon as possible.
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Halladay had a mix of Ambien morphine and amphetamines in the system in fact he had enough Ambien in him per nanogram to blood level ratio that it would have impaired him from driving a car
Mix of drugs found in baseball legend Roy Halladay’s system after fatal plane crash

Phillies pitcher Roy Halladay had morphine in his system when he died in a November plane crash, according to reports.

Baseball legend Roy Halladay had amphetamines, morphine and traces of a drug used to treat insomnia in his system when he was killed after crashing his private plane into the Gulf of Mexico last year, an autopsy report revealed Friday.

The 40-year-old former Phillies pitcher was alone in his two-seat sports plane when it plunged into the ocean 10 miles off the coast of St. Petersburg, Fla. on Nov. 7.

Halladay, a sure-bet Hall-of-Famer who retired from baseball after the 2013 season, was alternately flying high and then buzzing the water before the “high-energy impact” crushed the plane and ended his life, said National Transportation Safety Board Investigator Noreen Price at the time.

On Friday, the Pinellas County Medical examiner released Halladay’s autopsy report.

The report, obtained by the Daily News, states that morphine was found in Halladay’s system and while that could indicate heroin use, there’s no definite indication that he had used the drug.

Traces of amphetamines and large quantities — 72 ng/mL — of Zolpidem, a drug used to treat insomnia, were also found in the former MLB player’s system.

Any amount over 50 ng/ml of the Zolpidem “appears capable of impairing driving to a degree that increases the risk of a motor vehicle accident,” according to the FDA’s website.

Halladay, whose official cause of death was blunt trauma and drowning, according to the report, suffered a subdural hemorrhage, multiple rib fractures, and lung, liver and spleen injuries in the crash.

He also reportedly fractured a leg.

Halladay was a two-time winner of the Cy Young Award during his 16-year MLB career. He’s one of two players in MLB history to pitch a no-hitter in a playoff game.
People self medicate, ignore directions, follow directions from friends, use borrowed drugs, mix and match, and generally don't know what they're doing with this stuff or how dangerous they can be. Then one night they fall asleep and never wake up. Make a mistake with this stuff and it"s all over.
In pro sports, you get shut down for a quarter of the season if you smoke a little weed and publicly shamed, yet the leagues and teams feed these guys addictive opiods like candy and celebrate those drugs. It's no surprise a retired athlete was hooked on prescription drugs.

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