Please opt for Gettysburg

Tell us about your service NYShoreGuy.

My guess it's going to sound like a Marcel Marceau video.
Tell us about your service NYShoreGuy.

My guess it's going to sound like a Marcel Marceau video.
I’m going to guess NYSG he has never even been there nor could find it on a map without the help of GPS.
Tell us about your service NYShoreGuy.

My guess it's going to sound like a Marcel Marceau video.
I am born 1982 so I was not part of the draft era. I did my selective service registration as mandated.
I’m going to guess NYSG he has never even been there nor could find it on a map without the help of GPS.
I have always wanted to go. Had a very engaging 8th grade social studies/us history teacher that left big impression on me. He did many civil war and revolutionary war reenactments in his day. I always liked American History.
Low brow from Hall85 trying to knock my sense of direction on location of Gettysburg.
I have always wanted to go. Had a very engaging 8th grade social studies/us history teacher that left big impression on me. He did many civil war and revolutionary war reenactments in his day. I always liked American History.
Low brow from Hall85 trying to knock my sense of direction on location of Gettysburg.
Trust me, it’s worth a day trip. It might change your perspective on things.
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I am born 1982 so I was not part of the draft era. I did my selective service registration as mandated.

Given that lame response you should close your pie hole with regards to Trump's service. You have no standing.
I have always wanted to go. Had a very engaging 8th grade social studies/us history teacher that left big impression on me. He did many civil war and revolutionary war reenactments in his day. I always liked American History.

If you go it is best to take the guided tour they offer. Without it, you will just be driving around looking at statues and monuments with no idea what lead up to it and how it played out.
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Given that lame response you should close your pie hole with regards to Trump's service. You have no standing.
Difference here is Trump was from draft era, I was not. Trump got deferments. If I have to be drafted and serve I would do so, although I believe I would be medically disqualified due to a congenital condition I was born with.
The crookedness of Trump got him out of the chance to serve. It was not my intent or preference to join the military. That doesn't make me any less American than anyone else or disables me from my stance above on Trump. Additionally, at my last full time employer I promoted military iniatives and integration to our dynamic as much as possible.

Further, it is my belief that US intervention with Korea and Vietnam were horrendous errors and more of an agenda to stop the spread of Communism across eastern Asia. Terrible amount of lives lost, MIA over two wars that were not won.

Military is necessary for protection of a nation. In my lifetime we have been a part of many coalitions for conflicts that have arisen which encapsulated US interests. I am not in favor of War or conflicts in general. Very brutal outcomes, very easy to start one very hard to end or get out or one. Many civilians suffer as consequence.
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Given that lame response you should close your pie hole with regards to Trump's service. You have no standing.
im confused on why pointing out trumps deferments is only allowed by those who served. what kind of gatekeeping is that?

John McCaine (the opposite viewpoint of NYSG) called trump out years ago for it. it came out of his "valid" pie hole. you seem overly triggered by that. why is that?
Sorry for your confusion.

Sounds like you never served either.

McCain earned his right to say what he said. And I might add, he earned it the hard way.

Not overly triggered at all. I just won't remain silent while some clown espouses how brave he is from the comfort of his keyboard.
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Difference here is Trump was from draft era, I was not. Trump got deferments. If I have to be drafted and serve I would do so, although I believe I would be medically disqualified due to a congenital condition I was born with.

Trump registered for the draft just like you.

And here you are 20 years later, arm chair warrior who says, "I would have gone"....but probably not because I have a condition. Big man you are.

Sorry pal. Just keep your yap shut and be thankful there were people who took care of you while you were being wet nursed.
Sorry for your confusion.

Sounds like you never served either.

McCain earned his right to say what he said. And I might add, he earned it the hard way.

Not overly triggered at all. I just won't remain silent while some clown espouses how brave he is from the comfort of his keyboard.
i dont think he was saying anything about himself and thats pretty clear. trump is on record being a coward, called out by a war hero. what are your thoughts? by the sounds of it you would be agreeing with nysg's opinion.

no i havent served. serving for the rights to oil never interested me. i dont see how it matters in this scenario.
no i havent served. serving for the rights to oil never interested me. i dont see how it matters in this scenario.

Oh but you are happy to enjoy all the freedoms. Sorry, you don't get to cherry pick.
Trump registered for the draft just like you.

And here you are 20 years later, arm chair warrior who says, "I would have gone"....but probably not because I have a condition. Big man you are.

Sorry pal. Just keep your yap shut and be thankful there were people who took care of you while you were being wet nursed.
You are inaccurate in what you describe and come across foolish here. The modern selective service model is from Jimmy Carter in 1980. Trump was deferred 4 times because he was an enrolled student at Penn. The 5th time was after he graduated in 1968 and he had "bone spurs" in his heels said some podiatrist that his father knew.
My point is though I disagree with war and conflict, I wouldn't seek out to draft dodge though I presume the cogenital condition I was born with would disqualify me from military passing me on a physical.
I understand that in the draft era it was common for any college bound men to be deferred. However, once college is over that is different.
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i dont think he was saying anything about himself and thats pretty clear. trump is on record being a coward, called out by a war hero. what are your thoughts? by the sounds of it you would be agreeing with nysg's opinion.

Coward is your spin.

He received 4 college deferments and then a fifth one for bone spurs. The spur deferment was likely a gift from Fred.

My understanding is college and Canada were the two common ways to avoid going to Vietnam. You yourself said "you would not fight for oil".

Would you have left college to go to Vietnam?

I have no problem with people who make that choice. I do have a problem with arm chair warriors with big mouths.

I am 50/50 on McCain. Grandpa was an admiral. Daddy was an admiral. He got his free education at Annapolis. He was a bit an a-hole at Annapolis and in his years of service prior to being captured. He was a lousy pilot with multiple crashes. He likely stay a pilot because of Dad.

He comported himself with courage and honor while in captivity and I have the utmost respect and admiration for that. Stockdale, Alvarez, and others are among the many I admire from that group. On a somewhat (dark) humorous, Hegdahl's exploits are worth knowing about. They were all strong, principled men who did their duty under extreme duress. I don't know that I would have held up as they did.
I wanted to make this post separate.

Trump will likely get lambasted for doing anything at Gettysburg.

When I think of Gettysburg as a site for his speech, I think it is fitting.

I thin the focus should be on Lincoln's address more that the actual battle, the monuments, the north, the south, etc.

You should take the time to read Lincoln's address again. I think you will find his words quite relevant today. I think we are at a dangerous point in our history. We are a house divided against itself and I fear there is risk that our government of the people, by the people, and for the people, might just perish if we keep doing what we are doing.

I hope those men did not die in vain.
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"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863
"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863
On a trip to Gettysburg, we were hosted by a guide from the Army War College who recited that speech while we all stood in the cemetery. Incredibly powerful.

I share your concern. We have a perfect storm heading into this election between the virus (and impact on voting), polarized electorate (fanned by politicians and the MSM) and two regrettable candidates. I have this strong feeling that neither side will accept the results and there will be unforeseen consequences. I sure hope I'm wrong.
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Mail in voting should not be allowed. People have always gone to the polls on election day. The only mail in that should be allowed is absentee. This is ripe for disaster.

I will be at my regular polling place on November 3.So should everyone else.
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Tell us about your service NYShoreGuy.

My guess it's going to sound like a Marcel Marceau video.
Nysg service has nothing to do with it. Trump is a rich boy whose dad pulled strings to get out of the war. He practically bragged about it. He is a lowlife dope and he does not deserve your respect. He is everything lot's of us don't respect. But he runs under the repub ticket, and even though he is ruining the party, maybe the country, the lemmings don't care.
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Nysg service has nothing to do with it. Trump is a rich boy whose dad pulled strings to get out of the war. He practically bragged about it. He is a lowlife dope and he does not deserve your respect. He is everything lot's of us don't respect. But he runs under the repub ticket, and even though he is ruining the party, maybe the country, the lemmings don't care.
So, Biden received five draft deferments due to "childhood asthma", which somehow did not prohibit him from starting at running back in high school. Silly argument, because we all know how it works.
two regrettable candidates.

I guess kind of similar to how a poop sandwich and egg sandwich are both regrettable decisions for a lunch choice on a bus ride, sure.

I have this strong feeling that neither side will accept the results and there will be unforeseen consequences. I sure hope I'm wrong.

It depends on the circumstances. Assuming polls tighten and the race looks closer than it is today, I don't really see Biden fanning the flames if he loses. I expect Trump to do so though no matter what the polls look like because he doesn't care about anything other than himself and he won't care about the consequences.

Not long ago, people also had to go to the DMV to renew a drivers license.
Now we can do it by mail. Things change.


I will be first in line.

Mail in voting is ripe for fraudulent activity and delays. Pretty obvious to anyone with a brain.

The DMV? Another false equivalency from you, I'm not surprised.
I guess kind of similar to how a poop sandwich and egg sandwich are both regrettable decisions for a lunch choice on a bus ride, sure.

It depends on the circumstances. Assuming polls tighten and the race looks closer than it is today, I don't really see Biden fanning the flames if he loses. I expect Trump to do so though no matter what the polls look like because he doesn't care about anything other than himself and he won't care about the consequences.
i said “side” not “Biden”. If you think the extremes on either side are going to accept the results you are pretty naïve.
Mail in voting is ripe for fraudulent activity and delays. Pretty obvious to anyone with a brain.

That is just complete nonsense. People have been voting by mail for decades.
More than 30 million people voted by mail in 2016. Wasn't a problem then. Will not be a problem now.

No paper trail and voting system hacking is a much more significant risk to an election outcome.

The DMV? Another false equivalency from you, I'm not surprised.

Yes. An easy example of something we used to have to do in person which we can now do by mail. Not sure how that is a false equivalency.
i said “side” not “Biden”. If you think the extremes on either side are going to accept the results you are pretty naïve.

Right. "Side" will be influenced by those fanning the flames. If polls stay about where they are today. I could see Biden questioning the results which would make the response from the left "side" worse. I don't think he does that if polling is close.

I see Trump doing it no matter what.

and also depends on what you mean by "accepting the results"
Are you talking about protests, or riots?
Right. "Side" will be influenced by those fanning the flames. If polls stay about where they are today. I could see Biden questioning the results which would make the response from the left "side" worse. I don't think he does that if polling is close.

I see Trump doing it no matter what.

and also depends on what you mean by "accepting the results"
Are you talking about protests, or riots?
Right….no one is listening to Biden now; the party is just hoping that he holds it together to win the election. Why would they follow him afterwards? If Trump wins, you will see the same cast of characters (Maxine Waters, AOC, etc.) protest and raise questions about Russia, China, any other country...all over again. And you know the MSM will do their share to fan the flames.

I hate to say it, but we will likely see riots and worse.
Mail in voting should not be allowed. People have always gone to the polls on election day. The only mail in that should be allowed is absentee. This is ripe for disaster.

I will be at my regular polling place on November 3.So should everyone else.
what is wrong with mail? you think theyll be thrown out?
That is just complete nonsense. People have been voting by mail for decades.
More than 30 million people voted by mail in 2016. Wasn't a problem then. Will not be a problem now.

No paper trail and voting system hacking is a much more significant risk to an election outcome.

Yes. An easy example of something we used to have to do in person which we can now do by mail. Not sure how that is a false equivalency.

Problem is if the numbers skyrocket with all voters using mail in ballots, it could take weeks or even months to declare a winner, as there is no system to handle that many mail in ballots, especially in a presidential election year. Look how long it took some primaries to be declared winners.

Any delay will lead the losing side to declare the results to be incorrect, then we could be headed for lawsuits,riots, etc.. Making the 2000 disaster seem like nothing, do we really want the Supreme Court deciding our election again?

As for your DMV, NJ used to allow renewal license by mail, then for security reasons and fraud with licenses, they made us go in person to renew and to get a picture, now do to security enhancements you can renew once by mail/reusing picture, but you still need to go once every 8 years.

So if changes can be made to security and speed of counting mail in ballots it probably could be a good option in future, having all that ready in next few months during a pandemic will make it nearly impossible.
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Right….no one is listening to Biden now; the party is just hoping that he holds it together to win the election. Why would they follow him afterwards? If Trump wins, you will see the same cast of characters (Maxine Waters, AOC, etc.) protest and raise questions about Russia, China, any other country...all over again. And you know the MSM will do their share to fan the flames.

I hate to say it, but we will likely see riots and worse.

It's possible. Especially if Biden is up 7-10 pts in polling.

If the polls tighten to where Biden is up 3-4 points, I think most would understand that Trump could still legitimately win like he did in 2016 which should keep people from rioting. Probably still see protests.

On the other hand... Trump will try to take the country down with him intentionally.
Problem is if the numbers skyrocket with all voters using mail in ballots, it could take weeks or even months to declare a winner, as there is no system to handle that many mail in ballots, especially in a presidential election year. Look how long it took some primaries to be declared winners.

Any delay will lead the losing side to declare the results to be incorrect, then we could be headed for lawsuits,etc.. Making the 2000 disaster seem like nothing, do we really want the Supreme Court deciding our election again?

As for your DMV, NJ used to allow renewal license by mail, then for security reasons and fraud with licenses, they made us go in person to renew and to get a picture, now do to security enhancements you can renew once by mail/reusing picture, but you still need to go once every 8 years.

So if changes can be made to security and speed of counting mail in ballots it probably could be a good option in future, having all that ready in next few months during a pandemic will make it nearly impossible.

There are several states that every voter gets a ballot by mail and drops it of somewhere. They are able to report their results on election day. Going from 33 million to 150 million would be difficult, but not impossible.

I really don't care about instant gratification. Give people the opportunity to vote and count the votes. It takes as long as it takes. It will not be months. It will be days.
There are several states that every voter gets a ballot by mail and drops it of somewhere. They are able to report their results on election day. Going from 33 million to 150 million would be difficult, but not impossible.

I really don't care about instant gratification. Give people the opportunity to vote and count the votes. It takes as long as it takes. It will not be months. It will be days.
As usual, you know better than others on what will happen and others opinions are wrong.

How come NY primaries were still undecided after 6 weeks, sure lot less people voted than will vote in November.
It's possible. Especially if Biden is up 7-10 pts in polling.

If the polls tighten to where Biden is up 3-4 points, I think most would understand that Trump could still legitimately win like he did in 2016 which should keep people from rioting. Probably still see protests.

On the other hand... Trump will try to take the country down with him intentionally.
Polling will have little or nothing to do with it. It will be about results and the timing to report them. A large enough group of the electorate will have no patience if there are a large number of mail-in/absentee votes and it takes several weeks to validate a number of states.
As usual, you know better than others on what will happen and others opinions are wrong.

How come NY primaries were still undecided after 6 weeks, sure lot less people voted than will vote in November.

lol. I am not saying I am 100% correct and everyone else is wrong, but here is my opinion and why I disagree.

If we were going from 3 million to 150 million, I might be more inclined to agree with you.. but realistically the number of mail in ballots will be less than 5x what they were in 2016. Is that really insurmountable? With months to prepare?

A general election has significantly more resources available.
I get there are valid concerns that need to be addressed, but in my opinion we have the time and resources available to figure it out.
lol. I am not saying I am 100% correct and everyone else is wrong, but here is my opinion and why I disagree.

If we were going from 3 million to 150 million, I might be more inclined to agree with you.. but realistically the number of mail in ballots will be less than 5x what they were in 2016. Is that really insurmountable? With months to prepare?

A general election has significantly more resources available.
I get there are valid concerns that need to be addressed, but in my opinion we have the time and resources available to figure it out.
Nothing is insurmountable, I agree with you there, anything can be done (especially this) if given enough time and effort.

But are the states preparing? Will they prepare now, is there money in their budgets to make changes at this point? I do not see the federal government funding this or taking the lead. We are less than 3 months out from election day, and even less to sending/printing ballots, hiring more staff and whatever other things need to be done.

In the end, 95% of states can implement and do it perfectly, only takes a disaster in 1 or 2 key states and it throws the whole process into question, even possibly causing people to question states that handled the process well.

If like normal, I have no problem with people worried about or unable to go to polls to request mail in ballot (and obviously numbers will increase this year), but I feel in person polls should be open.

Tell me how a lot of society is going to handle it if we have to wait for results or if the Supreme Court decides the winner?