There is definitely a lot of blame to go around on both sides of our government. Trump is so stupid to have those conversations with the Ukraine especially after the Mueller investigation and knowing he is being recorded. Just him probably having fun jerking around someone who needs our money.

With that said both parties are massive hypocrites and both deserve to be flushed down the toilet. To see the pandering by both parties in these hearings and listen to the words they are both saying to pander to their political bases is just disgusting. Do they really believe the crap that is spewing out of their mouths? Sad state of affairs all around.

While all this happens nothing gets done and their pensions get funded forever. What a racket!
Mic drop...
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There is definitely a lot of blame to go around on both sides of our government. Trump is so stupid to have those conversations with the Ukraine especially after the Mueller investigation and knowing he is being recorded. Just him probably having fun jerking around someone who needs our money.

"Having fun and jerking around someone" is an interesting way to put the president of the United States putting their personal political interest over the nations interests.

With that said both parties are massive hypocrites and both deserve to be flushed down the toilet. To see the pandering by both parties in these hearings and listen to the words they are both saying to pander to their political bases is just disgusting.

The hearings have also been a nice reminder that the non partisan officials put in place behind the scenes are intelligent and dedicated public servants. They saw what was happening and they knew it was wrong.

Once this gets to the senate, I expect we will still have some level of partisan gaming, but the tone should improve quite a bit.
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"Having fun and jerking around someone" is an interesting way to put the president of the United States putting their personal political interest over the nations interests.
I didn't say it was right. I was telling the truth something you are probably not used to seeing if you follow politics. Trump is a jerk I am saying so.

The hearings have also been a nice reminder that the non partisan officials put in place behind the scenes are intelligent and dedicated public servants. They saw what was happening and they knew it was wrong.

Once this gets to the senate, I expect we will still have some level of partisan gaming, but the tone should improve quite a bit.

I haven't seen any nonpartisan officials at any of the hearings yet? Who are they and where do they exist?
I haven't seen any nonpartisan officials at any of the hearings yet? Who are they and where do they exist?

Fiona Hill, Bill taylor, George Kent, Jennifer Williams, Alexander Vindman, Tim Morrison, David Holmes...

Holmes literally won an award for constructive dissent when he issued a statement against the policy with Afghanistan and Pakistan under the Obama administration.

My impression from those hearings was that these are people who are not involved in partisanship and they had our country's interest ahead of any possible political interest.
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I've given Trump every chance even though I did not vote for him, but I'm starting to come around to the side that he just has to go.

I am honestly surprised that he did not make an attempt to move to the middle. I figured with his huge ego and need to be loved that he would work to do everything in his power to make more people like him in order to increase his poll numbers, especially because he isn't a traditional Republican. He has done the opposite. I was wrong.
Criminal justice reform.

Family leave.

Trade (for years all parties have said we need to deal with China and its lack of respect for IP)

The wall had bipartisan support although Trump rhetoric combined with the media changed that quickly.

Catholics think he doesn’t care about pro life.

Happy to hear what Obama’s bipartisan efforts included.
With all this discussion to impeach or not to impeach (my view: The Dems should just concentrate on voting Trump out of office rather than an impeachment battle which they will not win), my question is would the GOP have a better chance of winning the 2020 election if their candidate is Trump or if they nominate another Republican candidate.

In my opinion with Trump as their candidate the GOP loses and quite possibly by a large margin because of all the moderates & independents that can not stand him personally. And yes personality is just as much a factor as issues are. On the other hand the Dem 10 candidates have shown that none of them are particularly strong. All have flaws. If Trump is out of the picture I think a candidate such as Nikki Haley could easily win this election if she could get the nomination.

Your thoughts ?

Tom K

As my history teacher in HS used to say "it's the economy stupid".

People would be insane to vote Trump out when the nation has never been better financially, and that's for all genders, races, etc..

The small minority of groups in this country scream the loudest because they have nothing better to do. I think social media has made it seem like Trump is alot less popular than he is.

I expect he will smoke his opposition in November

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