How do we get back to the excitement of March? Obviously NIL and player evaluation/roster building are the top priorities, but besides that how do we approach getting the juice back in this place? Why don’t we already do these things? Is there a reason?
***With the roster, I assume the dream is dead of trying to build and evenly balanced 10-man rotation on a $1.5M budget. If it’s not, someone needs to kill it.
***On the court, Sha needs to change what he’s doing to prepare these teams in the summer and fall. We have been atrocious for two non-conference seasons in a row. It cost us an NCAA Tournament berth last year and this year it was the worst in our program’s history with the horrific losses.
***They need to create a system that markets their program and players. My God, put a calendar together and run features. We’ve talked about this all year with the new practice facility that could’ve been promoted, but simple things like featuring program history or the current player’s stories to get them connected to the fanbase like a “Kook’s Korner” type, or “This Week In…” longer form shows. We. Must. Promote. SHU Basketball. This is the insane to me in this day and age.
**They need to dramatically change their approach to media availability. I don’t care if it’s on Zoom or in a dedicated place in the practice facility, but Sha needs to do more of this between games. Every major program does this, we do next-to-nothing unless it’s a game day and that’s a problem.
***With the roster, I assume the dream is dead of trying to build and evenly balanced 10-man rotation on a $1.5M budget. If it’s not, someone needs to kill it.
***On the court, Sha needs to change what he’s doing to prepare these teams in the summer and fall. We have been atrocious for two non-conference seasons in a row. It cost us an NCAA Tournament berth last year and this year it was the worst in our program’s history with the horrific losses.
***They need to create a system that markets their program and players. My God, put a calendar together and run features. We’ve talked about this all year with the new practice facility that could’ve been promoted, but simple things like featuring program history or the current player’s stories to get them connected to the fanbase like a “Kook’s Korner” type, or “This Week In…” longer form shows. We. Must. Promote. SHU Basketball. This is the insane to me in this day and age.
**They need to dramatically change their approach to media availability. I don’t care if it’s on Zoom or in a dedicated place in the practice facility, but Sha needs to do more of this between games. Every major program does this, we do next-to-nothing unless it’s a game day and that’s a problem.