Recovery Summer Part II rolls along....


All World
Feb 4, 2005
Part 1 was supposed to happen last summer but apparently that did not work out to well. Now 2 years into a supposed recovery (the recession technically ended June of 2009) when we should be booming, especially after being told that we needed the stimulus to prevent the unemployment rate from reaching 8% and 2 1/2 years later it is 9.1%, we still have 13.9 million unemployed. A STUNNING 44% of the nearly 14 million unemployed now deemed LONG TERM-more than 26 weeks.

Just this last week housing prices hit an all time low again. Manufacturing was worse then expected. GDP growth for the 1st Quarter was 1.8%. That is not even remotely enough to get unemployment down significantly. You need to be growing at a least a 4% clip, AT LEAST. And should be by now in what should be a V-shaped recovery.

And it continues, ADP jobs report on Wed. just 39K private sector jobs. Unemployment report today, just 54K jobs WAAAYYY below the estimates even after the estimates were revised DOWN after the bad ADP report.

Consumer sentiment down for April and May significantly.

Again no way to spin this. We should be booming. Keep in mind the arguments we had on this board when those who defended the stimulus (remember shovel ready jobs, REMEMBER, in addition to keeping the unemployment rate UNDER 8%) that the summer of 09 was TOO early to get a report card on the stimulus effect.

Almost every number out the last two weeks has been a DISASTER. This is by all accounts the weakest recovery in a generation.

The Obama people are clinging to the Reagan 84 model. He inherited a difficult recession and even went into a brief double dip in 82. But that is where the comparisions end. Reagan cut taxes. Reagan did not impose huge EPA mandates and Health Care mandates, in fact he moved to deregulate the economy. (Put it to you another way can you imagine if Ronald Reagan in a middle of a recession and high unemployment was pushing a HUGE reform of say Social Security. He would have been screamed at for having the wrong priorities. Even though Social Security was a major and still is a major budgetary issue. That is exactly what this administration did for more than a year with Health Care. Then he had his party use Parlimentary manuevers in the House and Senate to force it down our throats even after poll after poll said it was very unpopular). And Reagan sure as hell did not believe that government spending was the answer in the form of a nearly $1 trillion dollar stimulus unpaid for. Basically a slush fund for municipal unions.

By 1983 the economy was smoking. Economy grew between 7-8% for all of 83 and most of 84. Brought the unemployment rate down a full 3% from over 10% to just over 7%.

All the estimates are now saying GDP will grow between 2-2.5% for this year. That is pathetic. And keep this in mind. Reagan did not have the benefit of all of this artificial stimulus. The Fed pumping all of this money into the money supply and keeping the Fed Funds rate at near 0 for 3 FULL years. We have had BOTTOM basement interest rates for 3 years I mean the Keynesians should be crowing that their philosophy is working but they are not. In addition to all of the Government spending from this administration. Just the opposite, the Fed during the Reagan years hiked interest rates considerably early on to squeeze the inflation out of the economy. Remember the Prime Rate in the early 80's was near 20%.

Again I don't know how you spin this but I can tell this President owns this. I will admit that the President, regardless of Party, does not always have a great impact on the economy. Certainly not as much credit or blame as they get. But this President, with the rewriting of labor laws in their taxpayer bailout of the car industry, the $1 trillion stimulus, their HUGE Health Care mandate, their decision to pursue onerous environmental regulations with the EPA, their NLRB suing Boeing for trying to open a plant in right to work South Carolina where as many as 190K jobs would be created in a state being crushed by high unemployment has done more to reshape the American economy in just 2 1/2 years then any President since Roosevelt. And the fact that he and his party still have not passed a budget for 2011 even though the debate for 2012 has started AND they have no plan to deal with long terms deficits or entitlement spending other then to demogogue Paul Ryan and scare the hell out of seniors. Completely irresponsible.

Now you tell me, is this really Hope and Change?
This post was edited on 6/3 12:37 PM by michstfr
This post was edited on 6/3 4:32 PM by michstfr
This post was edited on 6/3 4:36 PM by michstfr
Well, well said.

Keep increasing government and you will see this worst recovery ever continue. Both parties are responsible.
And can someone explain what are objectives are in Libya and why this President is not in violation of the War Powers Act?
He is in violation as were many presidents before him.
No I understand and trust me I don't actually think the law is Constitutional but until it is overturned it is law.

My point is this law was created by liberals in response to the Cambodia bombing during Vietnam in 1973. This thing is a liberal creation.

Here they have one of their own who presumably ran on a anti-War platform completely ignoring a law that is supposed to put a check on the President's ability to wage war without Congressional approval and no one says BOO!!!

I mean the War in Iraq was definitely controversial but President Bush 43 went to Congress before he committed troops. So did his father before the Gulf War in 91.

Originally posted by SPK145:
He is in violation as were many presidents before him.
BTW-President was in Ohio essentially campaiging.

He talked about the bailout of Chrysler and how "well" that went in terms of the Treasury now divesting itself of interest in the company.

What he failed to mention was that the US taxpayer LOST $1.3 BILLION dollars on the bailout. But the unions did well.
So at what point in your assessment of how we should be "booming" with over 4% growth and a V shaped recovery do you take into account what is happening in our global economy?

After the tsunami economists predicted a dip in manufacturing as disruptions in supply lines were expected. Manufacturing has otherwise been relatively strong since the recession. Do you credit Obama for that as you ding him for it here?

The unrest in the middle east has caused gas prices to rise, we have storms and floods literally ripping our country apart... of course consumers are spending less money which really hurts an economic recovery.

The failure to pass a budget lies on both parties. The democrats for being unwilling to make cuts and the republicans for being unwilling to raise taxes. Both must happen along with corporate tax reform to make companies want to invest in growing their business operations in America.

The democrats scaring seniors is laughable after what the republicans did with the "death panels"
The death panels were true and the rest of stuff is just stupid.

Economists didn't predict those things.

Cite your examples then move along with your drivel.

Originally posted by Merge:
So at what point in your assessment of how we should be "booming" with over 4% growth and a V shaped recovery do you take into account what is happening in our global economy?

After the tsunami economists predicted a dip in manufacturing as disruptions in supply lines were expected. Manufacturing has otherwise been relatively strong since the recession. Do you credit Obama for that as you ding him for it here?

The unrest in the middle east has caused gas prices to rise, we have storms and floods literally ripping our country apart... of course consumers are spending less money which really hurts an economic recovery.

The failure to pass a budget lies on both parties. The democrats for being unwilling to make cuts and the republicans for being unwilling to raise taxes. Both must happen along with corporate tax reform to make companies want to invest in growing their business operations in America.

The democrats scaring seniors is laughable after what the republicans did with the "death panels"
To suggest that the economy is growing at 1.8% and not stronger because of the Tsunami is beyond STUPID. Right that cost the economy about 6% GDOP growth.

It is minimal at best and certainly not enough to account for the meager growth.

$1 trillion dollar stimulus, $2.5 trillion in the Fed pumping money into the money supply, bailout of FANNIE, FREDDIE, TARP (started in the Bush Administration), GM, Chrysler $1.5 trillion dollar deficits.

That is pathetic growth for that return because it does not work.

And the subject is their promise that it would work. They not only promised to stop unemployment from going to 8%, it zipped past there and has remained there the whole time, they said UNEMPLOYMENT would be at 7% NOW. Even the administrations and the FED's own projections don't see that number for at least 2 years.

That has nothing to do with Tsunami's or hurricanes or anything else. This has been a PATHEATIC recovery.

The job growth that has come has been weak iin terms of really bringing down the unemployment rate.

I mean did you even pay attention to what you and others said 2 years ago on this board. Or do you simply ignore that and start making up more stuff.

BTW-The Tssunami impact on the economy:

The good news/bad news is that Japan has not been an engine of global or Asian growth for some time. This means the impact of much lower Japanese growth on the world economy probably will be limited and small.

Foreign trade linkages are a key channel through which Japan's earthquake will affect the United States. Japan's share of U.S. exports is small, so a weakening in demand from Japan would have little impact on the U.S. economy overall, and reconstruction demand should ultimately boost exports.

On this spring's wild weather:

Yet for the U.S. economy overall, the damage will likely be scant. At most, the disasters might knock one-tenth of 1 percentage point off national economic growth in the April-June quarter, Wells Fargo economist Mark Vitner estimates.

"It's so small, you aren't going to notice it," said Patrick Newport, an economist at IHS Global Insight.

The Labor Department said that natural disasters seemed to play no role in the last employment report.

Thos same economists who apparently were predicting this pathetic growth because of natural disasters predicted job growth in excess of 250K for May which is why there was such a huge let down when the number came out. And these were the same economists who were predicting growth above 3% range long AFTER the tsunami and now have forecasted down.

The Tsunami had nothign to do with the Housing market which despite pouring billions into it including it's fraud filled program HAMP and of course the tax credit for several months the housing market has hit a double dip. Apparently the same economists didn't predict that.

Move along...
The car bailout will cost the govt $16 billion, per the U,S. goverment's most recent report. And that's actually good news, since it looked a lot worse two years ago. The earthquake in Japan helped the U.S. car industry a great deal. Apologies if this was already posted. I don't read long posts.
I suggested that the tsunami played a part in the dip in manufacturing.
It did.

I am also suggesting that the situation in the middle east has hurt recovery efforts because of the increase in the price of oil. It has.

I am further suggesting that the storms and floods throughout the US have had a negative impact on employment and consumer spending. They have.

The combination of temporary events has hurt our recovery. If we are able to rebound out of this without any other significant impacts in the next quarter or two, we will probably see pretty solid growth (some of which is also temporary, like a larger than expected growth in manufacturing as Japan trading recovers)

Blaming Obama's policies singularly as you did ignores what is actually happening. How you can possibly expect us to be "booming" with everything that has happened to stall our recovery is beyond logic.
The death panels were true? Michstfr, you always argue strongly for your point of view and often make terrific points but saying the death panels were true is just crazy talk.
Originally posted by shu09:
The death panels were true? Michstfr, you always argue strongly for your point of view and often make terrific points but saying the death panels were true is just crazy talk.

How did I miss that! lol...
Originally posted by Merge:
Originally posted by shu09:
The death panels were true? Michstfr, you always argue strongly for your point of view and often make terrific points but saying the death panels were true is just crazy talk.

How did I miss that! lol...
Probably the same way you still insist that the Obama administration made the claim that unemployment would never go above 8% AFTER unemployment was already over 8%, LOL.
Originally posted by SPK145:
Originally posted by Merge:
Originally posted by shu09:
The death panels were true? Michstfr, you always argue strongly for your point of view and often make terrific points but saying the death panels were true is just crazy talk.

How did I miss that! lol...
Probably the same way you still insist that the Obama administration made the claim that unemployment would never go above 8% AFTER unemployment was already over 8%, LOL.

There were huge miscalculations about how bad the economy was by many economists.

Stimulus passed in Feb 2009. Unemployment in Feb 209 was over 8%.

You can debate the effectiveness of the stimulus, but once someone throws out the 8% quote nonsense... they really only care about knocking Obama rather than debating if it worked or not.
The bill couldn't have kept it below 8%. You know that.
Trying to rewrite history? Maybe you should be checking some of those fact checking sites?

Two highly placed Obama advisors issued a report in January 2009 before Obama was inaugurated (while he was still serving in the self-created, narcisstic Office of the President-Elect) stating that unemployment would not exceed 8% if the economic stimulus plan Obama was already trying to steamroll through Congress was passed. The unemployment rate at the time was 7.3%. Obama and Clueless Joe used this repeatedly to push forth legislation.

If you actually believe what you just posted, you'd have to think that you were sold a completely useless bill of goods. EVERYBODY who thought the stimulus was a good idea bought it because of the adminstration's claims, which were anything but a tall tale at the time. Monday morning quarterbacking.
And while we're checking facts, let's not forget the reason for healthcare reform originally was to "bend the curve" of healthcare costs outpacing GDP. The bill OB and Pelosi pushed through has bent the curve into a hockey stick....thanks guys.
Originally posted by SPK145:
Trying to rewrite history? Maybe you should be checking some of those fact checking sites?

Two highly placed Obama advisors issued a report in January 2009 before Obama was inaugurated (while he was still serving in the self-created, narcisstic Office of the President-Elect) stating that unemployment would not exceed 8% if the economic stimulus plan Obama was already trying to steamroll through Congress was passed. The unemployment rate at the time was 7.3%. Obama and Clueless Joe used this repeatedly to push forth legislation.

If you actually believe what you just posted, you'd have to think that you were sold a completely useless bill of goods. EVERYBODY who thought the stimulus was a good idea bought it because of the adminstration's claims, which were anything but a tall tale at the time. Monday morning quarterbacking.

Which part don't you believe?

The bill passed on Feb 17th 2009. Unemployment for Feb, released in March was 8.1%...

How is that possibly rewriting history?

There are really 2 scenarios regarding the sales pitch for.

1. They really didn't know how bad the economy was.

2. They didn't want to use figures that would seem outlandish. At the time if Obama came out and said that unemployment could hit 11% without the stimulus, the right would have claimed fear-mongering and it could have hurt consumer confidence causing a self fulfilling prophecy.

The 8% sound bite made Obama look bad.... According to many posts on this board, Obama would do anything to not look bad, right?
So which is it? Would he look bad on purpose to protect the bill and consumer confidence, or did he just not know how bad it was?

Was the bill useless? The CBO said it kept unemployment under 11%.

The CBO said that the effect on the 1st quarter of 2011...

They raised real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic
product (GDP) by between 1.1 percent and
3.1 percent,

Lowered the unemployment rate by between
0.6 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points,

Increased the number of people employed by between
1.2 million and 3.3 million, and

Increased the number of full-time-equivalent jobs
by 1.6 million to 4.6 million compared with what
would have occurred otherwise, as shown in Table 1.
(Increases in FTE jobs include shifts from part-time
to full-time work or overtime and are thus generally
larger than increases in the number of employed

I wouldn't necessarily call that useless. If your only goal was keeping unemployment under 8% then yes, it was useless because that would have been literally impossible.
When the bill was passed, the unemployment rate was 7.8%, not some rate two weeks later that makes your argument and the stupidity of the administration seem less so. And when the bill was introduced and trumpeted as keeping the rate below 8%, the rate was 7.3%. Anything else is changing the facts midstream now that the proof is out.

Your 2 scenarios would indicate that the administration was either really stupid or lying. Probably both as that is what the federal government does in spades.

Are you going to quote the CBO when they show how bad the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and auto industry bailouts really are as compared to the lies the administration is telling?
Even if that is the case, the law was not a signature of magic.

The end of January was reported as 7.8%, the end of Feb was 8.2%. I don't really care about my argument, the only point I am trying to make is that it was impossible for the stimulus to keep unemployment below 8%.

Suggesting that Obama lied or the stimulus failed because of that arbitrary number is kind of silly.
Originally posted by Merge:
Suggesting that Obama lied or the stimulus failed because of that arbitrary number is kind of silly.
Really??? It's one or the other. Either you lie, misrepresenting information to get it through or you are plain stupid. I guess we can say Obama pulled a "Weiner".
Originally posted by HALL85:
Originally posted by Merge:
Suggesting that Obama lied or the stimulus failed because of that arbitrary number is kind of silly.
Really??? It's one or the other. Either you lie, misrepresenting information to get it through or you are plain stupid. I guess we can say Obama pulled a "Weiner".

The 8% is arbitrary to whether or not the stimulus had a positive impact or not, and if it was worth the cost.

That is the point. Debate that, not the 8% nonsense.
8% is a sound byte that politicians should use to try to gain a political edge, but thats it.
Hmmmm... that is some "sound byte". That report is full of sound bytes.

I'm wondering if the staffers who put that together for the VEEP's office are still employed
By any account June jobs report was an utter disaster. And even critics of Obama let alone supporters could not have predicted such a terrible number.

And it was not just the +18K that was bad. It was bad across the board. Wages down. Uneremployed number jumped from 15.8% to 16.2% (this is the number that includes people working part time but prefer to work full time and those who have dropped out of the work force all together). Unemployment rate up to 9.2%. The only reason the unemployment rate is as "low" as this is because the the labor force has shrunk so much. This is not because our population is decreasing but because the government does not count people who have given up looking for work as "unemployed." Even though they really are. Give you an idea of what I mean, the labor force number used in June to caculate the unemployment rate was LESS then May. On the surface that does not make any sense since the government estimates that around 125K to 150K net NEW people are entering the workforce each month. So how could the labor force be shrinking? Your answer is because they don't count unemployed people who have given up looking for work. Apparently another 272K people in June alone dropped out of the labor force altogether. I truly astonishing stat.

And previous months like April which showed decent job growth were revised down.

If you simply use the same labor force number (and it should be even higher then this) that Obama inherited in early 2009 the unemployment rate is 11.4%.