Republican Debates

No offense but I thought Trump was dreadful.
Anybody who disagrees with him he ame calls. His sound bites on the Sat/Sunday shows were embarrassing. Plus, he just looks nasty. He reallyndidntndo himself any good over the last three days.
Sadly, the vast majority of Americans' votes will not count at all, as so many states are already red or blue. Hillary isn't changing that. Neither is Jeb or the next repub in line. But an out of the box guy (out of his might shake things up.

Why is it sad? Didn't you post that you're voting for Hillary because you want to see a left shift in the Supreme Court? We are a country of idealogues, and it IS sad, but aren't you complicit?
I am not 100% certain of his motive but a shrewd businessman would not walk into this primary without understanding the electorate and the path to win the election.

I have spent a decent amount of time researching what it will take to win the next election and where each party will need to get their votes to win. Is it reasonable that I would have spent more time that Trump and his team? You can not win a general election without the support of Hispanics and women. It is just not possible and there is not a chance in hell that Trump doesn't understand that.

If he drops out than I will have to assume it was for the publicity. If he stays in or God forbid runs as a 3rd party candidate, I might start to think he is actually trying to have Hillary win.

Good post - if what I bolded is true, and I believe it is, what's with the "bimbo" and "fatso" remarks, not to mention what he opened with about Mexicans. Is Trump a Democratic plant?
Good post - if what I bolded is true, and I believe it is, what's with the "bimbo" and "fatso" remarks, not to mention what he opened with about Mexicans. Is Trump a Democratic plant?

I really don't know what his endgame is. That is definitely one possibility, although I don't think Trump would be willing to let anyone pull his strings. I think this is most likely of his own volition but still not sure of what the hell the purpose is. Could be trying to get Hillary the win or may be making some grand statement about our political process showing how easily people are manipulated.
If anyone honestly feels he is trying to get Hilary to win, you really gotta wake up. A dem plant in the repub primaries...come on guys. He is just a rich, ego centric, loud mouthed New Yorker who thinks he can do a better job and is speaking his mind, and the American public, so used to hearing pols explain what is is, finds his audaciousness refreshing. The media cannot understand that the rules are changed and neither can the repub party, nor would the dems if they had a similar situation. But everyone is saying F you DC, F you politicians - the lot of you!
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If anyone honestly feels he is trying to get Hilary to win, you really gotta wake up. A dem plant in the repub primaries...come on guys. He is just a rich, ego centric, loud mouthed New Yorker who thinks he can do a better job and is speaking his mind, and the American public, so used to hearing pols explain what is is, finds his audaciousness refreshing. The media cannot understand that the rules are changed and neither can the repub party, nor would the dems if they had a similar situation. But everyone is saying F you DC, F you politicians - the lot of you!
I agree, especially on the last statement. As much as the press is trying to create a firestorm around his insults and comments, he remains at the top in both NH and IA. Interesting that both Carson and Fiorina also moved up dramatically (another two NON-politicians) who were pretty unknown prior to last Thursday. Clearly, this is front and center with the Rep party now because Trump is on stage with them, but the Dem's better wake-up. Having a career resume as a politician is now a detriment.

BTW, I know 75 won't be happy with, but I saw Fiorina's interview regarding the Fergusson riots and she was on point with her message. Paraphrasing, said that "all lives matter" and that the Obama administration has done the greatest disservice to the African-American community since unemployment amongst black teens is much higher than when he took office and poverty levels have risen dramatically as well in black urban centers.
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but the Dem's better wake-up. Having a career resume as a politician is now a detriment.

I think we democrats will get there eventually but there is a perception that this was going to be Hillary's time which probably kept anyone outside of politics who was toying with the idea away from entering the race.
I agree, especially on the last statement. As much as the press is trying to create a firestorm around his insults and comments, he remains at the top in both NH and IA. Interesting that both Carson and Fiorina also moved up dramatically (another two NON-politicians) who were pretty unknown prior to last Thursday. Clearly, this is front and center with the Rep party now because Trump is on stage with them, but the Dem's better wake-up. Having a career resume as a politician is now a detriment.
Yes, Carson and Fiorina, and also Cruz to some extent, are seen thru the same prism.
I agree, especially on the last statement. As much as the press is trying to create a firestorm around his insults and comments, he remains at the top in both NH and IA. Interesting that both Carson and Fiorina also moved up dramatically (another two NON-politicians) who were pretty unknown prior to last Thursday. Clearly, this is front and center with the Rep party now because Trump is on stage with them, but the Dem's better wake-up. Having a career resume as a politician is now a detriment.

BTW, I know 75 won't be happy with, but I saw Fiorina's interview regarding the Fergusson riots and she was on point with her message. Paraphrasing, said that "all lives matter" and that the Obama administration has done the greatest disservice to the African-American community since unemployment amongst black teens is much higher than when he took office and poverty levels have risen dramatically as well in black urban centers.
I really have no opinion of Carly as a candidate. My main point was she did a shitty job at HP and her spearheading their purchase of Compaq was not smart. If her leadership at HP is her selling point, count me out. Buying Compaq was as smart strategically as invading Iraq.
I don't know a heck of a lot about Carly as well just yet, however, she is very articulate, well-versed on the issues and not afraid to provide her opinion or plan when asked. I would agree that if you're just judging her experience as CEO of HP, there are various opinions. My assumption is that her executive positions at AT&T and Lucent must have been positive or else she would have never ascended to the HP role. You can also make the argument that the HP deal was just about 15 years ago and the merger was a gamble given the bursting of the tech bubble. I think the key for her is to hit that head on and speak to what she learned and how she grew. What was Barack doing 15 years before 2008? Finally, she seems to have led several not-for-profits and specifically been a champion for women's rights around the world. Although she got an obscene package at HP (i.e. as Trump would say...played by the, but to her defense, she does plow a lot of her own money into these causes.

She has earned her way to the adults table, and I'm sure there will be more scrutiny now that she is known, but I'm interested to see how she progresses through the process. And how does the press and Dems treat a woman who truly broke through the glass ceiling and is also a cancer survivor?
Still way early, but Dr. Carson drawing into a tie with Trump in Iowa caucus poll this week. Press doesn't seem to get that the public is voicing their displeasure with the political system and Carson doing a great job drafting off of Trump's message. It would be a stark contrast if he were able to win the Rep. nomination and Hillary the Dem. Two opposite ends of the integrity spectrum. In a normal year this ticket should be in reverse, but anyone like Carson/Kasich?
Still way early, but Dr. Carson drawing into a tie with Trump in Iowa caucus poll this week. Press doesn't seem to get that the public is voicing their displeasure with the political system and Carson doing a great job drafting off of Trump's message. It would be a stark contrast if he were able to win the Rep. nomination and Hillary the Dem. Two opposite ends of the integrity spectrum. In a normal year this ticket should be in reverse, but anyone like Carson/Kasich?

I met Ben Carson many years ago, and was very impressed with his humility and intelligence. I'm not as high on Kasich, but I would vote for Carson in a minute. He is a black man who actually understands how broken the system is, and had to earn his way in life, in spite of it. Carson versus Clinton would be great -- all the Dems who don't vote Carson are stamped "racist," like in the past 2 cycles.
Still way early, but Dr. Carson drawing into a tie with Trump in Iowa caucus poll this week. Press doesn't seem to get that the public is voicing their displeasure with the political system and Carson doing a great job drafting off of Trump's message. It would be a stark contrast if he were able to win the Rep. nomination and Hillary the Dem. Two opposite ends of the integrity spectrum. In a normal year this ticket should be in reverse, but anyone like Carson/Kasich?

I like Carson when he has a prepared speech, but I think he has done a fairly poor job discussing political issues outside of what is prepared. Kasich on the other hand is probably the reverse of that.

I think Carson will be 2012's Cain. He will have a run, but fade away eventually.

I like Kasich for the VP spot.
Merge, I disagree about the Carson/Cain comparison. Cain was a wing nut, and Carson keeps getting better as he's learning more about how to address these issues. He's also a high-value guy that so far seems to be living a life of how he preaches.

I do think Carson should kiss Trump on all four cheeks, since the Donald has essentially taken Jeb out of the race and is doing all the heavy lifting on the issues that seem to be at the forefront...i.e. immigration reform, giving Ben a clearer path that he has taken advantage.
I am not sure the press needs to get that the public is voicing their displeasure with the political system. Republican party leaders are the ones who should be concerned that two non-politicians are currently blowing away the field. Truthfully, I know little about Ben Carson other than he has made some funky statements in the past about evolution. In any event, I am sure now that he is climbing the charts, he will have more opportunities to get across his message. If it came down to a choice between Trump and Carson, I would pick Trump today. Let's see if Carson can change people's minds. .
Cain was a wing nut, and Carson keeps getting better as he's learning more about how to address these issues.

He is far by far more eloquent than Cain, but he is assuredly a wingnut.
He called Obama a psychopath, "can't be sure" if Obama is trying to destroy our economy through a model by Lenin, calls Obamacare slavery and said that we may not have a 2016 election because of mass anarchy... The dude is crazy.

Obviously a brilliant surgeon but his bubble will burst when his supporters get more chances to hear him talk.
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He is far by far more eloquent than Cain, but he is assuredly a wingnut.
He called Obama a psychopath, "can't be sure" if Obama is trying to destroy our economy through a model by Lenin, calls Obamacare slavery and said that we may not have a 2016 election because of mass anarchytalk.
lol...I don't find anything far fetched with those comments.....I would call Obama a narcissist first instead though.....
lol...I don't find anything far fetched with those comments....I would call Obama a narcissist first instead though.....

In all honesty, doesn't the idea that you can run a country of 330 million people require a bit of narcissism?

Carson's language is far more divisive than anything Obama said when he was running. He will be exposed once the spotlight is on him.

btw... Jeb is running a pathetic campaign to this point.
Not sure if he is trying to lay low while everyone else battles each other but I expected much more out of him.

There is some Romney talk starting to heat up. I could see him entering 2016 unless Jeb or Rubio gets out in front.
In all honesty, doesn't the idea that you can run a country of 330 million people require a bit of narcissism?

Carson's language is far more divisive than anything Obama said when he was running. He will be exposed once the spotlight is on him.

btw... Jeb is running a pathetic campaign to this point.
Not sure if he is trying to lay low while everyone else battles each other but I expected much more out of him.

There is some Romney talk starting to heat up. I could see him entering 2016 unless Jeb or Rubio gets out in front.

Obama's divisive actions have trumped any words Carson, or anyone else, could have uttered. "Treyvon could have been my son."

Agree on Bush; I think the surname is just too soiled after GWB to have any serious chance.
Obama's divisive actions have trumped any words Carson, or anyone else, could have uttered. "Treyvon could have been my son."

Obama has said some divisive comments but that was not one of them. He was trying to relate to the family that lost their son.

If this was 2007 and Obama said any of the comments Carson said but about Bush... The right would have gone berserk.

One of the problems right now in politics is that we are not showing the president enough respect.
Be it Clinton, Bush, Obama and whoever is next... Both sides should respect the office and debate their policies.

Sure, you will pick up cheap support by calling Obama a socialist out to destroy our country... but is that what you want in your next leader?
What kind of precedent are they setting for how they should be treated as president?

I thought Christie missed a huge opportunity to show leadership with the Obama hug comment.
His response should have been "Yes, I hugged Obama when he came to my state during a crisis where the state was devastated. It was an emotional time for all of us and he was there for the people of New Jersey and I was appreciative. We should be able to respect the other side of the aisle while still be able to passionately disagree on the issues. When I am elected president, I will be there for my biggest supporters and detractors during a time of crisis"

Instead... He went to talking about hugging the families of the 9/11 victims and I could feel the collective cringe of millions of people watching.
Obama's divisive actions have trumped any words Carson, or anyone else, could have uttered. "Treyvon could have been my son."

Agree on Bush; I think the surname is just too soiled after GWB to have any serious chance.
Travis COULD be his son.

Nothing shows how broken politics is than the shit Christie got for hugging Obama.
Obama has shown little respect for the office of the president.
Wondering the same thing here, although 85 has had it out for Obama for quite some time now LOL.
LOL...I have it out for him? That's funny. I call it as I see it. His presidency has been disappointing at best. Divisive with Congress, divisive racially, divisive with socio-economic classes, more concerned with being the "cool" president then getting results. He has presided over an economic recovery that has left lower and middle-class people out and also widened the wealth gap. I expect my president to respect the office. Not be more concerned with appearances on late night TV, Glozell, and wading into issues that he has no business other then to stir up controversy. The fact that Trump has ascended in the polls with the "anybody but a politician" for president theme tells you all you need to know.
So 85, you think trump wouldn't do everything Obama has done in regards to TV appearances and giving his opinions on every single issue? So people are so upset at Obama for those things but are supporting the guy who will be WAY worse?
LOL...I have it out for him? That's funny.

Considering a lot of the postings you make on here, even some that don't relate to the White House, contain a pop shot at Obama, yeah I'd say you do have it out for him.
So 85, you think trump wouldn't do everything Obama has done in regards to TV appearances and giving his opinions on every single issue? So people are so upset at Obama for those things but are supporting the guy who will be WAY worse?
Trump is the ultimate showman and would probably do more. I don't think he would make a good President for that reason. The Trump phenomena has been kind of interesting to watch....why do you think his popularity continues to rise?
Considering a lot of the postings you make on here, even some that don't relate to the White House, contain a pop shot at Obama, yeah I'd say you do have it out for him.
Like I said, I call it as I see it. I have 30+ years in healthcare and his signature piece of legislation has done nothing other than to create another layer of cost, government oversight and more financial burden on those that can afford healthcare insurance. I had high hopes when he was elected since he was in a unique position to really unite the country (something I think the President should have as priority number one), and he has been one of the most divisive Presidents in our history. You may think I'm being hard on him, but I expect the President to have a high standard for leadership. To lead, unite, set the tone for the country....Can you describe his vision for this country in one sentence? What he stands for? I think he is primarily responsible for a lot of our confusion and dissatisfaction with Washington as the Chief Executive.
The Trump phenomena has been kind of interesting to watch....why do you think his popularity continues to rise?

For a few reasons.
It is entertaining to watch. Keeping Trump in the race makes the whole process a lot of fun.
People are also sending a message to politicians that they are tired with the same old stuff.

66% of Trump supporters think Obama is a Muslim.
61% think Obama was not born in America.
12% think he is a Christian.

I wouldn't really look into why his supporters like him that much... As a whole, they are a bunch of idiots.
he was in a unique position to really unite the country (something I think the President should have as priority number one), and he has been one of the most divisive Presidents in our history.

That is absurd. Unite the country in what exactly. Obama won 2008 by a landslide, his policies had public support. Congress was not willing to engage him.

He campaigned on healthcare reform. Republicans should have looked at his win as a mandate on the issue. Yet when Obama was pitching his plan, Joe Wilson screamed that he was lying... Name the last president that had a congressman call him a liar during a speech to a joint session. (and yet Obama is the divisive one?)

Republicans could have had a meaningful impact on the affordable care act, but they had zero interest in giving Obama a "win" they wanted this to look like a government takeover so they could position themselves for political gains which worked.

Obama has faced more filibusters than any other president.
How many times did republicans vote to repeal the affordable care act?
Everything he has done has required a fight.

There comes a point when you have to just say.. .F it, i'll do it myself which is what Obama did and I don't blame him.

Could he have done a better job trying to engage the right? probably but I am not convinced they would have been any more willing to work with him. They wanted political gains and it worked incredibly well in the midterms where less liberals vote.

Unfortunately, with the shift to the right by republicans they will most likely never win a general election again unless they start to change their positions and strategies as outlined in the 2012 GOP autopsy report.
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I often hear the word divisive and think it is overused. Just because I don't agree with something shouldn't make it automatically divisive.
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I often hear the word divisive and think it is overused. Just because I don't agree with something shouldn't make it automatically divisive.
Divisive = Pick a side and demonize the other...he does this all the time.
That is absurd. Unite the country in what exactly. Obama won 2008 by a landslide, his policies had public support. Congress was not willing to engage him.

Could he have done a better job trying to engage the right? probably but I am not convinced they would have been any more willing to work with him. They wanted political gains and it worked incredibly well in the midterms where less liberals vote.
merge, that's the essence of what my point is. He had a landslide and a public mandate, and that was the time to show your leadership and extend out to the Republicans to govern as one. He would have had incredible public support if the Republicans turned him down. Arrogant and stupid. Instead, he took the approach of "I won; I have a mandate; so I don't have to engage you"...playing right into their hands and it worked if you look at the record number of Congressional seats Democrats have lost under any President and during an economic recovery to boot where their guy is in charge.

I get it; you want to give him a pass and want to pin this all on the Republicans. Leaders lead...losers make excuses and that's what I see in him. This may surprise you but despite the partisan politics, I believe most Americans want this country to do well and are looking for a leader with a vision. Trump, Sanders, Carson, Fiorina are all outsiders and are getting way more support because many Americans are fed up with the lack of leadership and divisiveness.
Divisive = Pick a side and demonize the other...he does this all the time.

Actually the meaning of divisive is - causing a lot of disagreement between people and causing them to separate into different groups

The President has indeed picked a group - he is a Democrat. At least 50% of the people in this country have picked the other side. So strictly speaking I guess the President is divisive, as was every President before him and every President will be after him. The bottom line is Obama is not unique in this respect.
He had a landslide and a public mandate, and that was the time to show your leadership and extend out to the Republicans to govern as one.

Can you point to a time where he was treated as if he had a mandate on anything? He was accused of fear mongering in his first month as president in his pitch for the stimulus bill.

Yes, I do place a lot of blame on republicans here. Elected representatives called him a liar, idiotic, sent e-mails joking about Obama being a monkey, said he not eligible to be president because he was born in Kenya, The Senate minority leader publicly said that the top priority for republicans would be to deny Obama a second term. Maybe this has always been happening but it is only magnified due to the availability of data but is sure as hell seems A LOT worse not than at any point during my lifetime.

Republicans over and over again looked for political gains by forcing Obama to act alone instead of trying to work with him and give him a "win". This happened with every single major issue Obama faced.

e took the approach of "I won; I have a mandate; so I don't have to engage you"...playing right into their hands and it worked if you look at the record number of Congressional seats Democrats have lost under any President and during an economic recovery to boot where their guy is in charge.

He did engage them. They were not willing to compromise on anything.
They gambled on the fact that forcing Obama to work alone would help them gain majorities in the house and senate and it worked incredibly well. It is a game of chess. They weren't trying to help the country. They were trying to help their party.
Actually the meaning of divisive is - causing a lot of disagreement between people and causing them to separate into different groups

The President has indeed picked a group - he is a Democrat. At least 50% of the people in this country have picked the other side. So strictly speaking I guess the President is divisive, as was every President before him and every President will be after him. The bottom line is Obama is not unique in this respect.
You can belong to a party and not be divisive...see Regan
Can you point to a time where he was treated as if he had a mandate on anything? He was accused of fear mongering in his first month as president in his pitch for the stimulus bill.

Yes, I do place a lot of blame on republicans here. Elected representatives called him a liar, idiotic, sent e-mails joking about Obama being a monkey, said he not eligible to be president because he was born in Kenya, The Senate minority leader publicly said that the top priority for republicans would be to deny Obama a second term. Maybe this has always been happening but it is only magnified due to the availability of data but is sure as hell seems A LOT worse not than at any point during my lifetime.

Republicans over and over again looked for political gains by forcing Obama to act alone instead of trying to work with him and give him a "win". This happened with every single major issue Obama faced.

He did engage them. They were not willing to compromise on anything.
They gambled on the fact that forcing Obama to work alone would help them gain majorities in the house and senate and it worked incredibly well. It is a game of chess. They weren't trying to help the country. They were trying to help their party.
merge, we're going to have to agree to disagree. You're using revisionist history. He never engaged the other side of the aisle, in fact he insulated himself behind Reed and Pelosi as pit bulls to create more division. And you act like immature behavior is only a Republican trait, when we know both parties have done that childish stuff during his administration (see lowest Congressional approval of all-time). His job as President is to rise above it, not play the game with him. To win in a landslide he obviously had Republican support in the electorate, but he pissed that away for his party. And he clearly does fear-monger, so if the shoe fits.....
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You can belong to a party and not be divisive...see Regan

Reagan was indeed a popular President and yet at the height of his success, 4 out of every 10 Americans voted for Mondale. At the height of Obama's success, 45% of Americans voted for McCain. You think you see divisiveness but what you actually are seeing are two sides looking at things differently.
Reagan was indeed a popular President and yet at the height of his success, 4 out of every 10 Americans voted for Mondale. At the height of Obama's success, 45% of Americans voted for McCain. You think you see divisiveness but what you actually are seeing are two sides looking at things differently.
So if you do that math, because the in the two examples you used, you had a Dem landslide and a Rep landslide, that would indicate about a 25-30 million swing in voters that didn't vote in a partisan manner. I think that supports my point.

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