Sarah Kustok


All World
Gold Member
Aug 23, 2001
Decent job today of color commentary. I still prefer Donnie Marshall or Jim Spanarkel, but she's pretty good, too.

For what it's worth....if any of you know the people who sit behind the Fox crews at our games please tell them they look like complete idiots with their mugging for the cameras. They are embarassing themselves and the university.
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Decent job today of color commentary. I still prefer Donnie Marshall or Jim Spanarkel, but she's pretty good, too.

For what it's worth....if any of you know the people who sit behind the Fox crews at our games please tell them they look like complete idiots with their mugging for the cameras. They are embarassing themselves and the university.
The next time any fans anywhere sitting behind announcers don't embarrass themselves will be the first time that ever happens.
Sarah not bad at all. Take her any day over the deadly annoying Doris Burke
I agree on Sarah but I actually like the guys that usually “stand” behind the fox crew. They are loyal and at every home game. The earned the right to look like silly fans.
I was not looking at the fans but rather Sarah who is very pretty with nice eyes and does an excellent job as a sportscaster.
It was really cool to see Sarah so smitten with PJ when he sat with them. She has this huge smile on her face, almost looked like she had a crush on him ;) I think she does a nice job when she does games.
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It was really cool to see Sarah so smitten with PJ when he sat with them. She has this huge smile on her face, almost looked like she had a crush on him ;) I think she does a nice job when she does games.
she was with yes when he was on avery's staff and then interim
It was really cool to see Sarah so smitten with PJ when he sat with them. She has this huge smile on her face, almost looked like she had a crush on him ;) I think she does a nice job when she does games.

I believe Kust
It was really cool to see Sarah so smitten with PJ when he sat with them. She has this huge smile on her face, almost looked like she had a crush on him ;) I think she does a nice job when she does games.

I think Kustok's respect for PJ is genuine and I will tell you why.

She and Ryan Ruocco both cut there teeth doing Nets games when PJ was an assistant Nets coach.
Ruocco grew up in my neighborhood and was great friends with my son.
I coached him in sixth grade CYO basketball.

At a holiday gathering a few years back Ruocco told me that his early Nets road trips were made better by the fact that PJ was always gracious, funny, and willing to support the new staff.

Kustok probably had the same experience.

She did a great job in the Myles Powell post game interview.
Powell, in response, knocked it out of the park.

He is great.
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Myles did that interview with no shoes on because he gave them to a 3-year-old girl wearing a Powell t-shirt. Her look was priceless and his smile was on par with Delgado. He’s going to be a great one the next few years.
Decent job today of color commentary. I still prefer Donnie Marshall or Jim Spanarkel, but she's pretty good, too.

For what it's worth....if any of you know the people who sit behind the Fox crews at our games please tell them they look like complete idiots with their mugging for the cameras. They are embarassing themselves and the university.
I agree that woman mugging for the camera looked like a fool. If you must, get yourself in the shot but stop acting like a 13 year old.
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