Seems Like Donald Trump Jr admitted to looking for Russian Info

I think Merge is onto something. Don Trump Jr really thought he was gonna meet a hot Russian prostitute and that is why he had the meeting.
Kushner heading to to the hot seat on the matter.
Closed door session, so doubtful there will be any public disclosure at least for a while. Same as Susan Rice's unmasking testimony last week. Mum is the word.

“I actually emailed an assistant from the meeting after I had been there for ten or so minutes and wrote ‘Can u pls call me on my cell? Need excuse to get out of meeting,’” Kushner wrote. “

I have an app on my phone where I can press an icon and 20 seconds later my phone rings with an outside call from a robot. I have used it a few times to get out of dumb meetings and encounters. :D

Cricket chirps is all we hear..............

Cricket chirps is all we hear..............

I don't understand this post on a Trump thread. But let's see, here is a guy who was arrested for fraud in relation to a bank loan. He is an IT guy who despite the criminal investigation, Wasserman kept as an employee until this week. Sounds like a shit head and should be prosecuted. End of story from what has come out.
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I don't understand this post on a Trump thread. But let's see, here is a guy who was arrested for fraud in relation to a bank loan. He is an IT guy who despite the criminal investigation, Wasserman kept as an employee until this week. Sounds like a shit head and should be prosecuted. End of story from what has come out.

Actually, the thread is about Trump Jr. and the Russians.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of posters on this thread.

The silence is deafening.

Throughout this thread we see various rants and admonishments to the effect of "heads in the sand", "For the sake of country", "wake up America", etc., all about a 15 minute meeting and collusion conspiracy theory that has gone nowhere.

The reply above dismissed the WS situation as no big deal citing only a portion of the entire story.

You left out the part about the guy was being investigated for hacking into the US House of Representatives computer network. That poses a extremely significant national security threat. He is also the potential source of the DNC Wiki leaks that showed collusion in the Democratic Primary.

You left out the smashedcomputers that the RBI picked p when they raided his home

You left out the potential obstruction by WS.

"But let's see, here is a guy who was arrested for fraud in relation to a bank loan."
. That correct. It is also correct that Al Capone was only ever arrested for tax evasion.

All other congressman fired him and removed any potential threat except WS.

Yeah, you're right.... its nothing. Let's get back to that 15 meeting discussion.
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You left out the part about the guy was being investigated for hacking into the US House of Representatives computer network. That poses a extremely significant national security threat. He is also the potential source of the DNC Wiki leaks that showed collusion in the Democratic Primary.

They are being investigated though? If there is any wrong doing, it will be found and I hope Wasserman Schultz is a part of it. Can't stand her.

If they are the source of the e-mails, great we can end the investigation into Russia being responsible.

You left out the smashedcomputers that the RBI picked p when they raided his home

Wait before you pass judgement there. I have several hard drives that I have drilled holes through sitting in my basement. I'll dispose of them at some point but for now, they just sit there not bothering me. Some are my own, some are previous clients when I worked in IT. That doesn't mean I am guilty of anything. It means I do not want anyone being able to extract the date on the drives. If you are done with a drive and want to ensure no one can read the data ever. You should destroy the drive.

I can recover some data from hard drives even if you have formatted the drive, and my tools are not sophisticated.

All other congressman fired him and removed any potential threat except WS.

Yeah, you're right.... its nothing. Let's get back to that 15 meeting discussion.

I don't think anyone here really cares about Wasserman Schultz. Maybe that's why no one has brought this up here?
It sounds like it is something that should be investigated, and it is being investigated.

Like Trump Jr's meeting. It sounds like something that should be investigated and is being investigated.
Interesting story. Presumably a Trump Presidency would be more open to repealing or gutting the Maginsky act than Clinton would have been.
Any revised opinions after the latest revelations???

No change. It's obvious when Republicans do it, it's collusion. When Democrats do it, it's opposition research. Combine this with getting questions in advance, the entire system is a fraud. Only going to get crazier with Uranium One.
Any revised opinions after the latest revelations???

Same response last time you asked back in July. Did anyone believe Fusion was gathering data for fun? Of course they were being paid by politicians.

If anyone from the Clinton campaign can be tied to Steele then yes, and lock them up. The problem is that they X group can fund Y research group who can hire Steele. Incredibly shady, but not illegal.

The idea that Fusion was paid by democrats being newsworthy is just really dumb and is just an attempted to muddy the waters of public opinion.
Democrats and republicans alike can hire whatever group they want in the US, and that group can hire whoever they want to get information. They can not seek or obtain information directly from foreign nationals. That is the law.
No change. It's obvious when Republicans do it, it's collusion. When Democrats do it, it's opposition research. Combine this with getting questions in advance, the entire system is a fraud. Only going to get crazier with Uranium One.

Working with a foreign government is collusion.
Hiring a company to gather data is opposition research.

Again. We should not be ok with a a foreign government attempting to influence our democratic process. Understanding they probably all do, there will really only be a problem if the politicians here accept the help.
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This is worth watching up the 14:05 minute mark.

It is Hayden at the Oxford Union talking about the interference. He cites the difficulty we will have getting to the bottom of it.

Working with a foreign government is collusion.
Hiring a company to gather data is opposition research.

Again. We should not be ok with a a foreign government attempting to influence our democratic process. Understanding they probably all do, there will really only be a problem if the politicians here accept the help.

So it's bad to directly deal meet with someone associated with a foreign government to get dirt, but it's okay to hire a company to deal with a British spy. Shouldn't the Clinton's and DNC have withdrawn from the engagement since a British intelligence officer was involved? Or maybe the British don't count as a foreign government.
So it's bad to directly deal meet with someone associated with a foreign government to get dirt, but it's okay to hire a company to deal with a British spy.

Correct. That is the law.

Shouldn't the Clinton's and DNC have withdrawn from the engagement since a British intelligence officer was involved? Or maybe the British don't count as a foreign government.

No, just like Jeb before her (I believe he is the one who initiated the oppo research with Fusion). Obtaining the information from Fusion GPS is not against the law. Fusion is then allowed to obtain information however they want within laws relevant to them which has nothing to do with campaign finance laws.

Maybe you believe the law to be trivial and maybe they should even be changed but until then:
Working with Fusion = within the law.
Working with foreign nationals directly - not within the law.
btw - This is likely a distraction from that fact that it was reported yesterday that the Russia investigators were gathering documents from the estate of Peter Smith who was attempting to get the Hillary e-mails from Russians in 2016 and said he was working with several key members of the Trump campaign.

If what he was saying in his attempts to get the data is true, and there are communications from the campaign in Smiths records. That is far more damning than Hillary and the DNC paying for opposition research.
Maybe you believe the law to be trivial and maybe they should even be changed but until then:
Working with Fusion = within the law.
Working with foreign nationals directly - not within the law.

So you have to explain, why are democrats concerned about Trumps outside data firm contacting wikileaks. Can't the outside research firm reach out the same way?

Based on your explanation wouldn't that be within the law?
So you have to explain, why are democrats concerned about Trumps outside data firm contacting wikileaks. Can't the outside research firm reach out the same way?

Based on your explanation wouldn't that be within the law?

There is a small distinction between the 2. Fusion was hired for opposition research, Cambridge actually had a staff working for the Trump campaign under Parscale.

Again, something you may feel to be insignificant but the law has different rules in those scenarios.

If we have someone from the Hillary campaign directing Fusion to employ steel to gather intelligence, that would be against campaign finance laws.

If we have someone from the Trump campaign directing their contracted employees to contact Wikileaks, that would also be against the law.

Obviously when one of those groups is employed by you, that is a significantly closer dot to connect. (Setting aside the fact that Trump publically asked Wikileaks for the emails- we can assume for the sake of argument that like everything else he says, he wasn’t serious)

They backed a candidate which was complete crap, but it is not similar to a hostile foreign government influencing our democratic process.

Yes, the Russians sought to influence our democratic election. Our intelligence community confirms that and the Trump administration has lied about their contacts with the Russians more times than I can count at this point.
They backed a candidate which was complete crap, but it is not similar to a hostile foreign government influencing our democratic process.

Yes, the Russians sought to influence our democratic election. Our intelligence community confirms that and the Trump administration has lied about their contacts with the Russians more times than I can count at this point.

Any thoughts on how Clinton influenced our democratic process by taking control of the DNC. Bernie never had a chance.
Any thoughts on how Clinton influenced our democratic process by taking control of the DNC. Bernie never had a chance.

Yeah that Hillary is awful. Lets impeach her!
If you are still talking about Hillary a YEAR after the election, someone wants you to be distracted.

But my response to you is the same as it was when you asked the same question back in July.
I'm pissed it happened especially as a Sanders supporter, but it wasn't illegal.

Don't conflate the issues.
Yeah that Hillary is awful. Lets impeach her!
If you are still talking about Hillary a YEAR after the election, someone wants you to be distracted.

But my response to you is the same as it was when you asked the same question back in July.
I'm pissed it happened especially as a Sanders supporter, but it wasn't illegal.

Don't conflate the issues.
If we're still talking about the election a year later, people want you to be distracted from things such as unemployment going down, stock market record highs, etc
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If we're still talking about the election a year later, people want you to be distracted from things such as unemployment going down, stock market record highs, etc

Those things are discussed all the time... Just the opinions that change on how much influence the president has over both depending on who is in office.

You don't think people should talk about how much influence the Russian government had on our election? and if the current administration who lied about their contacts with Russians on many occasions, was complicit in something illegal?
Those things are discussed all the time... Just the opinions that change on how much influence the president has over both depending on who is in office.

You don't think people should talk about how much influence the Russian government had on our election? and if the current administration who lied about their contacts with Russians on many occasions, was complicit in something illegal?

I think there should be equal time on Russian influence and a rigged DNC, both undermine our democratic process.
I think there should be equal time on Russian influence and a rigged DNC, both undermine our democratic process.

You seriously think party infighting and a an investigation into potential collusion with a hostile foreign government deserve equal time? The DNC and RNC have both supported some candidates over others. This is not something new, or something illegal.

This is a distraction.
You seriously think party infighting and a an investigation into potential collusion with a hostile foreign government deserve equal time? The DNC and RNC have both supported some candidates over others. This is not something new, or something illegal.

This is a distraction.

So anything not Trump Russia is a distraction? Why is Donna Brazile creating a distraction from Trump Russia? Why would anyone on the left create this distraction?

There's always going to be outside forces trying to play a role in messing with our democracy. It's our job to stop it. It's worse when our own system is F'ed up internally, whether that's DNC or RNC.
So anything not Trump Russia is a distraction? Why is Donna Brazile creating a distraction from Trump Russia? Why would anyone on the left create this distraction?

There's always going to be outside forces trying to play a role in messing with our democracy. It's our job to stop it. It's worse when our own system is F'ed up internally, whether that's DNC or RNC.
Merge has the 24/7 obsession with Trump so your suggestion will fall on deaf ears.
So anything not Trump Russia is a distraction? Why is Donna Brazile creating a distraction from Trump Russia? Why would anyone on the left create this distraction?.

Not saying it's not a story, it is.. I have seen stories online. I have seen reporting on TV. Why is Brazile creating a distraction? Because she is one of the people who helped Hillary and was thrown under the bus by the party for it and is now trying to sell a book/seeking vengeance.

Really shady stuff occurred by the democrats. We know this. We have known this for months and now have more details and it is being covered. It was really shady and again, I am glad the heads of the DNC are gone. I hope Perez gets rid of anyone involved.

The coverage of this story will last a couple days for most media outlets because at the end of the day, it is shady practices that were not breaking any laws.

There's always going to be outside forces trying to play a role in messing with our democracy. It's our job to stop it. It's worse when our own system is F'ed up internally, whether that's DNC or RNC.

Do you think the RNC at any point was pushing Bush or Rubio instead of Trump last year? Trump was complaining the RNC was rigged against him. I agree with you it is wrong. I agree that outside forces will always try to play a role.
My issue is accepting the help from those outside forces (which is actually illegal)

My entire point in the many pages of this thread is that I remain concerned about why Russia wanted Trump to win. Do they have any influence over this administration. Why did the administration lie about their contacts with Russians so many times?

I am not upset Hillary is not president, she isn't and never will be. A story about her working with the DNC just doesn't matter anymore. Had she won, I would feel differently about that but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter anymore.

Trump however is president. Russia tried to help him win and there is an ongoing investigation into his administration which just yielded their first indictments a week ago.

I don't think those stories deserve "equal time" the same way I wouldn't expect two stories of someone breaking a law and someone breaking a rule would receive equal time in the news.
Not saying it's not a story, it is.. I have seen stories online. I have seen reporting on TV. Why is Brazile creating a distraction? Because she is one of the people who helped Hillary and was thrown under the bus by the party for it and is now trying to sell a book/seeking vengeance.

Really shady stuff occurred by the democrats. We know this. We have known this for months and now have more details and it is being covered. It was really shady and again, I am glad the heads of the DNC are gone. I hope Perez gets rid of anyone involved.

The coverage of this story will last a couple days for most media outlets because at the end of the day, it is shady practices that were not breaking any laws.

Do you think the RNC at any point was pushing Bush or Rubio instead of Trump last year? Trump was complaining the RNC was rigged against him. I agree with you it is wrong. I agree that outside forces will always try to play a role.
My issue is accepting the help from those outside forces (which is actually illegal)

My entire point in the many pages of this thread is that I remain concerned about why Russia wanted Trump to win. Do they have any influence over this administration. Why did the administration lie about their contacts with Russians so many times?

I am not upset Hillary is not president, she isn't and never will be. A story about her working with the DNC just doesn't matter anymore. Had she won, I would feel differently about that but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter anymore.

Trump however is president. Russia tried to help him win and there is an ongoing investigation into his administration which just yielded their first indictments a week ago.

I don't think those stories deserve "equal time" the same way I wouldn't expect two stories of someone breaking a law and someone breaking a rule would receive equal time in the news.

Of course the RNC and DNC have a rooting interest but they are expected to be fair just like we expect referees to be fair. I'm sure the big east has a rooting interest in conference tournament games, but it would be inconceivable if a school helped pay off big east debt and for that had a say in which refs did their games. That would be a scandal. That's basically what happened in the DNC. In my opinion people playing games with our own democracy is deserving of equal time as foreign interference. If we can't respect the spirit of our own laws, why should other countries?
“I am a lawyer, and I am an informant,” she says in the NBC interview. “Since 2013, I have been actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general.”

Something that seemed obvious to be true, but did indeed take a while to prove.

Could be a problem.

But is she lying now or was she lying in November when she testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee when she said she had no connection to the Russian government?
As the rest of the world is watching what is going on in the Korean Peninsula....I know...Russia, Russia, Russia.....

News out today about a topic previously discussed. I bumped the thread due to the news.

Feel free to post about North Korea in another thread. I might even agree with you l.
Could be a problem.

But is she lying now or was she lying in November when she testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee when she said she had no connection to the Russian government?

There was evidence that she was lying to the senate, which she now admits.

I’m gonna go ahead and believe she is who Goldstone said she was wen setting up the meeting with Trump Jr.

This thread is a fun revisit.

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