Dude, This is what you wrote:I for sure did not claim you were a homosexual.
Did you have a bad weekend at fire island, were you not invited on a pride float?
Dude, This is what you wrote:I for sure did not claim you were a homosexual.
I posted a link to the article earlier in the thread.Archbishop Carlo Vigano, former Papal Nuncio to the USA, has written an eleven page letter addressing this issue, especially with the goings on in the United States. Harsh words for Francis, Wuerl, McCarrick and many others in the hierarchy here and world wide. Before any further attempts are made to defend the indefensible, I strongly suggest his letter be read. Cupich and Tobin are also mentioned. An important document for sure.
Dude, This is what you wrote:
Did you have a bad weekend at fire island, were you not invited on a pride float?
And you just did that with your argument that the whole thing has been caused by homosexual priests. You can't have it both ways but let's blame the gay priests for everything. Sorry I'm not buying it.Whenever you take a whole group of people and label, judge, and condemn them, you are guilty of bigotry.
Tell that to the seven year old girl who just got her tonsils out and was raped by the visiting priest or the PA girl that got pregnant from the priest who forced her to have an abortion and so on and so forth. This is really about power in the end but let's blame the homosexuals because the John Jay study said it happened 80% of the time? How about basic morality - one case is too many especially for religious who are supposed to give us advice on morality and living a good life. But let's keep blaming one group of people. If you are truly a Catholic you should see the problem with that statement but it's the spin right now that is helping conservative Catholics feel better about themselves. Sorry call a spade a spade - it's all wrong no matter the percentages.Of course it is It's sickening that anyone could deny it. I'm tired of people pussyfooting around afraid to speak the truth or even recognize it. How can the problem be solved if people don't even recognize what the problem is. Clericalism. What a joke. Pedophilia. Another joke. Get a call girl, it's been suggested. Don't you understand these guys don't like females. Their targets are teenage boys and seminarians. What is so difficult to understand?
Tell that to the seven year old girl who just got her tonsils out and was raped by the visiting priest or the PA girl that got pregnant from the priest who forced her to have an abortion and so on and so forth. This is really about power in the end but let's blame the homosexuals because the John Jay study said it happened 80% of the time? How about basic morality - one case is too many especially for religious who are supposed to give us advice on morality and living a good life. But let's keep blaming one group of people. If you are truly a Catholic you should see the problem with that statement but it's the spin right now that is helping conservative Catholics feel better about themselves. Sorry call a spade a spade - it's all wrong no matter the percentages.
If in fact Francis knew about McCarrick - which he probably did - he needs to resign.
Wrong is wrong - it deserves no label even if it makes you feel better about it. You put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig. In the end it's about power.I'll go with the percentages, thank you. First pedophilia but that didn't work, now clericalism and that's not working, so next up is power. Keep it up. Sooner or later you'll come to the right answer
And you just did that with your argument that the whole thing has been caused by homosexual priests. You can't have it both ways but let's blame the gay priests for everything. Sorry I'm not buying it.
Gay and straight Bishops and Cardinals have protected themselves over their flock for too many years to count now.
Wrong is wrong - it deserves no label even if it makes you feel better about it. You put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig. In the end it's about power.
The evil part we agree on 100% and it has to stop.Nobody here has said it was anything but evil.
What is wrong with you man? So the 20% that is simple non-homosexual pedophilia is acceptable “breakage” in your book? Let’s see, that’s thousands of cases.I was quoting objective statistics from a report done by social scientists. 80 percent was the number. My facts may go against what the media or personal bias has influenced you to believe. But it is the truth
What is wrong with you man? So the 20% that is simple non-homosexual pedophilia is acceptable “breakage” in your book? Let’s see, that’s thousands of cases.
I’m sorry, but ONE is wrong. 20% is unacceptable. And the way you post, I’m not sure you fully understand what bigotry means. It goes wider than your accepted one definition.
But let’s just keep blaming homosexuals and turn a blind eye to the wonderful straight men that brush it all under the carpet and point to the “true” sinners.
Hypocrisy at its best.
No, but again, this is not a homosexual issue. I don’t know how many different ways to say that.The guy who just gave everyone a lesson in Jcalz verbiage is now going to play obtuse with someone else's words. Obviously, he's not saying the 20% are all well and good. Come on, you're better than that.
What is wrong with you man? So the 20% that is simple non-homosexual pedophilia is acceptable “breakage” in your book? Let’s see, that’s thousands of cases.
I’m sorry, but ONE is wrong. 20% is unacceptable. And the way you post, I’m not sure you fully understand what bigotry means. It goes wider than your accepted one definition.
But let’s just keep blaming homosexuals and turn a blind eye to the wonderful straight men that brush it all under the carpet and point to the “true” sinners.
Hypocrisy at its best.
The FBI came to my kids' middle school for a safety seminar about 10 years ago after which I never looked at the world the same again.
The FBI came to my kids' middle school for a safety seminar about 10 years ago after which I never looked at the world the same again. The agent said that child molesters are highly skilled hunters and will find their way to be in a position to perform their devious acts. They join clergy, become coaches, teachers, join youth organizations like Boy Scouts,and ice cream truck owners. They told us that the typical child predator is a while male from 25 to 54. They use social media and relationship building to leverage their results. I left the building when it was over with other dads and some of them were so shaken up, they could not make it to their cars. These so-called priests and rabbis should get the book thrown at them and clean out the church's good name once and for all.
While I agree homosexuality and pedophilia are two completely different things, I'm not so sure abuse of boys is far worse than girls. I know the reported stats say so, but I also wonder if there is more under-reporting amongst young girls.All gays are not pedophiles just as not all straights are pedophiles. Most of the pedophilia in the church, however, involve homosexual acts. There's no other way to spin it. I have friends and acquaintances who are homosexual. They are fine, upstanding people and parents. I don't believe for one instance that they are pedophiles. I know victims of pedophilia who are scarred for the rest of their lives. Covering up acts of pedophilia by the Church, which has led to other acts of pedophilia being committed against innocent victims, is a far worse crime.
Now we're back to pedophilia again when it is clear that teenagers and seminarians were the main victims. If we are depending on Pope Francis, all is lost. He is proving to be a large part of the problem, not it's cure. Political correctness demands that all of this be apportioned on the gender basis, 50-50. We must be fair, right? No one has claimed all homosexuals are capable of these crimes and no one has denied that heterosexuals have been a pretty big part of the issue.
What I find interesting is that there has been no discussion of the sinfulness of these acts or has it been decided in the new church that's sin is out and all we have to do is hug and shake hands at the sign of peace to enter Heaven, ala Bishop Barron's comments.
I wonder how many people are receiving communion unworthily, if they attend Mass at all. Priests used to advise the congregation that only Catholics in a state of grace can receive Communion. I haven't heard that in Novus Ordo churches in years at Christmas and Easter At Easter last year with the exception of my Protestant wife everyone in the church received communion. I pray that all were in a state of grace but with so many believing their conscience rules, I have to wonder.
Donnie baseballs
If I could be half the man hank is and have a quarter of his success I’d be thrilled.
But I prefer to be my own many not a follower.
Get used it for the next few decades nothing you can do to stop it
Btw, I actually spent my Communion money on the first nice watch I bought, Ill have to show you it sometime.
It was tough for me to avoid going to church as my mother was the head of our parishes CCD and taught classes on Mondays & Wednesday’s.
Funny my two cousins are both employed by the church as well. One runs one of the vaticans largest publications and one is a priest, one of them is gay can you guess which one?
Cut the bs I made a joke see example below same joke different subject...
If you don’t like Rutgers basketball like our buddy flnj
“Hey flnj did they not let ya in a frat party on college ave when you were a kid, did ya not get served at grease trucks”.
Just because “the gays” weird ya out doesn’t mean you have to be a d$$k about it
Somehow, through all that, I do get what you were trying to say to Catholicman. But, "where you come from" you call child-touchers priests. Really? Since you're going to be around the program a while (though never as long as most of us have already been), maybe you should let Fr. John know that.
Somehow, through all that, I do get what you were trying to say to Catholicman. But, "where you come from" you call child-touchers priests. Really? Since you're going to be around the program a while (though never as long as most of us have already been), maybe you should let Fr. John know that.
We can agree to disagree on the rest, but atleast you get what I was saying. At no point was I calling anyone a homosexual.
I still dont think catholic man gets it yet.
I have great compassion for people who struggle with same sex attraction and understand that inclination wasnt their fault.
I disagree with you that God created anyone with that inclination!Everyone is different, but I don't think most people struggle with it. I'm sure some do. But I think the majority embrace it and just live life the way they were created by God.
Intellectual honesty will help your human growth and development. I urge you to give it a go.
You need to own your own statements or retract them.
You had some need to depict me as a sheltered person who doesn't get out much and has some irrational hang up with persons who have same sex attraction.
You don't know who i am. I have probably been exposed to more things than you could ever imagine. Working with victims of satanic ritual abuse, hearing lots of confessions, doing prison ministry, staffing homeless shelters, and helping people on the margins, including people with same sex attraction, have enriched my life, seasoned my perspective, and deepened my devotion to God's mercy.
I have great compassion for people who struggle with same sex attraction and understand that inclination wasnt their fault.
I disagree with you that God created anyone with that inclination!
God's love is beyond all understanding. Of course He created people with same sex inclinations and He loves us all equally.
A mountain of research and clinical practice indicates the opposite of what you said. Sadly, the culture decided to reject this and buy into what they wanted to believe.Ask any gay person and they'll tell you they were born that way. Can't do anything about it.