A mountain of research and clinical practice indicates the opposite of what you said. Sadly, the culture decided to reject this and buy into what they wanted to believe.
In my pastoral practice, which has involved many homosexual persons, the genesis of the same sex attraction was developmental, often trauma based, and very often involved sexual abuse. Clients often indicate they felt they were born that way but once they enter a therapeutuc process realize that this wasn't the case. Feeling "different" often goes back into earliest childhood but reflects on parental relationships, not biology.
There is not even one truly scientific study to indicated a biological origin of homosexuality.
I certainly don't have the pastoral experience that you do, Father, but your last sentence is right on. Twin concordance studies show a very low percentage of both identical twins (with exactly the same DNA) being homosexual. You won't see many of these studies in modern times, because it's not politically correct. If it's not genetic, then, what is it?