That is a good take. His antics and rhetoric are the problem and winking to fringe groups. But his policies are not far right. For instance he just brokered a peace deal between Israel and the Sudan and that is the third peace deal the US brokered with Israel and Arab countries (including UAE and Bahrain). That is significant and has higher odds of encouraging peace and trade in a difficult region. Crickets from the media but this is a bi-partisan deal that all Americans should get behind. And if Obama did it it would be put on all the main channels and celebrated. Trump changed the law (Biden's law) for mandatory sentences that put thousands of black and minority men in jail and he also did other good things that are not necessarily far right. I personally wish he got something done on health care a big miss for me but he is trying to make things more transparent (e.g., hospital pricing and fees and trying to reduce pharma costs for the US compared to other countries). But if you pay attention to the MSM you would never know any of this stuff. He was a Democrat for years. He is an ahole and a nepotist for sure I concur, but his policies have not been largely far right at all. If it is said 100 times it is not always true.I disagree because policy wise trump is not far right. his antics make it easy to dislike him especially if you prefer to ignore the issues.