Transfer Portal

we need a PG who can create and pentrate first. the score when needed. after this year especially we see the importance of a guy who can do that.

russell seems good to me, unless we can find a guy like that and a reliable shooter. tough to come by. id consider him.
Sid Wilson will be on, what, his fourth school, and this is the hill you want to die on for the “college is for everyone” stuff. Absent extraordinary circumstances, being at 4 schools of that short a time period might plausibly be construed as college not being a fit for the kid, ha think?

Have any of those jelly fam guys actually stayed at one school and been successful? Seems like every single one of them had issues and bounced all over the place.
Quinerly on school number 2 but has been great this year. I forget which kids were part of that. Quinerly actually mentioned something about the jellyfam stuff in the article I read about all the players tweeting inside the bubble on players rights.
Said for a long time that Fatts would have made a good Pirate. Very exciting player to watch. Would have loved to see him splitting time with Q the previous couple years instead of Nelson and how big would it have been to have him this year when Aiken was hurt and Shavar melted down. Don't know what our odds or...or the interest level but boy I'd love to have him!
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Quinerly on school number 2 but has been great this year. I forget which kids were part of that. Quinerly actually mentioned something about the jellyfam stuff in the article I read about all the players tweeting inside the bubble on players rights.
Isaiah Washington was part of that group. I was upset we missed on him initially but he has been all over the place too. Started in Minnesota, then to Iona and now Long Beach State.

There was some other guy from Teaneck that went to Duquesne but think he transferred too
Amazing so many players make the mistake of going away when the right place is so close at Seton Hall.
They want a change in venue. You know "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence," but it's still only grass.
If you are a kid growing up in NJ, whether in a nice suburban area or a not-so-great circumstance, there is lots of appeal to going away for school. So I get the attraction. If you've been to some of these other campuses, the college experience is far different than at Seton Hall. It's not the right fit for everyone, and some kids want to stay home or reasonably close to home, but I think it is an overdoing it to say that so many kids make a "mistake" by going elsewhere. And not just for Seton Hall but for plenty of other places too. Some kids want to go to a campus down south or out West, away from distractions at home, with a different mix of kids from different places, to beautiful campuses with all sorts of campus life. Big football schools have that element too; if you've ever been on campus during the fall at a big-time football school, it is a pretty incredible experience.

By the way, I think the opposite is true in that some kids want to leave where they grew up and come to a place like Seton Hall, with a different environment and located reasonably close to NYC.
From watching JQ play, he's an uber talented guard. Oats system fits him well. Much better it seems than Wright's, although my guess is that if he had bought into Jay's way he would have been just fine.
That kid has a ton of talent but seldom listened to Wright. Maybe by being humbled he learned his lesson.
There are now 635 transfers in the Portal and how we do recruiting with this pool of talent will be telling . It’s time to bring in the higher caliber player who can contribute immediately and not reach for a player .
With the pure number of transfers (free agents essentially),and immediate eligibility, doesn’t this create the perfect opportunity for even great “incentive$“ to create an instantly competitive team?
Given the total free-for-all, what are the odds that players team up as a package and offer that to a program? Kids from the same AAU program, etc.
That's from none other than our own writer for this site Tyler Calvaruso
That kid has a ton of talent but seldom listened to Wright. Maybe by being humbled he learned his lesson.
Not listening to Jay Wright may be an itsy, bitsy, tiny, weenie hint that you're a problem. 🤔
Jelly Fam 👎
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