He IS. He cares nothing about democracy.
Had to crack up today, the leader of Turkey stood with Trump or against his opponents on something. These are the leaders who respect our pres.
He is a total fool, he is suppressing the legal system as we speak, the most disgraceful bigots in the nation think he is their pal. He is Nixon on steroids with no tapes. He is a lying rich boy who has a big personality, has had more Chapter 11s than most people have had jobs, created companies to exploit his name selling BS products to Americans, almost always made in Asia (there is a great Letterman bit with Trump going on Letterman trying to pump us his stuff and Letterman mocking him - which is how the NYC people who saw him every day saw him, a joke), had a ridiculous if popular reality show which is how most of America met him, and he appeals to our worst instincts BY DESIGN. I have no idea who you voted for or will vote for. And that is none of my biz anyway. But you sound like Trump's advance man, you have since I started coming here often again when the pandemic raged. You almost seemed Trump's mouthpiece, mimicking the stuff about Covid he was saying.
Can you imagine calling up the NY Post using an alias to tell them sex with him was the best one ever had, or telling that Bush kid how he grabs woman in the .... I have a word for guys like that. Jerkoffs.
I believe any normal person with Trump's policies would be a great president, but yeah he is unfit to be president. He is not a fascist though.