I just proved that you don't know know what your talking about. Your "facts" just proved what I've been reporting from the regions hospitals.All true, I have not spent 30 years in pharma, had lunch at the Captal Grille in DC (it was full!) with very important doctors, or met with infectious disease doctors about testing. (Ironically we both have a South Korean dry cleaner. My guy does dry cleaning but yours is the next ambassador to South Korea, but that is a story for another day).
Pretty early on my perspective was this was bigger than - "Common sense balanced with living your life" as you so glibly said. But hey, even experts are wrong, right? And if the above named hospitals are full, the good news is the ones you called are doing great!
If you have real facts to share, we would welcome them. If you want to tell us stories, that's ok too, but lets not pretend they are facts.
And I never said this wasn't a serious disease, so try as you will, you've failed once again on your silly narrative.
An update this morning, (although I doubt you care): COVID-19 admissions this morning: RWJ-NB (75), Overlook (170)and St. Barnabas (153) and Newark BI (124)... (those are "big" hospitals, for your information). Only a handful are in ICU's in each hospital though. Hospital strategies are working as they cleared the system and have beds available to treat, monitor and then send home, once they identify that patient is stable.