United we don’t stand


All Big East
Nov 11, 2009
So much for uniting the country, it’s clear as day there are two systems of justice in America. The FBI is an embarrassment. I took my flag down in front of my house this AM. A raid on a former President? Intimidation tactics I thought were reserved for 3rd world country’s. On one hand we have a Presidents son who is clearly guilty now but was protected by the FBI out of the gate. A former First Lady and Secretary of State destroys emails and nothing happens. The political machine doing there best to destroy Trump just energized his base. The hatred is growing deeper and deeper, great job by current administration of further dividing the country. Just when I thought things could not be worse, well they just got worse.
The FBI is an embarrassment. I took my flag down in front of my house this AM.

You have no idea why the FBI went and what the facts were that made it compelling enough for the FBI to request a warrant and for a judge to sign off on it.

On one hand we have a Presidents son who is clearly guilty

Probably, and he is under an investigation currently.

A former First Lady and Secretary of State destroys emails and nothing happens

She was investigated and they did not find enough to do anything.

The political machine doing there best to destroy Trump just energized his base. The hatred is growing deeper and deeper, great job by current administration of further dividing the country

So if there was enough probable cause here, they should avoid holding Trump accountable?

Maybe hold off judgement here until you understand the facts?
While it is theoretically possible, I have a hard time believing that the FBI and a federal judge took this lightly.
It certainly reeks of a political operation given the FBI generally doesn't do anything within 90 days of an election and yesterday marks 92 days before the midterm election. But if they have the goods, they need to speak up and say so. If they don't, divisive speculation will only continue.
So much for uniting the country, it’s clear as day there are two systems of justice in America. The FBI is an embarrassment. I took my flag down in front of my house this AM. A raid on a former President? Intimidation tactics I thought were reserved for 3rd world country’s. On one hand we have a Presidents son who is clearly guilty now but was protected by the FBI out of the gate. A former First Lady and Secretary of State destroys emails and nothing happens. The political machine doing there best to destroy Trump just energized his base. The hatred is growing deeper and deeper, great job by current administration of further dividing the country. Just when I thought things could not be worse, well they just got worse.

Quick thought, the judge, whom Trump appointed, found there is enough evidence to sign off on a search warrant.

If they find evidence of a crime, Trump should be prosecuted, just like every other American citizen
You have no idea why the FBI went and what the facts were that made it compelling enough for the FBI to request a warrant and for a judge to sign off on it.

Probably, and he is under an investigation currently.
Why didn't we raid Hunter's house, plenty to warrant a raid. The facts are simple no Russia gate, Steele dossier was a hoax. We can go on and on...Now we are about to pay to weaponize the IRS and make things even worse. It stinks to high heaven of political corruption. They don't like Trump he is messing with the "The Club". Next they will assassinate or poison him. I'm ready to move on from Trump but this garbage just makes him stronger. No justification no problem they can make things up. We are heading down a bad road and honestly getting tired of watching these jackasses on both sides. I get the feeling I'm not alone.
She was investigated and they did not find enough to do anything.

Because she destroy the evidence
So if there was enough probable cause here, they should avoid holding Trump accountable?
How about start by asking for it back, he says no issue a subpoena. How about we treat him the same way as hunter Biden or our former secretary of state.
Maybe hold off judgement here until you understand the facts?
While it is theoretically possible, I have a hard time believing that the FBI and a federal judge took this lightly.
The coordination on the part of the mainstream media says it all. Need to lead the sheep into the election.
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Quick thought, the judge, whom Trump appointed, found there is enough evidence to sign off on a search warrant.

If they find evidence of a crime, Trump should be prosecuted, just like every other American citizen
I agree but let's drag the Hunter Biden investigation on for the next 2 years until it goes away. It's called political manipulation. You understand its dividing our country. The concept of electing JB was to unite the country. You don't see 2 different forms of justice here? We will be talking about this for the next 6 months, meantime the country is going to S--T. I guess we just need to divide the country up you get to live with your buddies setting the rules and I get to live with mine. Looks like I unfortunately will need to move. LOL

A Judge signed off on the Steele dossier, this is what political corruption looks like. Just ask the people with the makeup on giving us the news. Remember anything is possible when you live in a 3rd world country.
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I agree but let's drag the Hunter Biden investigation on for the next 2 years until it goes away. It's called political manipulation. You understand its dividing our country. The concept of electing JB was to unite the country. You don't see 2 different forms of justice here? We will be talking about this for the next 6 months, meantime the country is going to S--T. I guess we just need to divide the country up you get to live with your buddies setting the rules and I get to live with mine. Looks like I unfortunately will need to move. LOL

A Judge signed off on the Steele dossier, this is what political corruption looks like. Just ask the people with the makeup on giving us the news. Remember anything is possible when you live in a 3rd world country.
Whether or not Hunter Biden is guilty of a crime, has nothing whatsoever to do with the FBI raiding Mar-a-Lago.

Maybe, they are both guilty of crimes, maybe they aren’t but, if you believe in the rule of law and order, you need to let the process play out.
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So much for uniting the country, it’s clear as day there are two systems of justice in America. The FBI is an embarrassment. I took my flag down in front of my house this AM. A raid on a former President? Intimidation tactics I thought were reserved for 3rd world country’s. On one hand we have a Presidents son who is clearly guilty now but was protected by the FBI out of the gate. A former First Lady and Secretary of State destroys emails and nothing happens. The political machine doing there best to destroy Trump just energized his base. The hatred is growing deeper and deeper, great job by current administration of further dividing the country. Just when I thought things could not be worse, well they just got worse.
Why are you making any equivalency between the two. Hunter Biden is a scumbag. So is Trump. So I guess there it is equal. In terms of committing a crime. I don''t know whether Hunter did or didn't. If he did, let him be prosecuted.

But, Trump has committed crimes as president of the United States including seditious act of encouraging and promoting an insurrection. Due to the fact that he was a former President, law enforcement really needs more evidence to prosecute him than a regular citizen. That's reality. The search warrant was signed off by a federal judge and no way was that some paper thin probable cause to do this. Whether the search warrant reveals criminal activity or not, the affidavit presented to that judge had to have sufficient probable cause that there was evidence of a crime at Mar-O-Lago. And against a former President it will have to be stronger than just PC. That is no small achievement.

Why people keep protecting and speaking out for this no good human being is beyond me. The cult of Trump is alive and strong. The only way he is not the Republican nominee for President is that he is indicted. If he is indicted that would be the biggest gift to Republicans. Because no matter what, if Trump is the nominee, he loses the general election.

If it is someone like DeSantis, the Republicans will have a very good chance at winning the White House..
Gross of how so many GOP officials are attacking the FBI, calling for war, and telegraphing that they will abuse their power intentionally if they get in power after midterms and 2024.

this is all before they know the facts on what evidence they had to sign off on for a search warrant, who signed off on it, or what they found. There is no way that the high ranking officials would approve a search warrant to a former president without ample evidence.

Rule of law party my ass. The moral and ethical standards of GOP leadership is so low that it is depressing. Trump may be right that he can shoot someone in time square and no one would care.

Why do you people fall on their own swords for Trump? the guy doesn’t care about you, his ego and personal power are more important than any principle or standard you hold dear, I promise you that.

Maybe let this play out a little and get facts before you call to arms?
I agree with you except the process of the law is not playing out equally. I have not been watching the news so maybe you know more than me. Maybe "The big Guy" on Hunter Biden's laptop is Trump. Maybe Trump has done worse than sell out his country and commit extortion with the VP of the USA. It would need to be worse since one guy got his house raided. The important point here is equal due process of the law. It seems odd to me that we let our politicians get away with everything yet the guy who is not one of them gets his house raided. As stated I want to move on from Trump but this is dangerous territory IMHO.
Why are you making any equivalency between the two. Hunter Biden is a scumbag. So is Trump. So I guess there it is equal. In terms of committing a crime. I don''t know whether Hunter did or didn't. If he did, let him be prosecuted.
I agree except one guy had his house raided. The process is not equal and that is my point which we all should find disturbing.
But, Trump has committed crimes as president of the United States including seditious act of encouraging and promoting an insurrection. Due to the fact that he was a former President, law enforcement really needs more evidence to prosecute him than a regular citizen. That's reality. The search warrant was signed off by a federal judge and no way was that some paper thin probable cause to do this. Whether the search warrant reveals criminal activity or not, the affidavit presented to that judge had to have sufficient probable cause that there was evidence of a crime at Mar-O-Lago. And against a former President it will have to be stronger than just PC. That is no small achievement.
Again if he did something wrong let's charge him like everyone else. We already saw a judge make a terrible mistake with the Steele Dossier. People have no faith in the process of the law and this is why. It's all BS, the legal system is a joke being used as part of political corruption.
Why people keep protecting and speaking out for this no good human being is beyond me. The cult of Trump is alive and strong. The only way he is not the Republican nominee for President is that he is indicted. If he is indicted that would be the biggest gift to Republicans. Because no matter what, if Trump is the nominee, he loses the general election.
I don't disagree with you, democrats may very well be trying to get him the nomination. They love having Trump to talk about. The country is divided and approvals ratings are way down, Trump makes a good distraction, better than having a war.
If it is someone like DeSantis, the Republicans will have a very good chance at winning the White House..
I agree. I do not want Trump to run, and definitely not defending him. Just pointing out why the country is so divided.
Trump brought a lot of this on himself by attacking the press and the FBI during the campaign. Got him elected but you knew both groups would never let up and try to get even.

I actually think most Republicans will turn the other way secretly because they just want him to go away. He is a distraction and will only fracture the opportunities for many of the candidates like DeSantis and Haley.
I agree except one guy had his house raided. The process is not equal and that is my point which we all should find disturbing.

The FBI obtained a warrant and then collected the information they needed.

FBI had a warrant on Hillary. She was investigated.
FBI has a warrant on Trump and he is being investigated.

Why is that not equal?

Again if he did something wrong let's charge him like everyone else.

That's how this works. They investigate then charge if they find something during the investigation.
Trump brought a lot of this on himself by attacking the press and the FBI during the campaign. Got him elected but you knew both groups would never let up and try to get even.

I'd slow down on the "out to get him" narrative until we know the facts here.
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The FBI obtained a warrant and then collected the information they needed.

FBI had a warrant on Hillary. She was investigated.
They raided her house, I must have missed that.
FBI has a warrant on Trump and he is being investigated.

Why is that not equal?
If both houses were raided you are absolutely correct. I don't remember her house being raided. I thought they issued the warrant and she hired the company to acid wash the files. FBI gave her time to destroy the evidence.
That's how this works. They investigate then charge if they find something during the investigation.
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Acid wash… lol.

Also… Trump was notified in February that there were more that needed to be returned to the national archives, and some of what he did return was shredded.

We don’t know the facts here yet. Give it time.
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Didn’t Clinton destroy classified emails and her server after a subpoena.Oh I forgot Obama and Biden were in the White House so you don’t prosecute a democrat.this has a good chance to blow up in Garland’s face.Wonder why Trump lawyers were not given copy of warrant just shown it.If there is no smoking gun Biden is toast.

Conspiracy theorist over here…

No. That is not how the FBI works.
Going After Trump because of a vendetta will destroy the reputation of the entire agency. The people who work there all know that. They aren’t going to volunteer to destroy themselves.

I’d bet they had absolutely no interest in seeking a warrant but Trump left them no choice.

This could be as simple as Trump refusing to return documents which he was required to do. At some point they just have to go get them. Or it could be something bigger… but Wrey and the Judge aren’t buying in on this move unless they had to.
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Didn’t Clinton destroy classified emails and her server after a subpoena.Oh I forgot Obama and Biden were in the White House so you don’t prosecute a democrat.this has a good chance to blow up in Garland’s face.Wonder why Trump lawyers were not given copy of warrant just shown it.If there is no smoking gun Biden is toast.

To be clear. Hillary violated the same rules that Trump did when he shredded and flushed documents.

He was not charged with a crime… same as Hillary.

We don’t know why the warrant was issued yet, but if it was to get records then it would be the same as Hillary.

Neither are good people. Both got a warrant issued because they did something stupid and both deserved to be investigated.

Don’t buy in that his lawyers were not given a copy. Trump 100% has a copy.
Conspiracy theorist over here…

No. That is not how the FBI works.
Going After Trump because of a vendetta will destroy the reputation of the entire agency. The people who work there all know that. They aren’t going to volunteer to destroy themselves.

I’d bet they had absolutely no interest in seeking a warrant but Trump left them no choice.

This could be as simple as Trump refusing to return documents which he was required to do. At some point they just have to go get them. Or it could be something bigger… but Wrey and the Judge aren’t buying in on this move unless they had to.
You know there are gray areas. And it’s human nature. Trump was relentless going after the FBI and intelligence community. You don’t poke that bear with a stick in the eye. They are not going to do anything that blows back, but they can continue to go after him even if the evidence is minimal.
They raided her house, I must have missed that.

If both houses were raided you are absolutely correct. I don't remember her house being raided. I thought they issued the warrant and she hired the company to acid wash the files. FBI gave her time to destroy the evidence.
Just let it go. There are people out there who believe Hillary, Hunter, and the Donald are all being treated the same by the law. Heck even Trump haters like Andrew Cuomo thinks this raid needs an explanation.
Merge his lawyer was on TV a few hours ago and said she was not given a copy of warrant that is what I Was citing. .
You know there are gray areas. And it’s human nature. Trump was relentless going after the FBI and intelligence community. You don’t poke that bear with a stick in the eye. They are not going to do anything that blows back, but they can continue to go after him even if the evidence is minimal.

When this comes out. It will be very black and white. There will be no grey in an action like this.

The people who work at the FBI aren’t putting mean words the ex president said ahead of the reputation of the entire agency.
Quick thought, the judge, whom Trump appointed, found there is enough evidence to sign off on a search warrant.

If they find evidence of a crime, Trump should be prosecuted, just like every other American citizen
The judge is a Trump hater as was shown by things he wrote some years ago. He's also a buffoon!
Just so I have this straight, the Attorney General, the FBI Director and a federal magistrate are going to risk their careers and reputations because they are “trump haters”.

Maybe they have some evidence of wrongdoing on his part, just a thought
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So much for uniting the country, it’s clear as day there are two systems of justice in America. The FBI is an embarrassment. I took my flag down in front of my house this AM. A raid on a former President? Intimidation tactics I thought were reserved for 3rd world country’s. On one hand we have a Presidents son who is clearly guilty now but was protected by the FBI out of the gate. A former First Lady and Secretary of State destroys emails and nothing happens. The political machine doing there best to destroy Trump just energized his base. The hatred is growing deeper and deeper, great job by current administration of further dividing the country. Just when I thought things could not be worse, well they just got worse.
💯 🎯
Just so I have this straight, the Attorney General, the FBI Director and a federal magistrate are going to risk their careers and reputations because they are “trump haters”.

Maybe they have some evidence of wrongdoing on his part, just a thought
Depends on what you want to believe. You could believe, and some do, believe they would be risking their careers by moving on from Trump. They all have to answer to someone so anything is possible. You have your thoughts and others have theirs. Are you correct? Maybe. Maybe not.

Since you bring up Trump haters. Any thoughts on a guy like Cuomo is questioning the actions of these people?
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If trump would have turned over all the documents after he left office or even turned the documents over now before this we would not be having this conversation . Same thing with his taxes .
It’s human nature. If you attack the way Trump did people are going to use every opportunity to go after him.
100%, but do we want to live under an all powerful never question us justice system. Personally think that some of these people need there actions questioned. They work for us. People have lost faith, too many actions get pushed under the rug without the people understanding why. Favors and pardons have become commonplace. Their are no ramifications for being wrong or just plain lying. Politicians actions should be under the microscope like the police. Throw all of them in jail when they lie cheat or fail to confirmed their sources including Trump, Biden, madam secretary.
He said we need an explanation, and we do.
This is not something that should linger out there for an extended period of time.
Think about it however you want, but he's saying they need to give us answers, to me that's questioning what's going on. To you it may not be questioning.
If trump would have turned over all the documents after he left office or even turned the documents over now before this we would not be having this conversation . Same thing with his taxes .
I find it hard to believe any of our Presidents left things in perfect order for the next President. I'm sure every President could've gone after their predecessor for something. Wild guess Bush had plenty of stuff he could've investigated Clinton for. Wild guess Obama had plenty of stuff he could've investigated Bush for. Crazy that this is the first time in our history this happened. I honestly hope they find something so this proves to be justified. If this comes up with nothing, we're becoming a third world country where the current regime goes after the previous regime which will other further divide our country going forward as others have mentioned here. I can see it now they find nothing, combine this with inflation, Trump could win, and then he goes after Joe and Hunter and the vicious cylce never stops after that.
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