Please the local DA's are following the political lead thats set from the top whether they're democrat or republican. The whole Democratic party wants to go soft on thousands of murders across the country until the people rise up like they did in San Fran. It's better to gotten rid of then toughen up and do the job the people want. Soft on murderers if possible, but they're looking to lock up people forever for breaking and entering. That's not political? Message is kill people and we'll let you go. Break and enter where we work as a large group, we'll make it so you never see the light of day again. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the latter, but you can't tell me actually killing people deserves softer punishment. You don't think if Joe and the Dems wanted to get tough on crime, the DA's would be tougher? The DA's are in the back pocket of those who supported them in getting their roles. There's no consequence to the DA in Memphis right now. Guy gets out 11 months later, now kills a 17 year old girl. That father lives without his daughter forever, the DA goes home with a paycheck. So yes if the President sets the tone for his party that we're going to see people like that don't get out in a year, 2 years, or 3 years, my bet is the democratic DA's will follow.
He didn't ignore the issue that's for sure. We still don't have an answer 3 years later. Of course we're going to be down to $3 in about a month. Did you ever doubt we wouldn't? I think you could find plenty of people who had that magical crystal ball that showed gas prices would be fine just before the midterms. They know how to fix the problems they created in order to make voters feel things are going in a better direction. Amazing the issues that can be fixed in September and October of an election year. As for the food only in America do we pay farmers not to grow food. We've been extremely over reliant on other parts of the world for decades. Food would be cheaper if we didn't have to transport it. No president has encouraged more local farms across the country. Why I don't know. Maybe they don't want to hurt their friends at the big companies. It would actually be healthier to eat local crops and locally raised animals.