Vax Mandate Coming to NJ

Who cares about unvaccinated adult volunteers? Is this a joke?

Kids safety and ability to stay in school should be #1 priority.

If kids are deemed better protected if vaccinated, ie benefits > risks, i wouldn’t mind mandates like all the other vaccines, however you are assuming Murphy would do that.

If he didn’t even mandate masks in all schools why would he do it for vaccines for kids?
He effectively did mandate masks in schools. That’s how many school districts interpret it for fear of running afoul of directives and liability.

I care about volunteers in schools. We never have enough. When great people in my community step up to help kids and schools by volunteering, I don’t want to limit that pool.

Several members of our basketball team are apparently unvaccinated. Even though I believe the University requires it for all students. How do you feel about that? They are and will be playing indoors around other kids in arenas with other people.
You said unvaccinated adult volunteers .

Unvaccinated volunteers should be lowest level of concern for everyone 🙄

He effectively did mandate masks in schools. That’s how many school districts interpret it for fear of running afoul of directives and liability.

I care about volunteers in schools. We never have enough. When great people in my community step up to help kids and schools by volunteering, I don’t want to limit that pool.

Several members of our basketball team are apparently unvaccinated. Even though I believe the University requires it for all students. How do you feel about that? They are and will be playing indoors around other kids in arenas with other people.
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Small minority, overwhelming majority doesn’t mean right or wrong. Is there a rule of overwhelming majority is always right?
You are 100% correct.

Much like this LOS board regarding anything covid and global warning related, the minority here is closer to reality, while the majority are not so it depends I guess. 😜

The original poster was pegging what was right or wrong based off a few quacks.

My response was that the majority of healthcare providers side with vaccines for as many people approved at this point.
You said unvaccinated adult volunteers .

Unvaccinated volunteers should be lowest level of concern for everyone 🙄
I like having good people volunteering in my community, especially at my schools or kids youth organizations. So I think it is ridiculous for them to be excluded from certain of those activities because they are unvaccinated and because Murphy issued an ambiguous EO that my district is afraid of violating and thus precluding them from doing so.

But let's put that aside, because you glossed over a more important issue that relates to this board and our Seton Hall fandom -- we have unvaccinated players, who will be competing indoors against other kids and in arenas filled by people of all ages and health status.

So what is your view on our school, head coach and program allowing unvaccinated kids to be on our team and compete?
You are 100% correct.

Much like this LOS board regarding anything covid and global warning related, the minority here is closer to reality, while the majority are not so it depends I guess. 😜

agree in general but Nobody knows for 100% fact on either so the reality is that a unknown. Who is right and who is wrong isn’t determined by the majority.

the reality is quite often the results that have come from a scientific study come out wrong. One an example, and I want to make knies happy here, is the food pyramid. Science proved it. Science doesn’t change we just find out the sciencists who came up with conclusions were way off.
The problem is that some of his executive orders on COVID are ambiguous and left to the County’s or school district’s interpretation. This is by design. A school district like mine, which is small, will feel compelled to take the most conservative interrogation to risk running afoul of the state. We had this debate at a school board meeting recently involving one of Murphy’s EOs. It can be interpreted as indicating that unvaccinated parents that are school volunteers are no longer allowed to volunteer at school events until they get vaccinated. About half the parents in my town that volunteer as class moms or to perform other volunteer activities for the school are no longer allowed to do so under his EO because they are unvaccinated. Mind you these same parents can still coach rec sports in my town and participate in many other activities. So now our schools are searching for people to fill the void. We advocates against this interpretation but the school board is simply taking the safe approach not because of COVID concern but because they are afraid of running afoul of Murphy’s EO.

If post election Murphy decides to mandate vaccination for kids to attend public school, especially the 5-12 range, that is going to be a real problem for many parents in my town. Or if he issues some ambiguous EO designed to have that outcome. Same with a compromise that requires unvaccinated kids to be wearing masks whereas others do not have to, since they shouldn’t have to do that at all.

If this is where he is going, he should have the integrity to run on it.
Murphy has absolutely no integrity!
I like having good people volunteering in my community, especially at my schools or kids youth organizations. So I think it is ridiculous for them to be excluded from certain of those activities because they are unvaccinated and because Murphy issued an ambiguous EO that my district is afraid of violating and thus precluding them from doing so.

But let's put that aside, because you glossed over a more important issue that relates to this board and our Seton Hall fandom -- we have unvaccinated players, who will be competing indoors against other kids and in arenas filled by people of all ages and health status.

So what is your view on our school, head coach and program allowing unvaccinated kids to be on our team and compete?
No one should be forced to have anything injected into themselves that they do not feel comfortable having injected into them. I don’t care who they are! Good for those players who are sticking up for their beliefs! Hopefully more will follow!
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No one should be forced to have anything injected into themselves that they do not feel comfortable having injected into them. I don’t care who they are! Good for those players who are sticking up for their beliefs! Hopefully more will follow!
Exactly. My body; my right. I recall that saying being used elsewhere.
To be clear, I don’t fault the players or their choice. I don’t know the situation. I’m pointing out that certain people who have posted on this and basketball-stuff non-stop are going to take hypocritical views on this revelation because it involves our basketball team. And they’ve been notably silent after jumping down the throats or anyone who expressed a different view, especially about kids in school without masks or a vax requirement.

In their world, it is OK for my 6 year old to have to wear some stupid mask all day in school, but to allow college basketball players to play a freaking sport without a mask or being vaccinated, indoors exposing countless others.
So what is your view on our school, head coach and program allowing unvaccinated kids to be on our team and compete?
Crickets and more crickets from the Twitter Pom-Pom boy who hasn’t met a COVID restriction he didn’t like when it comes to things that are far more important than a college basketball team…
You guys think Murphy sucks because of vaccine mandates. Again, this is not an issue. The same people here who are anti-mandates would be the first people screaming for a mandate if there was a threat of a "scary disease" like a big time Ebola virus outbreak. CoVid just doesn't frighten people unless they get it bad or see people who suffered from it, despite it killing 750,000 Americans. The real issues in NJ you guys don't even see. Murphy's AG (Grewal) did some big damage to law enforcement, i.e. getting rid of mandatory time in prison for drug dealers. Combine that with Christie's bail reform, we have a big problem with crime in the State. But you guys are talking about my body my choice arguments of a vaccine that probably everyone has taken on this board. This is such a nonissue and people talk about it incessantly.

Second, although I like Jack when I heard him 10 years ago, his platform was so far away from what he was back then. He ran a horrible campaign but Murphy was unpopular so that is the only reason he got close. He talked about property taxes knowing full well that has little to do with the State but with your own municipality.

10 years ago, Jack C was on to something about reducing property taxes. He wanted to regionalize Somerset County., Police, fire, and schools. This is a real way to reduce property taxes. He failed getting it done there. However, I respect that he had a real solution. During his campaign he said nothing but a promise to reduce property taxes. How is a governor have anything to do with property taxes when schools account somewhere between 50-70% of your property taxes? To complain about property taxes without any solution is just pandering. Every candidate for governor says the same thing. In order to deal with property taxes you will need to revise the constitution of NJ and get rid of "home rule." The problem with NJ is the over 500 municipalities with their duplication of services. Merging a town or two doesn't get it done. Nor will voluntary merging work. No way will most politicians give up power. He wanted to respect police and fire yet not make a pension payment this year? Thats not respecting police. I hope he actually comes up with some ideas next time around because he will be the front runner.
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He said he had a new school funding formula. That was his plan. I voted for him because he seems like a decent guy and isn't extreme. He has common sense ideas.

I voted against Murphy because of the mask and vaccine mandates, the nursing home policy, the lockdowns, his smug elitism and his radical left wing agenda. Murphy doesn't understand the regular citizen - how they live and what they care about. I'm happy he made a fortune in business, good for him. I just wish he didn't feel the thirst for power/control and simply retired after his business career.

Covid doesn't frighten people because doesn't kill at a high rate. Most people are sick for a week and get over it. If Ebola ever came around, I would not support a mandate either. A vaccine for Ebola is available and if you don't want to be protected from a virus with an average death rate of 50%, that's on you and your stupidity, not the state. The issue of vaccine mandates isn't because of one specific virus. It's about the precedent that it sets where the state can now force you to take a drug. It is an incredibly dangerous precedent.
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He said he had a new school funding formula. That was his plan. I voted for him because he seems like a decent guy and isn't extreme. He has common sense ideas.

I voted against Murphy because of the mask and vaccine mandates, the nursing home policy, the lockdowns, his smug elitism and his radical left wing agenda. Murphy doesn't understand the regular citizen - how they live and what they care about. I'm happy he made a fortune in business, good for him. I just wish he didn't feel the thirst for power/control and simply retired after his business career.

Covid doesn't frighten people because doesn't kill at a high rate. Most people are sick for a week and get over it. If Ebola ever came around, I would not support a mandate either. A vaccine for Ebola is available and if you don't want to be protected from a virus with an average death rate of 50%, that's on you and your stupidity, not the state. The issue of vaccine mandates isn't because of one specific virus. It's about the precedent that it sets where the state can now force you to take a drug. It is an incredibly dangerous precedent.
theres a vaccine for ebola?
He said he had a new school funding formula. That was his plan. I voted for him because he seems like a decent guy and isn't extreme. He has common sense ideas.

I voted against Murphy because of the mask and vaccine mandates, the nursing home policy, the lockdowns, his smug elitism and his radical left wing agenda. Murphy doesn't understand the regular citizen - how they live and what they care about. I'm happy he made a fortune in business, good for him. I just wish he didn't feel the thirst for power/control and simply retired after his business career.

Covid doesn't frighten people because doesn't kill at a high rate. Most people are sick for a week and get over it. If Ebola ever came around, I would not support a mandate either. A vaccine for Ebola is available and if you don't want to be protected from a virus with an average death rate of 50%, that's on you and your stupidity, not the state. The issue of vaccine mandates isn't because of one specific virus. It's about the precedent that it sets where the state can now force you to take a drug. It is an incredibly dangerous precedent.
Again, mandates have been in effect for many diseases. Precedent has been set. Your kids want to go to school, they have to get the polio, measles ruebella and mumps vaccine. This has all been decided many years ago.
Moreover, The State is not forcing you to take it the COVid vaccine. However, if you want to work for the State, then you have to. You don't like it, you have a choice to go and work somewhere that you don't have to take it.

Moreover, the State as well as the counties in NJ do require the vaccine. However, if employees do not want the vaccine then they must get tested weekly. So it really isn't a mandate to get the vaccine. You just either have to get the vaccine or get tested weekly. So, really, what are people complaining about?
Again, mandates have been in effect for many diseases. Precedent has been set. Your kids want to go to school, they have to get the polio, measles ruebella and mumps vaccine. This has all been decided many years ago.
Moreover, The State is not forcing you to take it the COVid vaccine. However, if you want to work for the State, then you have to. You don't like it, you have a choice to go and work somewhere that you don't have to take it.

Moreover, the State as well as the counties in NJ do require the vaccine. However, if employees do not want the vaccine then they must get tested weekly. So it really isn't a mandate to get the vaccine. You just either have to get the vaccine or get tested weekly. So, really, what are people complaining about?
The weekly testing is easy for some but more difficult for others, as I understand it.

What about the alleged mandate coming down the pike for kids 5-11 (or older) to get it to attend school, and the continued insistence on mask wearing on school?
considering you deflected from the point of the entire thread... yea.
One guy said some people here predicted pandemic would end after election

my suggestion was yes, some did

I then said people underestimated how far liberals would push pandemic control issues for a virus with a minuscule death rate

not intended to be a deflection
Again, mandates have been in effect for many diseases. Precedent has been set. Your kids want to go to school, they have to get the polio, measles ruebella and mumps vaccine. This has all been decided many years ago.
Moreover, The State is not forcing you to take it the COVid vaccine. However, if you want to work for the State, then you have to. You don't like it, you have a choice to go and work somewhere that you don't have to take it.

Moreover, the State as well as the counties in NJ do require the vaccine. However, if employees do not want the vaccine then they must get tested weekly. So it really isn't a mandate to get the vaccine. You just either have to get the vaccine or get tested weekly. So, really, what are people complaining about?

I wouldn't want to take a test either. Why should I have to take a test for a virus in order to work? I've never taken a single covid test and don't plan to. All mass testing does is prolong the hysteria about this virus.
I wouldn't want to take a test either. Why should I have to take a test for a virus in order to work? I've never taken a single covid test and don't plan to. All mass testing does is prolong the hysteria about this virus.
If you had symptoms you’d get tested, no?
Why? I'm not venturing out if I'm sick.
I could see why you wouldn’t test under those circumstances

I’m for testing if you have symptoms only to continue to prove the ridiculously low death rate
All mass testing does is prolong the hysteria about this virus.
While testing is a reasonable option especially for healthcare workers or those that operate in critical roles, I agree that the government has failed on messaging to get back to normal. Mandates mean nothing when you have a hundred thousand in a football stadium and it forces people to quit their job when we have so many unfilled positions that are fueling inflation.

Not trying to minimize the virus, but the messaging continues to focus on scare tactics and the long term effect creates all sorts of mental health issues that will dwarf the impact of the virus itself. It is an endemic now...the narrative needs to shift (but it won't).
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So the masks should be off kids now in NJ at school, right Murphy? Parents can get their kids vaccinated if they want.
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So the masks should be off kids now in NJ at school, right Murphy? Parents can get their kids vaccinated if they want.

Well theoretically if he is going by that, it would be 2 weeks after their 2nd dose, no? So we are 5 weeks out from that.
I personally know 2 people that were big anti-covid vaccine people.....until Florida offered them $200 per person, as teachers, to get vaccinated...of course they immediately went and got vaxxed. Sad.
Agree that offering people money for getting vaccinated is just dumb and if someone uses that for their motivation to get it...just as dumb. But when dumb people use their children to get a $100, that's just wrong.
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Agree that offering people money for getting vaccinated is just dumb and if someone uses that for their motivation to get it...just as dumb. But when dumb people use their children to get a $100, that's just wrong.

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So the masks should be off kids now in NJ at school, right Murphy? Parents can get their kids vaccinated if they want.

Nope won't still be good enough. High school aged kids have been able to get the vax for awhile and they still have to wear masks. I don't see an end point to be totally honest.

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