He effectively did mandate masks in schools. That’s how many school districts interpret it for fear of running afoul of directives and liability.Who cares about unvaccinated adult volunteers? Is this a joke?
Kids safety and ability to stay in school should be #1 priority.
If kids are deemed better protected if vaccinated, ie benefits > risks, i wouldn’t mind mandates like all the other vaccines, however you are assuming Murphy would do that.
If he didn’t even mandate masks in all schools why would he do it for vaccines for kids?
I care about volunteers in schools. We never have enough. When great people in my community step up to help kids and schools by volunteering, I don’t want to limit that pool.
Several members of our basketball team are apparently unvaccinated. Even though I believe the University requires it for all students. How do you feel about that? They are and will be playing indoors around other kids in arenas with other people.