Maybe. Just funny that the Durham investigation has been going on well longer than Mueller's.
Don't really hear anyone complaining about the time on this one though.
Not sure the point you are making here. Durham has been both criticized and lauded for taking so long.
That is not what Durham's filing said. There was no hacking.
In fact, tech-exec-1 Rodney Joffe has not been charged with anything.
As per the Hill.... maybe hacking was not the technically best term to use... but they are accused of "exploiting" ltheir access. True enough Joffre has not been charged.... YET.
John Durham, the special counsel appointed under former President Trump to investigate the FBI's probing of Russian interference in the 2016 election, alleged in court that a tech executive "exploited" access to White House data in order to find damning information about Trump.
In a court filing submitted Friday, Durham's office said that the executive, who is referred to in legal filings only as "Tech Executive-1" but has been identified in news reports as Rodney Joffe, used his company's access to nonpublic government domain name system (DNS) data through a pending cybersecurity contract as he was analyzing supposed links between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.
"Tech Executive-1’s employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP," Durham's office wrote, using an acronym for the White House's Executive Office of the President.
"Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."
Merge: MSM is not censoring teh Durham findings:
Refer here to this and other news reports about MSM silence.
The Media’s Blackout on Durham Revelations | National Review
Even when establishment outlets get around to covering the story, it will almost surely be to give cover rather than bring light.www.nationalreview.com
MSM isnt censoring anything....you could see for yourself if you actually looked, or just read an article from a right wing newsite alleging it's being censored.

Special counsel Durham alleges Clinton campaign lawyer used data to raise suspicions about Trump | CNN Politics
Special counsel John Durham accused a lawyer for the Democrats of sharing with the CIA in 2017 internet data purported to show Russian-made phones being used in the vicinity of the White House complex, as part of a broader effort to raise the intelligence community's suspicions of Donald Trump's...