Exactly. Masks help, but are not 100% effective
If they didn't help, they would ALL have covid because of how contagious it is.
N95 > Surgical > cloth > nothing
I'm not denying that they "help," but you keep saying they "work." They work poorly, and help slightly. Many, many colleagues who work in the acute care setting got COVID, despite the best of properly worn PPE. Yes, it is very contagious, and that is the problem. But masks work poorly. We've been in masked lockdown for a year, now, and have had ~500,000 deaths. Compliance has been good, the masks work poorly. You can tell me how many more cases and deaths we would have had, but it's pure speculation. If we had no flu vaccine, we'd have rolling pandemics every year, except with that virus, masking has been incredibly effective.