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What's more annoying the religious zealots or the liberals who shove everything down our throat?

This is a good point when it comes to society at large. Both sides are to blame. I cannot stand it when the politically correct crowd tries to work their way into other people's business. Nor can I stand it when ignorance and bigotry rears it head.

Here's an idea. Stop being "offended" about what other people do and just live your life the way you see fit. Life is too short to be upset about trivial matters, which most of the "issues" in society today are. If more people just lived and stopped worrying, we'd be better off.
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Derrick Gordon Welcome to Seton Hall University. Looking forward to watching you and the Seton Hall Basketball Team on the court this year!!
People say they don't care about his sexuality, but I do, and the reason I care is because people like catholicman, Belluno, et al plus countless others elsewhere care so much to brand / treat him as evil, sinful, less than, etc because of his sexuality under the cowardly discriminator's most beloved catch-all defense for bigotry of, "it's my religious belief!" Their behavior is wrong, it's gross, and it's reprehensible. Thankfully, it is also slowly but surely fading, and hopefully someday gay people will be able to live in peace from these strangers who care so desperately about their love lives (kinda weird, if you ask me). But, since that day has not yet come, and I think it's awesome that The Hall has the opportunity to play a role in this latest small, historic step toward acceptance and understanding that gay people are just regular people, and I hope it plays it well.
Few things have caused more pain and bloodshed than religion, that's for sure.

Really? How about Stalin and Hitler for modern starters. Or maybe you'd prefer Pol Pot. I believe religions do far more good in the world, physically and spiritually, than anything else that springs to mind. My mind, at least

And can we eat meat on Friday's yet? I don't think God minds.

Sure you can and God won't mind, but I believe our sacrifices on earth in His name do not go unnoticed and will ultimately serve us well. Blaise Pascal said that atheists hate religion because they fear it's true Maybe we should all read Pascal's Wager again.

Finally, Chickenbox, don't put words in my mouth. I'm very careful about what I say and how I say it and I don't need you to falsely attribute things to me or to call me a coward. I couldn't care less what homosexuals do and I certainly don't want to think about their intimate actions, but it has now reached a point where people are being forced to accept a a life style they know is contrary to their strongly held beliefs or lose their businesses or be branded as bigots or worse. So much for diversity.

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