Fall and Diop on official now at SHU

I like this idea. I'd add:

- former players be brought in to coach the teams
- add a pregame 50/50 raffle at $100/ticket
- the game would satisfy the desire for bragging rights
- make the split a little more even, like 55%-45%

I bet you could sell the lower bowl at the Rock with much higher proceeds. I volunteer for the committee. :)
Bring in recruits to play as well and make it a three day event. Get them paid for their visit.
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Seems to me SHU and RU actually need to work together on this one. Not sure if it’s allowed but I spent the last 7 months thinking about it

- Cancel the in Season game. Does us no good to play them anyways
-host an unaffiliated summer/preseason high stakes game. Refs, but no coaches
-sell 5,000 tickets at $200 each for $1M
-$50k for facility rental/refs, $100k to charity
-winning team takes $525k. After taxes- Turns into a $20k base salary for each scholarship player
-losing team takes $325k. After taxes- turns into a 12k base per player
It sounds like a shady 50/50 at a street festival
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It sounds like a shady 50/50 at a street festival
I've never been to a shady 50/50 street festival, but I've seen $100,000+ made on raffles. I guess we associate with different types of fundraisers.

Nothing about this type of event would have to be shady or street festival.
Seems to me SHU and RU actually need to work together on this one. Not sure if it’s allowed but I spent the last 7 months thinking about it

- Cancel the in Season game. Does us no good to play them anyways
-host an unaffiliated summer/preseason high stakes game. Refs, but no coaches
-sell 5,000 tickets at $200 each for $1M
-$50k for facility rental/refs, $100k to charity
-winning team takes $525k. After taxes- Turns into a $20k base salary for each scholarship player
-losing team takes $325k. After taxes- turns into a 12k base per player

I like this idea. I'd add:

- former players be brought in to coach the teams
- add a pregame 50/50 raffle at $100/ticket
- the game would satisfy the desire for bragging rights
- make the split a little more even, like 55%-45%

I bet you could sell the lower bowl at the Rock with much higher proceeds. I volunteer for the committee. :)
The NCAA would shoot this all down faster than it took me to type this sentence.
I wouldn't think they would shoot it down but the way D1 teams are now with pickup games and summer tournaments, I can see that alone making this never come to fruition. That said, toss in Big3 rules to make the game more interesting. Would love to see Kooks, Femi and Samuel go out there and Ruck Futgers up.
There are big issues not addressed. Who is handling the whole business side of it? Some organization has to run it. You know when I pay for this event it has to go in some organizations bank account. They're going to take a cut. If everyone buys a ticket with a credit card you have $30,000 of expenses taken out right there. And if you're running this even through a non profit, the goal has to be to raise money for some purpose. I would figure they would want a 10% cut to give to an organization like The American Cancer Society or even Team Walker. These things are never so simple.
God this is all so bad
And slowly taking away my interest for my favorite sport.

And not because the kids are getting paid. If a school wants to give kids a kick from their jersey sales, or a video game wants to pay for using their likeness, or even a business wants to pay the kids to promote something on Instagram, so be it.

The fan involvement, collectives and scheming etc becomes nauseating.
And slowly taking away my interest for my favorite sport.

And not because the kids are getting paid. If a school wants to give kids a kick from their jersey sales, or a video game wants to pay for using their likeness, or even a business wants to pay the kids to promote something on Instagram, so be it.

The fan involvement, collectives and scheming etc becomes nauseating.
My sentiments exactly.
Remember back in the early days of baseball free agency? The Yankees were known as “The best team money could buy”. Well here we are again.
And slowly taking away my interest for my favorite sport.

And not because the kids are getting paid. If a school wants to give kids a kick from their jersey sales, or a video game wants to pay for using their likeness, or even a business wants to pay the kids to promote something on Instagram, so be it.

The fan involvement, collectives and scheming etc becomes nauseating.
Minus the collectives, wasn't most of this stuff going on before hand? There's aspects to the fan involvement that the collectives bring that I think are kind of cool. Go back 3 years ago or 7 years ago if you become a subscription member to one of these groups, your kids could gain access to the players, ask them questions, etc that wasn't available before. I tend to guess that SHU fans would've loved more accerss to IW and MP.

There's always been bidding wars for players. Now the bidding is just open to the public. The casual fan now sees how ugly the sport is. In the past we've been able to ignore the ugly side because it wasn't in our face and see what we wanted to see. Now you can't miss a thing and you realize how disgusting it is. I was talking to a buddy who has a good beat on all things RU. Years ago he told me SHU and RU have a real chance at player X if he turns down 4 bags of money. That's still our situation today. Just now the bags might be bigger.
Minus the collectives, wasn't most of this stuff going on before hand? There's aspects to the fan involvement that the collectives bring that I think are kind of cool. Go back 3 years ago or 7 years ago if you become a subscription member to one of these groups, your kids could gain access to the players, ask them questions, etc that wasn't available before. I tend to guess that SHU fans would've loved more accerss to IW and MP.

There's always been bidding wars for players. Now the bidding is just open to the public. The casual fan now sees how ugly the sport is. In the past we've been able to ignore the ugly side because it wasn't in our face and see what we wanted to see. Now you can't miss a thing and you realize how disgusting it is. I was talking to a buddy who has a good beat on all things RU. Years ago he told me SHU and RU have a real chance at player X if he turns down 4 bags of money. That's still our situation today. Just now the bags might be bigger.
You hit the nail on the head. What's been happening forever by relatively few school (mainly blue bloods), is now happening in plain sight. Most are against the current NIL landscape and realize that we either play the game or rollover. It's tiring to hear people complain about something that only a few schools have been doing until now, being opened up to everyone.

I feel that the changes, although crappy in the execution, enable smaller schools to get into the game. In time, SHU will get it's act together and have the tools needed to compete in recruiting players. It sucks that fans/alumni have to support it, on that we all agree.
One area not being mentioned is that the collectives will draw money away from Pirate Blue in my opinion. Fans only have so much money to give. That will in turn hurt the other sports that Pirate Blue helps (the non-money sports). I know that is most likely not a big issue to this board but it will be collateral damage to the other sports supported by the University. Should be interesting to see how all this plays out in 3 to 5 years.
One area not being mentioned is that the collectives will draw money away from Pirate Blue in my opinion. Fans only have so much money to give. That will in turn hurt the other sports that Pirate Blue helps (the non-money sports). I know that is most likely not a big issue to this board but it will be collateral damage to the other sports supported by the University. Should be interesting to see how all this plays out in 3 to 5 years.
Without a doubt. This is where I see big money schools like Stanford taking over in the world of soccer, baseball, softball, etc.
Is it odd to others that they have not committed to ark? I assume we still have no reason for optimism. But i am surprised.
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Is it odd to others that they have not committed to ark? I assume we still have no reason for optimism. But i am surprised.

*reckless speculation*

In this world of NIL, I'm sure contingency plans have to (informally) be put in place for them since they cant profit off of it like their American counterparts