Final Donation push to reach $100K - To date $101,980

Russell Underwald $105

Amazing that we are still getting donations. Thank you Russ.


The reason Mike and I are keeping the match up until this afternoon is because of a promise by a reader here who does not want to be identified who has informed me that he would donate an additional $5K.

Since he's on vacation in a time zone where it's still very early morning I am waiting on him to reply to me.
Mike's efforts to crowdfund have already shown amazing results. And he's doing it as an unpaid volunteer.

We all owe him an amazing debt of gratitude.
@Halldan1 or @walshtrips sorry if this is a silly question but what is the difference between donating to spot fund or onward Setonia directly? Is one preferred?
Mike took advantage of this site asking for crowdfunding money that maybe would not come in without his efforts.

Any money earned, and it was probably additional money will eventually be added to the school's NIL pot.

So, bottom line, to answer your question this fund, which was matched by the way like no other NIL fund to date (by $35K - $70K) was Mike's way to open a donor base that otherwise would not have existed. Because of Mike's effort we will have as much as $107K to give to the school which probably would have not have happened without Mike's idea.

All credit goes to him and of course you our donors.