Starting Lineup / Cal Game Thread


All World
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2004
Whats up with this starting lineup???????? No Ike No Kadary No Harris
Where is all our fans from the other night btw? Very quiet / neutral
Kelly will score a career high tonight, we read our newspaper clippings again, this isnt the cuthroat team we played vs UM, but I will say they do make good adjustments after the half
This Kelly guy is playing like SHAQ on us today 11 of 15 cmon Kevin what did the other teams who gave em 3 losses do different
Wow. Complaining worked, and they changed THE CORRECT CALL and made it the WRONG ONE. He tipped it before it went over! Good lord
as long as they dont blow us out first half it doesnt matter. which clearly they wont.

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