The Vice Plagiarizer

Agree that it’s not a positive message campaign, but he has put a stake in the ground on issues that resonate with a lot of people. Illegal immigration, fentanyl, human trafficking, inflation and crime all matter. And yes, it’s scare tactics but we all know these are real issues that people care about. She doesn’t even acknowledge they are major problems. Essentially she has two issues; Reproductive rights and Trump is unstable, which is ironic in that she looked the other way working for an unstable boss.

You’re right. Trump isn’t wrong to scare people on issues they care about. That’s the game. He’s better at it than Harris is for sure.

OT- Just a Disgrace!

I'm a little surprised the Yankees haven't been able to get more going offensively against the Dodgers but on the other hand it's really all about Judge. It's surprising (and mostly because of Stanton) that they were able to make it this far without him doing much of anything. The AL in general, or at least at the top, felt a lot weaker than the NL this year too.

The Vice Plagiarizer

Agree that it’s not a positive message campaign, but he has put a stake in the ground on issues that resonate with a lot of people. Illegal immigration, fentanyl, human trafficking, inflation and crime all matter. And yes, it’s scare tactics but we all know these are real issues that people care about. She doesn’t even acknowledge they are major problems. Essentially she has two issues; Reproductive rights and Trump is unstable, which is ironic in that she looked the other way working for an unstable boss.
Problem is every one of these issues is worse today than it was 4 years ago. They've done nothing the last 6 months to even get people to believe they are serious about change. It would be criminal to not say the obvious it's only going to get worse without a change.

I love the term reproductive rights. What exactly is reproductive rights? I would think it would the freedom to be able to reproduce. This isn't China where you're limited on reproducing. The right to reproduce is clear here. How destroying a fetus is a reproductive right is beyond me? At no point during this destroying a fetus do we ever talk of responsibility of someone's actions banging someone. I want to have sex and no risk of having a kid. It's like saying I want to eat cake all day long and be skinny. Actions matter and we look for every angle to do the things we want to do without the consequences of them and our politicians are so slimy and desperate for votes they'll go along with it for a vote instead of standing up for personal responsibility.

The Vice Plagiarizer

Every single speech he gives he is talking about not having a country anymore if Harris wins, everything will be destroyed etc. I guess since he has been saying that the entire time it’s more “normal”.

I get why people would prefer him over her, but come on… it’s not because he was running a positive messaging campaign.
Agree that it’s not a positive message campaign, but he has put a stake in the ground on issues that resonate with a lot of people. Illegal immigration, fentanyl, human trafficking, inflation and crime all matter. And yes, it’s scare tactics but we all know these are real issues that people care about. She doesn’t even acknowledge they are major problems. Essentially she has two issues; Reproductive rights and Trump is unstable, which is ironic in that she looked the other way working for an unstable boss.
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The Vice Plagiarizer

Trump: Life was better when I was President, put me back in the White House. Harris will just be an extension of Biden

Every single speech he gives he is talking about not having a country anymore if Harris wins, everything will be destroyed etc. I guess since he has been saying that the entire time it’s more “normal”.

I get why people would prefer him over her, but come on… it’s not because he was running a positive messaging campaign.
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OT- Just a Disgrace!

Okay, OT but a big enough story to post and I'm sure I'm not the only Yankees fan here who's disgusted and needed to vent. The expectations were huge going into this series and it's been such a terrible let down that I actually resorted to turning the Giants on Monday Night Football.

Some random thoughts that came up trough the headaches and nausea of the last few days:

-Fat Joe?!?!?! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...over! Could we look any weaker or small time after LA breaks out Ice Cube? Joke 🫣

-The one chance to make last night's yawner of a game interesting was killed by the ineptitude of terrible umpiresMark Carlson ringing up Gleyber on one of the worst calls you'll see in post season history. So instead of potentially seeing Soto up with the bases loaded you may have just as well turned of the tv. Besides Yankees fans or even neutral baseball fans you gotta think the network was pissed at that call.

-Aaron Boone. Not one of the many Boone haters out there but what was his reaction after that abomination of a call? Sat there with a numb/depressed look on his face. This is the guy who's been know to ride umps and has gotten thrown out of more games than any 3 managers combined the last few years protecting his guys' at the plate. He just sat there...he was checked out and gave up. Terrible. Not as terrible as pulling Cole the other night, then doubling down on dumb and putting Nestor who hasn't pitched in a month when he had a guy in Hill who's been lights out of late.

Our Ace Cole- Coming to realize this guy is soft. Gives the ball to Boonie after 88 pitches. It's the freaking World Series! What do you think Bob Gibson would do if the manager came to take the ball after 88 pitches?

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The Vice Plagiarizer

From what I’ve seen, the two closing arguments basically boil down to.

Trump: Life was better when I was President, put me back in the White House. Harris will just be an extension of Biden.

Harris: Trump is a threat to Democracy and I am the candidate of change even though I’m the incumbent VP.

Also, the fact that they had Walz playing Madden with AOC rather than on the campaign trail a week before the election tells you all you need to know about the confidence they have in him. It’s pretty much lay low and hope enough people vote against Trump.
