Alex Morgan is savage

20 veterans commit suicide per day. We are 22+ trillion in National debt. Why do you invest so much emotional equity in what other people do during the National Anthem? You seem really passionate and upset about this and I think its comical when you consider other, tangible issues facing America.

Yet Veterans who have sacrificed so much get one day to honor them, while LGBTQWRTXHFYGYF get a whole month to celebrate their sexuality? Welcome to 2019 America.
He's got you believing Rapinoe is a bad person and Putin and Kim jung un are good people. Now that is some serious derangement.
Is it really civil disobedience when you take all the benefits from your adversary while denigrating it at the same time?

She’s been on the national team since 2006, where has her civil disobedience been, things have greatly improved on her perceived slights since then, notwithstanding Trump?
Pretty sure that represents the same thing

To you, sure. To her, maybe not?

but Rapinoe Just is finding a way to brush it aside to play and make money. I mean if she felt so strongly about protesting, kneeling, etc, when the USSF made the mandate that all players must stand during the anthem, she should have refused to play.

Maybe she thought about it? Maybe she thought representing her country and not putting her hand over her heart to protest something she believes in was more patriotic than refusing to participate?

I respect your opinion but to be fair, if she protested the way you want her to there would be countless others who would be offended that she refused to participate and saying that if she hates her country so much she should leave.
To you, sure. To her, maybe not?

Maybe she thought about it? Maybe she thought representing her country and not putting her hand over her heart to protest something she believes in was more patriotic than refusing to participate?

I respect your opinion but to be fair, if she protested the way you want her to there would be countless others who would be offended that she refused to participate and saying that if she hates her country so much she should leave.
Or maybe she saw the opportunity to make a lot of money....
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WGAS what Rapinoe, Lebron, Tim Allen, Patricia Heaton or anyone else does or says?

A bunch of grown ass snowflakes on this thread.
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In a short time this tread will be moving to the Off the Ship Board.
Having performed this duty on more than one occasion, I don't think it is too much to ask that people show a little respect for the weight of the flag.

"I could see the honor guard take the flag off of his coffin.

Their sharp uniforms. Their white gloves.

I watched their crisp, well-rehearsed movements as they went through their procedures.

Without shifting my eyes, I focused back on his coffin.

I was still trying to process it all.

So much emotion, so much joy, so much sorrow, so much light and laughter and love.

So much life.

All now boxed up and silent in that wooden casket.


The honor guard continued with their predetermined movements.

One fold at a time, precise hands moving like professional craftsmen.

As they carry on, the red and white stripes of the flag are consumed by the blue field with its white stars.

The flag is now neatly folded into a thick triangle.

The leader of the honor guard, a second class petty officer, grasps the flag into his hands.

He executes a sharp facing movement, takes a step, and then executes another facing movement.

He is now looking directly at me. Our eyes are locked, but expressionless.

We both know we have a job to do.

He marches forward.

He halts just in front of me.

I slowly and precisely raise my right hand from my side and render a sharp salute. I pause.

I gradually lower the salute and then put my hands out to receive the flag.

He moves it forward into my hands. I clench it.

The flag is heavy in my hands with pain and grief.

I feel the weight, a weight I can barely support as it tears at my soul.

He takes one step back, and renders a slow, flawless salute.

It is my turn now.

I execute a right face. I take six steps forward. I focus on my breath. I clench my jaw in order to get some control over my emotions before she sees my face.

I execute another right face. I am in front of her now.

I take two steps forward. She whispers a quiet moan of anguish.

It is the loudest noise I have ever heard.

I stop in front of her, still looking straight ahead.

I bend down on one knee.

I look at her.

Her heart is broken.

Tears are trickling down her face.

Yet, she smiles at me, as if to say, It’s OK.

I feel my emotions start to rush to the surface. I want to break down and cry.

But there is procedure to follow. I am a military man. I know to follow procedure.

“On behalf of the president of the United States, the United States Navy, and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation of your loved one’s honorable and faithful service.”

I place the full weight of that flag, with all its agony and torment into her hands.

She looked down at it and pulled it in close to her chest and absorbed it all.

She looked back at me.

I break protocol.

“Your boy was my hero,” I told her. “I loved him and I always will.”

She smiled and nodded. She already knew that.

Her eyes returned to gaze at the heavy flag in her arms.

I leaned in and gently kissed her on the forehead.

The kiss was not only from me. She knew that, too.

I stood back up and assumed the position of attention.

I rendered the proudest salute I could possibly muster.

I took one step back. I performed a right face. And marched off.

I assumed my position back in the ranks.

The guns fired. The bugle played its solemn notes.

My friend was buried in that sacred place.

And above it all, soaring in the sky, was our flag.

Bearing upon it the weight of a million souls who gave their lives for it.

Bearing upon it the anguish of the mothers and fathers who gave their precious children for it."

- Jocko Willink


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Just glad this unpatriotic chick Rapinoe had nothing to do with this recent win. Absolutely disgusting they’re allowing her to pull her antics playing for a U.S. National team.
Glad Rapinoe delivered with the world watching.

She won the World Cup.
She won the golden boot.
She won the golden ball. (Best player in the World Cup).

talked the talk and walked the walk.
Na, its pointless. If you want to do homework read the first amendment.

I will say things would be much better if grown adults didn't cry and moan when a soccer player doesn't sing a song the way they want it to be sang.

Strong debating skills. I think you meant the 5th Amendment.
Glad Rapinoe delivered with the world watching.

She won the World Cup.
She won the golden boot.
She won the golden ball. (Best player in the World Cup).

talked the talk and walked the walk.

In 1995, Claude Lemieux won the Stanley Cup and Conn Smythe Trophy (MVP). He was an asshole, too.
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Strong debating skills. I think you meant the 5th Amendment.

No, I meant the 1st Amendment. Freedom of Speech is something Rapinoe detractors seem to despise. Personally, I'm glad I don't live in North Korea where the government crushes all free thought and expression, especially any against the state. I'm glad Internet Patriots don't decide the acceptable method to criticize the government.

Also, there's more value in watching frogs copulate then debating adults clutching pearls over an athlete kneeling and criticizing POTUS. Hell, as I posted above, 20 veterans commit suicide per day -- maybe more people should start kneeling.
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No, I meant the 1st Amendment. Freedom of Speech is something Rapinoe detractors seem to despise. Personally, I'm glad I don't live in North Korea where the government crushes all free thought and expression, especially any against the state. I'm glad Internet Patriots don't decide the acceptable method to criticize the government.

Also, there's more value in watching frogs copulate then debating adults clutching pearls over an athlete kneeling and criticizing POTUS. Hell, as I posted above, 20 veterans commit suicide per day -- maybe more people should start kneeling.
No one in infringing on her first amendment rights... by your argument is the USSF infringing on her first amendment rights by making her stand for the anthem? No they aren’t. Am I or anyone else infringing on those rights by saying she’s an idiot or a hypocrit? No, and you don’t see this because you really don’t understand the first amendment. Our opinions here aren’t infringing on anything. You don’t like those opinions so you throw out the first amendment Bs
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No one in infringing on her first amendment rights... by your argument is the USSF infringing on her first amendment rights by making her stand for the anthem? No they aren’t. Am I or anyone else infringing on those rights by saying she’s an idiot or a hypocrit? No, and you don’t see this because you really don’t understand the first amendment. Our opinions here aren’t infringing on anything. You don’t like those opinions so you throw out the first amendment Bs

I never said you or anyone else on this board are infringing upon anyone's rights. You spent an entire paragraph arguing something I never claimed.
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I never said you or anyone else on this board are infringing upon anyone's rights. You spent an entire paragraph arguing something I never claimed.
You are the one who brought up the first amendment.. “freedom of speech seems to be something that Rapinoe detractors seem to despise”. You seem to be saying that by me or someone else saying what we are saying we seem to be trying to take away her first amendment rights.

Me saying I don’t think she should do that for the national team and saying that I think she is a hypocrit for protesting that and then having no problem playing for the USA and collecting a check doesn’t have anything to do with her first amendment rights. It’s my opinion, and disagreeing with what she is doing is no crime as much as you may feel someone who disagrees is so evil
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You are the one who brought up the first amendment.. “freedom of speech seems to be something that Rapinoe detractors seem to despise”. You seem to be saying that by me or someone else saying what we are saying we seem to be trying to take away her first amendment rights.

Me saying I don’t think she should do that for the national team and saying that I think she is a hypocrit for protesting that and then having no problem playing for the USA and collecting a check doesn’t have anything to do with her first amendment rights. It’s my opinion, and disagreeing with what she is doing is no crime as much as you may feel someone who disagrees is so evil

Read a dictionary or don't put words in people's mouth. It's extremely disingenuous. I also didn't call you evil. Get a grip here.

This is the deal. The US women won the world cup over Fourth of July weekend and there's 40-50 posts on this board disparaging the captain of the team for taking a knee and criticizing POTUS. Not only is it pathetic and idiotic, but it shows extreme sensitivity to different ways of voicing displeasure of the government. You don't know anything about Rapinoe other than she's a genius of a soccer player, she criticizes the President, and she likes to take a knee. You and others have formed an extreme opinion that not only is she a hypocrite and a "bitch" and a "denigration" and "deranged" and a "disgrace," but she's Anti-American. So yeah, if you think someone is all those things because they criticize the government in a way you don't like, maybe you just despise the First Amendment.
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Read a dictionary or don't put words in people's mouth. It's extremely disingenuous. I also didn't call you evil. Get a grip here.

This is the deal. The US women won the world cup over Fourth of July weekend and there's 40-50 posts on this board disparaging the captain of the team for taking a knee and criticizing POTUS. Not only is it pathetic and idiotic, but it shows extreme sensitivity to different ways of voicing displeasure of the government. You don't know anything about Rapinoe other than she's a genius of a soccer player, she criticizes the President, and she likes to take a knee. You and others have formed an extreme opinion that not only is she a hypocrite and a "bitch" and a "denigration" and "deranged" and a "disgrace," but she's Anti-American. So yeah, if you think someone is all those things because they criticize the government in a way you don't like, maybe you just despise the First Amendment.
You evidently have an issue with me saying she’s a hypocrite... nothing you will do and say will change my mind. She won’t miss out on the paycheck and publicity from the WC. And again you bring up the first amendment, you keep on referring to it but I don’t think you understand what it means. Nothing I have said has anything to do with the first amendment, I have disagreed with her in that she protests one thing but then finds a reason to participate in the other because she gets paid. Disagreeing with what someone does or says has nothing to do with the first amendment... you are the guy constantly bringing up the first amendment. If she’s does something I can disagree or say she’s being hypocritical, or even call her a name. Are you showing your hatred for the first amendment by saying we shouldn’t be doing that?
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You evidently have an issue with me saying she’s a hypocrite... nothing you will do and say will change my mind. She won’t miss out on the paycheck and publicity from the WC. And again you bring up the first amendment, you keep on referring to it but I don’t think you understand what it means. Nothing I have said has anything to do with the first amendment, I have disagreed with her in that she protests one thing but then finds a reason to participate in the other because she gets paid. Disagreeing with what someone does or says has nothing to do with the first amendment... you are the guy constantly bringing up the first amendment. If she’s does something I can disagree or say she’s being hypocritical, or even call her a name. Are you showing your hatred for the first amendment by saying we shouldn’t be doing that?

You have a serious reading comprehension issue. You can do whatever you please, you can call people any names you want, and I can call you a feeble minded idiot for it.

Amazing how a fantastic achievement for US soccer can be shat on like this.
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You have a serious reading comprehension issues. You can do whatever you please, you can call people any names you want, and I can call you a feeble minded idiot for it.

Amazing how a fantastic achievement for US soccer can be shat on like this.
Maybe stop bringing up first amendment rights. And other than hypocrite what names have I said, haven’t called anyone an idiot either... I guess if you disagree with someone they are an idiot. Are you sitting at a computer wearing all black with a bandanna covering your face while holding a sign that day “ F fascism”?

I’m done with this, say something about first amendment then you say you never brought it up or said anything... argument or not, call someone an idiot who thinks differently is where I draw the line.
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Maybe stop bringing up first amendment rights. And other than hypocrite what names have I said, haven’t called anyone an idiot either... I guess if you disagree with someone they are an idiot. Are you sitting at a computer wearing all black with a bandanna covering your face while holding a sign that day “ F fascism”?

I’m done with this, say something about first amendment then you say you never brought it up or said anything... argument or not, call someone an idiot who thinks differently is where I draw the line.

Damn right I'm wearing a bandanna. Good, run a long snowflake.

Edit: Just to clarify, because I know people will misconstrue this, I am a fan of bandannas, not Antifa. If you want to learn more about how Antifa sucks, listen to the podcast with Joe Rogan and Andy Ngo, a journalist recently assaulted by antifa during a rally.
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Read a dictionary or don't put words in people's mouth. It's extremely disingenuous. I also didn't call you evil. Get a grip here.

This is the deal. The US women won the world cup over Fourth of July weekend and there's 40-50 posts on this board disparaging the captain of the team for taking a knee and criticizing POTUS. Not only is it pathetic and idiotic, but it shows extreme sensitivity to different ways of voicing displeasure of the government. You don't know anything about Rapinoe other than she's a genius of a soccer player, she criticizes the President, and she likes to take a knee. You and others have formed an extreme opinion that not only is she a hypocrite and a "bitch" and a "denigration" and "deranged" and a "disgrace," but she's Anti-American. So yeah, if you think someone is all those things because they criticize the government in a way you don't like, maybe you just despise the First Amendment.

Well, we know her brother is a meth-head in prison. You forgot that she also "accidentally" dropped the flag to do even more mugging for the cameras. For those of us that spent some time fighting under that flag, it's unacceptable. No one is saying she doesn't have the right to drop, trample, or even burn the flag -- she does. But to do it while collecting a check written by the people of this country, while wearing the colors, is in poor form.
Well, we know her brother is a meth-head in prison. You forgot that she also "accidentally" dropped the flag to do even more mugging for the cameras. For those of us that spent some time fighting under that flag, it's unacceptable. No one is saying she doesn't have the right to drop, trample, or even burn the flag -- she does. But to do it while collecting a check written by the people of this country, while wearing the colors, is in poor form.
She wasn’t the one to drop the flag, it was someone else... and I think it was just a crazy moment and it happened, don’t think it was intentional