Of course I don't have solutions. I don't have all the data. The fact you think I would have solutions without all of the data is ridiculous. The US Government I'm sure has tons more data than you know about and you expect answers. Any answers you or I have are just silly unless you can solve this issue without all the facts.Modernizing the Second Amendment? I am not sure what you mean by modernizing. However, banning assault weapons does not violate the second amendment. So that is not really a factor. Moreover, there are limits on the 4th Amendment. The greatest protection of the 4th Amendment is to be free from the government searching your home unless they have a search warrant backed by probable cause.
However, even here, there are exceptions to the great protection that citizens have with the 4th Amendment. There can be exigent circumstances which dictate the police go inside a house without a warrant. For example, police chasing a person who just committed an armed robbery in hot pursuit. There could be community care taking reasons like a family member asking the police to check on elderly parents who they have not heard from. So,there is not an absolute protection from your house to be free from searches without a warrant. So, what you call my "crying" is just US Constitutional law.
Btw, you do not have any solutions but it does seem that you would be in favor of a ban on assault weapons which makes perfect sense.
I've been saying for weeks. If you can give me the comfort of knowing every single assault rifle is off the streets, ban them. Last thing this country needs is bad dudes with assault weapons and good guys without them. I don't know how many times I have to make that same point. Which is why I'm curious how many crimes do assault weapons in the hands of good guys stop? You choose not to address that at all. I'm sure you have answers without considering that fact. That was the major part of my previous post that you flat out ignored. I remember reading years ago criminals in countries with high gun ownership look into the house they're robbing 3-5 times more.
As for the 4th amendment. I'm not for going into homes, but if you're on the street and cops think you're up to no good, let them search. If you're clean, it will take 5 minutes of your day. If you got something on you that you shouldn't, the streets are now safer. How can anybody be against keeping our streets safer for kids from drug dealers, guys with guns, etc. in a proactive rather than reactive manner. Clearly every power Bloomberg gave the police to do their job was dismantled and crime has skyrocketed in NYC. It keeps getting worse, and not just in NYC, but all the major cities. Maybe, just maybe, if the true goal is making the country safer for all, we should go back to letting police do their job the way they were allowed to under Bloomberg in a lot of the major cities. But if there are more important things than safety, then keep the current system going.
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