Are you vaccinated?

Are you vaccinated?

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I know no one is asking my opinion but here it is anyway.

Big picture, if you are generally anti mask, anti closures, pro business, pro growing your stock market portfolio, anti kids under 12 vaccinated…you should be probably be rooting for more adults to be vaccinated so all that other stuff is less likely to happen.

Why? Why would we willingly go through that again? Those who don't want the vaccine have made their choice. They assume the risk. Those who have taken it are protected (that's what the "official" line is anyway). No more restrictions, no more hysteria. Let's get on with life and treat it like any other sickness.

Why does the government seemingly care so much about those who haven't taken it when those people have made it quite clear they don't want it? Everyone has had a chance to make their decision when it comes to this virus and the vaccine. Unless, of course, it's never been about a virus.
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thanks for sharing. My thinking is quite different than yours on kids, masks and vaccinations but at least you seem open minded to listening to the other side of the debate by recognizing that support for flow both ways.

When you are a young dad like we are, you are forced to listen to both sides bc at the end of the day you need to set your pride to the side and do what’s best for your kids/family given the info available.
Thanks. It isn't a pride thing for me. My kids have all their other regular vaccinations. It is not a political stance - my view was the same when Trump was President pushing vaccinations once available. It made sense for my wife to get vaccinated and she did. Based on my medical history, it is a coin flip when you consider my risk class and other factors. Like I said, it may well happen.

On the masks, part of my view is personal. One of my kids is a baby, so not really an issue right now. Another one of my kids excels in school, naturally. Whether half-day, full day, remote, masks -- it doesn't matter. She's incredibly advanced for her level. My other kid struggles in school and has a speech issue. That is real driver for me when it comes to masks; having to wear one hurts his speech-related development. That's a big problem for someone in my position. And I don't want my kids to think that wearing masks is normal and that interaction of that kind is normal. It is not. I strongly believe for all younger kids having to interact with masks on hurts their development in ways that we do not yet fully appreciate (studies, research papers, etc, have speculated on this, but it is too early to know one way or the other). Given the low risk associated with the young ones for COVID issues, it is why I feel so strongly about this. If my kid were in high school, I'd feel differently.
Why? Why would we willingly go through that again? Those who don't want the vaccine have made their choice. They assume the risk. Those who have taken it are protected (that's what the "official" line is anyway). No more restrictions, no more hysteria. Let's get on with life and treat it like any other sickness.

Why does the government seemingly care so much about those who haven't taken it when those people have made it quite clear they don't want it? Everyone has had a chance to make their decision when it comes to this virus and the vaccine. Unless, of course, it's never been about a virus.
Here is my attempt to counter your extreme sarcasm (I hope sarcasm) from earlier in this thread.

Why you ask?

It’s because everyone is out to get me and sh09’s freedom! Everyone! Big business! Small businesses! The US federal government! Local and state! Even Rhode Island! All the countries around the world! Especially Iceland. Billionaires and newly minted thousandaires from the covid stimulus, they are all out to get Sh09 and me and tread on our freedom.

Even typically the smartest people on earth, doctors, are fooled by this planetary conspiracy. They just don’t understand that this is a gateway drug, what next? Will they force us to watch msnbc for 10 hours a day and donate to a save a tree foundation and BLM!

I heard from some guy on the street who talked to a guy, he trust with his life, that works at the pentagon, he said the Bezos trip to space was actually a plan to distract from real goal, to trick sh09 to become vaccinated and be injected with a bio-chip developed by apple that motivates its victims to buy Taylor swift songs on iTunes and post tic tok videos while doing the running man 🏃‍♂️.

Sh09, we were very wise to be figure it out before the smartest people on the planet, this really is a huge conspiracy. They may not see it but we are on a two man mission to protecting the liberties of every America, especially sh09.

I mean what is next? the government requiring car companies to have seat belts, not being allowed to say fire in a movie theatre? Making me stop a red lights! Companies making me take showers at least once a month to not smell at work? No smoking on planes? I don’t care about others, it’s all about me and sh09. This is Craziness! Total government Overreach. I mean if I want to drink a full bottle of whiskey and kill a few people in my American made Ford Taurus, why can’t I! I mean I’ve had the measles mumps ruebella shots but they were safe back then and I was little and they forced me. Now it’s different, I can fight back and my parents aren’t forcing me.

If you think about it, it’s never been about the virus or saving people’s lives, who would want that anyway? It’s about making sh09 buy more Taylor swift songs. **** tick tok, Taylor Swift new album sucks and May God bless America.

Ps. Sh09 and I think Taylor swift’s earlier albums were pretty good.
Here is my attempt to counter your extreme sarcasm (I hope sarcasm) from earlier in this thread.

Why you ask?

It’s because everyone is out to get me and sh09’s freedom! Everyone! Big business! Small businesses! The US federal government! Local and state! Even Rhode Island! All the countries around the world! Especially Iceland. Billionaires and newly minted thousandaires from the covid stimulus, they are all out to get Sh09 and me and tread on our freedom.

Even typically the smartest people on earth, doctors, are fooled by this planetary conspiracy. They just don’t understand that this is a gateway drug, what next? Will they force us to watch msnbc for 10 hours a day and donate to a save a tree foundation and BLM!

I heard from some guy on the street who talked to a guy, he trust with his life, that works at the pentagon, he said the Bezos trip to space was actually a plan to distract from real goal, to trick sh09 to become vaccinated and be injected with a bio-chip developed by apple that motivates its victims to buy Taylor swift songs on iTunes and post tic tok videos while doing the running man 🏃‍♂️.

Sh09, we were very wise to be figure it out before the smartest people on the planet, this really is a huge conspiracy. They may not see it but we are on a two man mission to protecting the liberties of every America, especially sh09.

I mean what is next? the government requiring car companies to have seat belts, not being allowed to say fire in a movie theatre? Making me stop a red lights! Companies making me take showers at least once a month to not smell at work? No smoking on planes? I don’t care about others, it’s all about me and sh09. This is Craziness! Total government Overreach. I mean if I want to drink a full bottle of whiskey and kill a few people in my American made Ford Taurus, why can’t I! I mean I’ve had the measles mumps ruebella shots but they were safe back then and I was little and they forced me. Now it’s different, I can fight back and my parents aren’t forcing me.

If you think about it, it’s never been about the virus or saving people’s lives, who would want that anyway? It’s about making sh09 buy more Taylor swift songs. **** tick tok, Taylor Swift new album sucks and May God bless America.

Ps. Sh09 and I think Taylor swift’s earlier albums were pretty good.

Never thought I'd come to this conclusion about anyone on the board but you're stranger than NYSG. By the way, thanks for confirming you are not a serious person.
Why does the government seemingly care so much about those who haven't taken it when those people have made it quite clear they don't want it?

If they believe that the vaccine will save lives, shouldn't they try to encourage people to get it?

There are a lot of people out there at risk who are not getting vaccinated for illogical reasons, and are going to be hospitalized and many will die. Should the government just sit back and watch? Shouldn't they care?
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If they believe that the vaccine will save lives, shouldn't they try to encourage people to get it?

There are a lot of people out there at risk who are not getting vaccinated for illogical reasons, and are going to be hospitalized and many will die. Should the government just sit back and watch? Shouldn't they care?
I don’t have an issue with the government encouraging vaccination. But they should be encouraging other things that are equally and even more important to surviving the virus.
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Even considering it is anti-American. The government has no right to tell me what to put into my body. Anyone who supports methods like those is evil in my book. Don't compare it to polio. Polio kills and paralyzes more people than this respiratory virus. Polio was an actual threat to children, unlike this virus, and that vaccine had been proven safe over many years. This one hasn't.

Once you cross that line, freedom is gone forever. The government then controls you and can tell you what to put into your body anytime it wants. We must hold this line or we're done. I'd rather die free than live in medical tyranny.

Yes, it's already happening because people have been brainwashed into believing covid is like the plague when in reality 99% or more of people who contract it will survive it whether they are vaccinated or not. The government will prefer if the private sector does the dirty work. Look what's happening in Greece, France and the UK. That's coming here unless we speak out and stop it. Modern day discrimination and medical apartheid.

There is evil in this world and much of it is in the elite, millionaire/billionaire class that runs governments and sets policy. The vaccines and the passports are just the opening act. It will get much, much worse if we allow it to continue. The government will never get rid of the passports when the "crisis" is over. It will be permanent.

It's just two weeks
It's just a mask
It's just a test
It's just a contact tracer
It's just a shot
It's just a digital ID
It's just a jail cell
It's just a box car
It's for the greater good! It's just to "keep us safe!"

See the pattern? Stop it now before it gets really bad.
You have a very strange outlook towards what is evil. You really have not a clue what evil is. I have no idea what your background is but you are completely on the ledge.

For your information, Polio did not kill as many people in all the years it was an epidemic as to one year of CoVid. In 1919, Polio deaths were the highest around 7,000. In the subsequent years, deaths numbered around a 1000 a year. In 1957, the peak of the disease, there were 57,000 polio cases. Of which 21,000 were paralytic cases. So, when you compare the two, CoVid is the far greater threat to someone's life and infected far more people. Care to reconsider your stance? Of course you won't because facts and logic don't dictate your thoughts.

Now let's compare the medical advances that have taken place over the last 60 years since the polio vaccine. Due to medical advances, the number of deaths have been far less. People like Trump who contracted the disease and were in bad shape, were treated with monoclonal infusions that wiped out symptoms in a day. I know people who personally received these treatments and they worked amazingly well.

Your hyperbolic statements about living free is just all nonsense. You are just a wacky conspiracist.
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I don’t have an issue with the government encouraging vaccination. But they should be encouraging other things that are equally and even more important to surviving the virus.

Right, but they do encourage things more important than the virus. We have campaigns against drug use, smoking, promoting healthier eating etc... You can certainly argue the effectiveness and if they should be doing more, but it's not like it's a new idea that the government would encourage their citizens to not kill themselves because of some absurd notion like cigarettes are good for you, or vaccines have a microchip in them from Bill Gates.
If they believe that the vaccine will save lives, shouldn't they try to encourage people to get it?

There are a lot of people out there at risk who are not getting vaccinated for illogical reasons, and are going to be hospitalized and many will die. Should the government just sit back and watch? Shouldn't they care?
Yes, if government feel vaccine is safe and saves lives, I really have no problem with them encouraging people to get it.

While I also respect persons individual decision on if they want to get vaccine or not, I do not understand why some people openly campaign against people getting this vaccine or other vaccines.
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Never thought I'd come to this conclusion about anyone on the board but you're stranger than NYSG. By the way, thanks for confirming you are not a serious person.
Never thought I'd come to this conclusion about anyone on the board but you're stranger than NYSG. By the way, thanks for confirming you are not a serious person.
Nobody should be too serious all the time but the pandemic is serious still for the unvaccinated.

Sorry that you think bringing levity to the debate is a bad thing.

Seems to me you missed the lesson of the sarcastic post. Oh well, I tried. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I'm on a weekend road trip to Ohio and he's pulled off the turnpike and stopped at the cracker barrel.

The place is packed and other than two servers, nobody is wearing a mask. I assume those two people are not vaccinated. I can't understand why you would put up with having to work as a server wearing a mask when all you have to do is get vaccinated.

The two are 20-somethings.

Yeah there's a chance they have some underlying condition but my bet says no, they just don't want to get vaccinated.
Right, but they do encourage things more important than the virus. We have campaigns against drug use, smoking, promoting healthier eating etc... You can certainly argue the effectiveness and if they should be doing more, but it's not like it's a new idea that the government would encourage their citizens to not kill themselves because of some absurd notion like cigarettes are good for you, or vaccines have a microchip in them from Bill Gates.
It has never been part of the COVID messaging,… and still isn’t.
It has never been part of the COVID messaging,… and still isn’t.

Again, no issue with you saying that should be doing more. I just disagree with the person here saying they should be doing less by not promoting vaccines.
I think we should promote the vaccine because there are probably people who would benefit from it and who are in a certain risk class, but are hesitant because of misinformation or personal apprehension. Who delivers the message and how it is delivered is key. If it comes across as politically-charged, it is going to turn some people off right away. They wont even hear the message. And if the message is delivered by someone who was railing against the vaccine when a different political party had the Presidency, you are going to automatically lose people there.

I know some folks want more celebrities involved in this stuff. I guess there is a belief that type of messaging will penetrate certain groups. I’ve never been a believer in that, but if it works, it works. Without any data, my personal views are that certain celebrities are just as likely to turn people off as they are to get the desired result. Like when celebrities are involved in the “get out the vote” campaign. I never construe that as most caring about whether you vote; I construe it as “vote for my candidate” and with Hollywood/celebrities you usually know what that means (anyone with a D before their name, irrespective of what that person stands for or has done in the past).

If be curious on what real information we have on the best way to message something like this to get the desired outcome.
If they believe that the vaccine will save lives, shouldn't they try to encourage people to get it?

There are a lot of people out there at risk who are not getting vaccinated for illogical reasons, and are going to be hospitalized and many will die. Should the government just sit back and watch? Shouldn't they care?

They have encouraged it. It's clear people either took it or chose not to. End of story.

People can make their own risk assessments. It's not the government's place to do it for them so yes, at this point they should stand back.
People like Trump who contracted the disease and were in bad shape, were treated with monoclonal infusions that wiped out symptoms in a day. I know people who personally received these treatments and they worked amazingly well.
So why all this talk about vaccines, shaming those who haven't taken it and no talk about more access or enhancements to treatments? If the vaccine works, great, take it and you're protected. If you don't choose to take it, there are these treatments if you do get sick and need them. Problem solved.
Nobody should be too serious all the time but the pandemic is serious still for the unvaccinated.

Sorry that you think bringing levity to the debate is a bad thing.

Seems to me you missed the lesson of the sarcastic post. Oh well, I tried. 🤷🏻‍♂️

You never answered my question. Why is the government strong arming people who don't want to take the vaccine? Why do they care? Those people have assumed the risk and can deal with whatever comes their way. The people who have taken the vaccines are protected, according to the official word.

The answer is one of two things - either the vaccines don't work or the last 16 months was never about a virus. I believe the vaccines work so....
So why all this talk about vaccines, shaming those who haven't taken it and no talk about more access or enhancements to treatments? If the vaccine works, great, take it and you're protected. If you don't choose to take it, there are these treatments if you do get sick and need them. Problem solved.
I am not a fan of shaming or forcing vaccines, or a lot of the scare tactics being used by the media.

But prevention of any diseases (not just Covid) should always be the 1st option of defense, then any type of treatments should always be the next option(s). This is just common sense, and doesn't only pertain to healthcare.
I am not a fan of shaming or forcing vaccines, or a lot of the scare tactics being used by the media.

But prevention of any diseases (not just Covid) should always be the 1st option of defense, then any type of treatments should always be the next option(s). This is just common sense, and doesn't only pertain to healthcare.

Why are we completely neglecting treatments? Covid is never going to be eradicated.
They have encouraged it. It's clear people either took it or chose not to. End of story.

So end all public health campaigns then because the public is aware and make their own choices?

Sorry, In the last month hospitalizations have increased by around 300% in states like Florida, Louisiana, Nevada, Missouri etc where vaccination rates are lower which states with higher vaccination rates are flat or on the decline. The government is not going to sit back and watch people kill themselves when the tool to prevent that is available. They are going to try and provide the information people need to make their own decision and to counter to misinformation people are getting off facebook and twitter.
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Why are we completely neglecting treatments?

We're not. Promoting the thing that has a MUCH higher success rate than any of the treatments available doesn't mean we are neglecting treatments.
So end all public health campaigns then because the public is aware and make their own choices?

Sorry, In the last month hospitalizations have increased by around 300% in states like Florida, Louisiana, Nevada, Missouri etc where vaccination rates are lower which states with higher vaccination rates are flat or on the decline. The government is not going to sit back and watch people kill themselves when the tool to prevent that is available. They are going to try and provide the information people need to make their own decision and to counter to misinformation people are getting off facebook and twitter.
And very obscure sports message boards.
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I do not think anyone is neglecting the use of treatments.

Treatments are for when someone gets sicks, not to prevent sickness.

With any disease, I think most patients and doctors would prefer to prevent, vs treatment.

The point is, you can't prevent everyone from becoming sick. If there are a combination of effective vaccines and effective treatments, this virus is a total non-issue.
I am not a fan of shaming or forcing vaccines, or a lot of the scare tactics being used by the media.

But prevention of any diseases (not just Covid) should always be the 1st option of defense, then any type of treatments should always be the next option(s). This is just common sense, and doesn't only pertain to healthcare.
I agree completely. Shaming, especially on the part of politicians and other government officials it’s really pathetic. Let’s face it politicians have such a low approval rating that they should be the last ones advising and what we should or shouldn’t do.

And as I said earlier, messaging from government agencies has been woefully inadequate. Look at the people who are being hospitalized and have died. We are a year and a half into this pandemic and no guidance on putting yourself in the best position to avoid serious illness or hospitalization. (Reducing or eliminating comorbidities).
The point is, you can't prevent everyone from becoming sick. If there are a combination of effective vaccines and effective treatments, this virus is a total non-issue.
Agreed, you never can, but think you try your hardest to prevent / reduce severity of as many cases as possible, especially for high risk.

Now I understand a healthy 20/30 something year old not getting the vaccine, but what I do not understand is an older (55+) person and/or high risk individual just not getting it unless a doctor advised for some type of known health reason.

Based on what you read and some things for example the Alabama & other governors said recently, still lots of unvaccinated people in "high risk" categories, especially in some southern states.
Agreed, you never can, but think you try your hardest to prevent / reduce severity of as many cases as possible, especially for high risk.

Now I understand a healthy 20/30 something year old not getting the vaccine, but what I do not understand is an older (55+) person and/or high risk individual just not getting it unless a doctor advised for some type of known health reason.

Based on what you read and some things for example the Alabama & other governors said recently, still lots of unvaccinated people in "high risk" categories, especially in some southern states.
There is a high-risk population in every state.

And we have the one of the unhealthiest populations of any of the industrialized nations. What is the government been doing to fix that?

maybe a lot of people don’t think they have much credibility.
Call the malpractice carrier book keeper made a boo boo

Why are we completely neglecting treatments? Covid is never going to be eradicated.
What treatments are you referring to. If you are talking about monoclonal antibodies understand they are also under emergency use aurthorization.

They have not gotten full approval although that seems to be an argument for why some people here are not getting the vaccine but are more than happy to take another medication also under EUA. It has only been recently that studies have shown some improvement in COVID patients, but we have actually have had to change the antibodies we have been using due to resistance from the variants. The vaccine has way better evidence than the monoclonal antibodies. It is still new just like the vaccine and studies are still being done. Steroids have shown improvement along with remdesivir.

All of these things while some are new are used as tools to combat COVID 19, but I don't understand why some people are hesitant towards taking something that could prevent them from getting sick in the first place, but are more than happy to take a medication that is also under EUA.
So why all this talk about vaccines, shaming those who haven't taken it and no talk about more access or enhancements to treatments? If the vaccine works, great, take it and you're protected. If you don't choose to take it, there are these treatments if you do get sick and need them. Problem solved.
Government can and has mandated vaccines. And has approved of such actions in the Supreme Court. Let's put away this nonsense that government can't mandate vaccines without the country going to hell. That decision is over 100 years old. This is about the public health of our citizenry. Yes, believe it or not, that is a major government concern. What don't you get about that? You brought up the polio analogy in your previous post and CoVid has had far more infections and deaths in one year than polio ever had in the US.

Your personal view of freedoms is really meaningless. Your view risks the health of others. Viruses mutate. If everyone were vaccinated, then you can almost eliminate the disease to a just a few. Please just look at the history of pandemics and epidemics.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. "

George Santayana
What treatments are you referring to. If you are talking about monoclonal antibodies understand they are also under emergency use aurthorization.

They have not gotten full approval although that seems to be an argument for why some people here are not getting the vaccine but are more than happy to take another medication also under EUA. It has only been recently that studies have shown some improvement in COVID patients, but we have actually have had to change the antibodies we have been using due to resistance from the variants. The vaccine has way better evidence than the monoclonal antibodies. It is still new just like the vaccine and studies are still being done. Steroids have shown improvement along with remdesivir.

All of these things while some are new are used as tools to combat COVID 19, but I don't understand why some people are hesitant towards taking something that could prevent them from getting sick in the first place, but are more than happy to take a medication that is also under EUA.

Ivermectin is being suppressed, for one. Second, if we can get vaccines in a matter of months, why can't we come up with an effective treatment?
Government can and has mandated vaccines. And has approved of such actions in the Supreme Court. Let's put away this nonsense that government can't mandate vaccines without the country going to hell. That decision is over 100 years old. This is about the public health of our citizenry. Yes, believe it or not, that is a major government concern. What don't you get about that? You brought up the polio analogy in your previous post and CoVid has had far more infections and deaths in one year than polio ever had in the US.

Your personal view of freedoms is really meaningless. Your view risks the health of others. Viruses mutate. If everyone were vaccinated, then you can almost eliminate the disease to a just a few. Please just look at the history of pandemics and epidemics.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. "

George Santayana

Haha. Yes, I know history. The 1918 flu pandemic resolved without a vaccine.

Mandating a brand new vaccine would be an authoritarian step. Makes you wonder what they put in the vaccines if that's the case.
Exactly. So why are we obsessing over case counts? Although Malta proves the vaccine does not reduce transmission.