Trump says that there were "good people" in that Nazi, KKK march, but I ask you: if your only concern was the removal of a historic statute and you see that the other marchers were carrying KKK flags, Nazi flags as well as clubs, bats and chains what would you do? I'd say anyone with good intentions would get the hell away from the others as fast as possible.
Tom K
And so if there were and they did not get the hell away, then Trumps's statement is true?
Regardless, among Trump's many flaws is that he refuses to listen to his communication team and he goes ad lib on matters that require precise wording. For the country's sake, we needed him to make an announcement sitting behind the desk in the oval office and that announcement should have been scripted, proofed, rewritten, proofed, etc.
Even if Mother Teresa were marching with the "down the statue" team, Trump needed to denounce them.
At our company we often use the phase, "We want to be right but we don't want to be dead right".
For arguments sake, let's concede that there were "fine people" in the KKK crowd at some point. Therefore in his statements he is right, but he is DEAD right and as a result, the country is in turmoil.
Just now seeing the DOW dropped 274 points. Beautiful.
So now do we have a lame duck president 7 months into his term.
Will we get Tax Reform?
Will l we get ACA ironed out?
Will we get an Energy Policy?
Well we secure the border?
Nothing will get done for who knows how long.
The gloating on the left will be a short lived joy.
I was never attached to Trump the person, just Trump's agenda. If he goes down, I care little about him and more about what will not get done.