I think just statues of butterflies and flowers should remain. All the rest are offensive.
I think just statues of butterflies and flowers should remain. All the rest are offensive.
Two things I would add on the subject. We are only looking at these statues and monuments as only historical symbols. Aren't they also reflective of the arts? Earlier this year we were out west and visited the Crazy Horse Monument in SD. This was initiated by native leaders and a Polish immigrant who had been a sculptor for Mount Rushmore. Is that an art form or is it a historical monument? You can argue that it's both. I just wonder if we are going down a road of a double standard. When we don't like something it's a historical monument that stand for something and there is no value placed on the artist and relevance. Are we also censoring the arts when we remove these landmarks?
Secondly, if this accelerates, it will continue to embolden Trumps base....and they are the ones with the guns. There is now a move afoot in New York about removing the statue of Christopher Columbus. That is not going to go well.
Definitely a place for art and a place for public monuments.
I don't think there is any real support for getting rid of Columbus, Washington, and Jefferson monuments. Just a few idiots on the news having their voices amplified WAY too loudly. The left needs some leadership on this issue to stop people from getting ultra sensitive to every monument.
The left needs some leadership on this issue to stop people from getting ultra sensitive to every monument.
Like VICE News, provider of that video you wanted me to watch, who is calling for the destruction of Mount Rushmore?
Nice back pedal, Merge, I was supposed to watch a leftist propaganda video edited by a clearly idealistic entity.
"Most of the counterdemonstrators were peaceful, but some showed up with semiautomatics of their own and at one point formed a defensive perimeter around a counterdemonstration staging area, according to the New York Times. Other counterdemonstrators wielded baseball bats, clubs, bottles, and chemical sprays."
I never said that none of them showed up armed.
We have all seen the reporting on what took place. We saw the rally the night before with people carrying torches and guns, shouting nazi slogans.
If your criticism has turned towards the people who showed up armed (and significantly less so than the Nazi's) to protest, and ready for a fight against those Nazi's then I think your criticism is misguided.
We have all seen the reporting on what took place. We saw the rally the night before with people carrying torches and guns