I do not buy your argument nor do I buy the Presidents assertion that thee were "good people" marching with the KKK & Nazi's. First of all virtually everyone knew who was sponsoring this demonstration but even if you didn't when you arrived on Friday night before the counter demonstrators were there and saw the KKK & Nazi flags, the weapons and heard the anti Semitic chants as the march started you certainly knew then.
In life we have choices to make and anyone who chose to return Saturday decided that they were part of this group and were just as evil as the others were. As your hero Newt Gingrich said "good people do not march with the Nazi's". The President was way off base in declaring his concern for those "good people" who partook in this march with those who represent pure evil. You can not equate those who stand up to show their opposition to evil with those who brought it with them.
Tom K
Tom I agree with you to a point. Yes nobody should ever want to be associated with the KKK or Nazis. I think we can all agree on that. But I do believe there is the probability that there were people there for the historical reason of keeping the statue. That's like saying anyone who goes to a BLM march is bad because their chants are "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now" or the fact the city of Charlotte, NC was vandalized like crazy last year. There's no way you can associate 100% of all people who attend to that behavior. I like to believe there are people who show up to these events with good intentions on both sides, but the scumbags grab the spotlight.