Shame on Trump for claiming he paid more taxes if he didn't. With that said....
He's probably paying a good amount in payroll taxes that you will never see on his personal tax returns. At the same time, if he pays little in income tax, whose fault is it? Maybe the people that have been in government the last 40 years should stand up and take a bow for allowing the tax code to be what it is. Thank you Nancy Pelosi. Thank you Mitch McConnell. They're the problem, not Trump. Let's blame the guy in office for 2 years and give a pass on the people who have had the power to change it the last 40. I don't want a president who decides yeah I'm going to pay more taxes than the law says I have to. If he doesn't value his own money, why would he value America's money? Which other politician, democrat or republican, or major business figure is foregoing deductions they're entitled to because they want to help fund our government more?