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Jan 1, 2003
It's time for colleges to dump Old South nicknames and mascots

  • Friday, August 18, 2017, 7:00 AM

    Every day it seems like a new one is coming down.

    The “President” hates it.

    I love it.

    “Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments,” Trump tweeted on Thursday.

    “You can’t change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson — who’s next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish! Also the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!”

    But to that, I say, as a former history major myself, what has a monument in the image of someone who was hateful every taught anyone?

    There is no beauty in racism.

    In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo has stated that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee will be removed from the City University of New York Hall of Great Americans.

    “Eventually, someone is going to have to make a decision, and if that’s the local lawmaker, so be it. But we have to be able to have that conversation without all of the hatred and the violence. And if they choose to take those statues down, fine,” said Gen. Robert E. Lee’s great-great grandson Robert E. Lee V to CNN.

    “In a public place, if it is offensive and people are taking issue with it, let’s move it. Let’s put it somewhere where historically it fits with the area around it so you can have people come to see it, who want to understand that history and that individual,” said Bertram Hayes-Davis, great-great grandson of Jefferson Davis to CNN.


    Nicholls State Colonels mascot.

  • Birmingham Mayor William Bell decided to board up a Confederate monument in Linn Park since he can’t legally bring it down because of a state statute. Monuments are also coming down in Baltimore, as Mayor Catherine E. Pugh had four of them removed in the middle of the night.

    But should these same actions be taken against college nicknames and mascots?

    We’ve had the discussion about the importance of imagery, as that NFL team in Washington, and other professional, collegiate, and high school teams still use harmful and derogatory symbols to the detriment of Native Americans.

    So, with everything that’s going on now in America, isn’t it time for our colleges and universities to nix their allegiance to “The Ole South”?

    Ole Miss jumps out as the easiest mascot to historically identify with the past. The school ditched Colonel Reb, who roamed the sidelines as their mascot for over two decades, for “Rebel, the Black Bear” in 2010. And while the school has moved on from a mascot fashioned after a plantation owner and cheerleaders dressed like Confederate soldiers, there’s still more work to be done. Colonel Reb is still found alive and well each football Saturday in Oxford, Mississippi’s famed tailgate site, "The Grove," and there’s even a Colonel Reb Foundation whose sole purpose is to reinstate the mascot. Some people just can’t move on.

    The UNLV Runnin’ Rebels have also tinkered with their mascot over the years, and now have a modernized version of “Hey Reb!”

    But, Eastern Kentucky still has “The Colonel.”

    For some reason, schools with ties to the South, just can’t seem to drop the “Rebel” term completely, and it’s time to let it go.

    It’s very reminiscent to Southern natives and residents who are still in denial about the racist use of the Confederate Flag.


    The University of Mississippi mascot "Colonel Rebel."
    The Rebel and the Confederate Flag aren’t symbols of Southern pride. They’re propaganda of continued Southern hate.

    But Ole Miss, UNLV, and Eastern Kentucky have nothing on Nicholls State University in Louisiana. Because, their mascot, Col. Tillou, looks just like a Nazi.

    Trust me. Google it.

    Outraged by the image’s “menacing appearance, hundreds of people have flooded social networking sites and college sports forums to vent their concerns about the revamped logo design, with a number likening the black, red and gray-hued colonel to a soldier from Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich or a member of Soviet Russia’s Red Army,” read a New Orleans Times-Picayune article from 2009.

    “It looked like a Nazi soldier — a very angry Nazi soldier,” said Nicholls alumna Hollie Garrison, 27, who saw the logo online for the first time this month. “My jaw dropped. I was speechless. I kind of thought it was a joke.”

    Imagery can evoke memories.

    And memories can evoke pain.

    Which is why some schools and fan bases will at some point have to get over their so-called “school pride,” and realize what they’re championing.
What's next once you go down a very slippery slope which I believe this to be. Should all teams that have an animal as their mascot be removed to satisfy the Animal Right advocates. Should the use of Pirate or Buccaneers or Raiders because of their criminal activities and atrocities they committed be banned. Will we see names like Warriors disappear because some anti-war group finds it offensive.
Clearly we are already on the wrong side of the slippery slope. To the point that you have to be careful what you say in most any conversation or what you post in print.

The latest incident was the ESPN Fantasy auction where some were offended by white males selling off players of color. As I noted in another thread I didn't give that a moments thought until it was brought up by others.
Racism was an accepted way of life in the US for centuries. We all still see it and I am sure many of us grew up in households that were let us say, racially challenged. It is our original sin, but there is no baptism to cleanse us. It is our tragedy.

I hear many of these monuments were built in this century. Do we really think they were to celebrate soldiers, or to remind people how it's gonna be.

The Confederate flag over courthouses was a controversy years ago. As I remember, they started flying as the civil rights movement got going.

I do think public reminders of our past sins are very appropriate. But they should not be celebrations.
Very slippery slope. Pirates are not good people. Are we next? We'll be the Seton Hall Hugs before you know it.
Mementos of the confederacy are mementos of traitors. If I lived in the South, some would be my relatives, but nonetheless, traitors. Mementos of the confederacy built in the 20th century are mementos of traitors used as symbols of white supremacy to make that statement as the civil rights movement gained momentum.

This is not a slippery slope at all.
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Mementos of the confederacy are mementos of traitors. If I lived in the South, some would be my relatives, but nonetheless, traitors. Mementos of the confederacy built in the 20th century are mementos of traitors used as symbols of white supremacy to make that statement as the civil rights movement gained momentum.

This is not a slippery slope at all.

That is if it ends with them. Unfortunately things never end at their supposed ending point. You give people an inch, they take a mile. I would have no problem if it definitely was going to end there, but I would guess that's not where it ends.
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I think Mississippi needs to worry alot more about their state flag than the nickname of the Ole Miss sports programs. Tackle that first, then get back to us.

Nicholls State could go either way so I say leave it alone. Unless someone can point to the intent of the school to have it look like a Nazi when they designed it (pretty unlikely I would think), I think it's a generic enough military outfit that it's fine.

Eastern Kentucky...not guilty. Looks like KFC's Col. Sanders and is purposefully meant to look cartoony & inviting. That older Southern gentlemen look that he has was not reserved for racists and confederate military leaders.

Got no problem with these statues coming down though. Put em in museums where they belong.
It's time for colleges to dump Old South nicknames and mascots

  • Friday, August 18, 2017, 7:00 AM

    Every day it seems like a new one is coming down.

    The “President” hates it.

    I love it.

    “Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments,” Trump tweeted on Thursday.

    “You can’t change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson — who’s next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish! Also the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!”

    But to that, I say, as a former history major myself, what has a monument in the image of someone who was hateful every taught anyone?

    There is no beauty in racism.

    In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo has stated that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee will be removed from the City University of New York Hall of Great Americans.

    “Eventually, someone is going to have to make a decision, and if that’s the local lawmaker, so be it. But we have to be able to have that conversation without all of the hatred and the violence. And if they choose to take those statues down, fine,” said Gen. Robert E. Lee’s great-great grandson Robert E. Lee V to CNN.

    “In a public place, if it is offensive and people are taking issue with it, let’s move it. Let’s put it somewhere where historically it fits with the area around it so you can have people come to see it, who want to understand that history and that individual,” said Bertram Hayes-Davis, great-great grandson of Jefferson Davis to CNN.


    Nicholls State Colonels mascot.

  • Birmingham Mayor William Bell decided to board up a Confederate monument in Linn Park since he can’t legally bring it down because of a state statute. Monuments are also coming down in Baltimore, as Mayor Catherine E. Pugh had four of them removed in the middle of the night.

    But should these same actions be taken against college nicknames and mascots?

    We’ve had the discussion about the importance of imagery, as that NFL team in Washington, and other professional, collegiate, and high school teams still use harmful and derogatory symbols to the detriment of Native Americans.

    So, with everything that’s going on now in America, isn’t it time for our colleges and universities to nix their allegiance to “The Ole South”?

    Ole Miss jumps out as the easiest mascot to historically identify with the past. The school ditched Colonel Reb, who roamed the sidelines as their mascot for over two decades, for “Rebel, the Black Bear” in 2010. And while the school has moved on from a mascot fashioned after a plantation owner and cheerleaders dressed like Confederate soldiers, there’s still more work to be done. Colonel Reb is still found alive and well each football Saturday in Oxford, Mississippi’s famed tailgate site, "The Grove," and there’s even a Colonel Reb Foundation whose sole purpose is to reinstate the mascot. Some people just can’t move on.

    The UNLV Runnin’ Rebels have also tinkered with their mascot over the years, and now have a modernized version of “Hey Reb!”

    But, Eastern Kentucky still has “The Colonel.”

    For some reason, schools with ties to the South, just can’t seem to drop the “Rebel” term completely, and it’s time to let it go.

    It’s very reminiscent to Southern natives and residents who are still in denial about the racist use of the Confederate Flag.


    The University of Mississippi mascot "Colonel Rebel."
    The Rebel and the Confederate Flag aren’t symbols of Southern pride. They’re propaganda of continued Southern hate.

    But Ole Miss, UNLV, and Eastern Kentucky have nothing on Nicholls State University in Louisiana. Because, their mascot, Col. Tillou, looks just like a Nazi.

    Trust me. Google it.

    Outraged by the image’s “menacing appearance, hundreds of people have flooded social networking sites and college sports forums to vent their concerns about the revamped logo design, with a number likening the black, red and gray-hued colonel to a soldier from Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich or a member of Soviet Russia’s Red Army,” read a New Orleans Times-Picayune article from 2009.

    “It looked like a Nazi soldier — a very angry Nazi soldier,” said Nicholls alumna Hollie Garrison, 27, who saw the logo online for the first time this month. “My jaw dropped. I was speechless. I kind of thought it was a joke.”

    Imagery can evoke memories.

    And memories can evoke pain.

    Which is why some schools and fan bases will at some point have to get over their so-called “school pride,” and realize what they’re championing.
As a long-time admirer of U.S. Grant, Frederick Douglass and John Brown (one crazy mo-fo) I think it's ridiculous that there are so many statues of the "enemy," as Grant refers to the "rebels" many times in his memoir.

The South lost the war that Brown helped to spark and Grant ferociously, relentlessly and meticulously led.

Move the images to museums where they belong and where history will not be erased.

Yet you have so many extremist leftists claiming they're looking for justice and trying to end racism. Total BS hypocrisy when you're always carrying the symbols of communism (and anarchists), the most murderous ideology in human history. They're nothing but a cancer.
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As a long-time admirer of U.S. Grant, Frederick Douglass and John Brown (one crazy mo-fo) I think it's ridiculous that there are so many statues of the "enemy," as Grant refers to the "rebels" many times in his memoir.

The South lost the war that Brown helped to spark and Grant ferociously, relentlessly and meticulously led.

Move the images to museums where they belong and where history will not be erased.

Yet you have so many extremist leftists claiming they're looking for justice and trying to end racism. Total BS hypocrisy when you're always carrying the symbols of communism (and anarchists), the most murderous ideology in human history. They're nothing but a cancer.

It doesn't matter they lost the war. Everyone gets a trophy or a statue today.
As a long-time admirer of U.S. Grant, Frederick Douglass and John Brown (one crazy mo-fo) I think it's ridiculous that there are so many statues of the "enemy," as Grant refers to the "rebels" many times in his memoir.

The South lost the war that Brown helped to spark and Grant ferociously, relentlessly and meticulously led.

Move the images to museums where they belong and where history will not be erased.

Yet you have so many extremist leftists claiming they're looking for justice and trying to end racism. Total BS hypocrisy when you're always carrying the symbols of communism (and anarchists), the most murderous ideology in human history. They're nothing but a cancer.

I don't believe I have ever heard someone say the are an admirer of John Brown. He was one despicable human being whose only redeeming quality was that he hated slavery. I can see John Quincy Adams but John Brown not so much.
In Al Franken's recent book, he talks about his days in SNL when they had a skit, "If the Indians had won."

I don't have the book with me, so this is a not-so-accurate account from memory.

Two sportscasters in the fictional time are talking about team mascots. One says the San Diego Dagos are in town to play the Cleveland Kikes. [They may have been discussing popular opinion about changing the names, like this thread, but I forget.] The Cleveland mascot is the screaming Jew. He is known for being cheap. The Dago is greasy, and wears pointed moccasins.
Our country is too young to be destroying history. Recently they have started dismantling one of Hoovers Workers Program buildings after an almost 15 year back and forth. They "don't have a use for it" except it was a building that helped create jobs during the depression era. Yea the mascots may "offend" people but they were named for a reason, there's a history behind it. We need to abandon them and choose some pc mascot with no historical background sorry not accepting that.
I don't believe I have ever heard someone say the are an admirer of John Brown. He was one despicable human being whose only redeeming quality was that he hated slavery. I can see John Quincy Adams but John Brown not so much.

Why not Brown? Because human beings were being bought and sold like cattle and he took matters into his own hands while others talked? What would you have done? Nothing? Guess what, the war that soon followed resulted in more than 600,000 dead Americans, and many more than that suffered horrific injuries.

After Brown, Brown's son and others were hanged he became a hero of the emancipation movement. Many believe his actions and subsequent execution was one key factors that helped to mobilize the nation.

Grant and the Union army savaged the South and burned down town after town. You don't admire Grant?

War is not pretty. We literally incinerated the city of Dresden during WW2, including schools, women and children. It's the savagery of war.

Visit Brown's grave and you'll find many who agree with me.

That was then. Today the issues are, of course, much different. But it's important to know history because many people insist on lying and/or rewriting it to suit their political motives.
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Why not Brown? Because human beings were being bought and sold like cattle and he took matters into his own hands while others talked? What would you have done? Nothing? Guess what, the war that soon followed resulted in more than 600,000 dead Americans, and many more than than suffered horrific injuries.

After Brown, Brown's son and others were hanged he became a hero of the emancipation movement. Many believe his actions and subsequent execution was one key factors that helped to mobilize the nation.

Grant and the Union army savaged the South and burned down town after town. You don't admire Grant?

War is not pretty. We literally incinerated the city of Dresden during WW2, including schools, women and children. It's the savagery of war.

Visit Brown's grave and you'll find many who agree with me.

That was then. Today the issues are, of course, much different. But it's important to know history because many people insist on lying and/or rewriting it to suit their political motives.
BTW, don't look at John Brown with a 2017 POV.

Analyze him in the context of 1859.
Why not Brown? Because human beings were being bought and sold like cattle and he took matters into his own hands while others talked? What would you have done? Nothing? Guess what, the war that soon followed resulted in more than 600,000 dead Americans, and many more than that suffered horrific injuries.

After Brown, Brown's son and others were hanged he became a hero of the emancipation movement. Many believe his actions and subsequent execution was one key factors that helped to mobilize the nation.

Grant and the Union army savaged the South and burned down town after town. You don't admire Grant?

War is not pretty. We literally incinerated the city of Dresden during WW2, including schools, women and children. It's the savagery of war.

Visit Brown's grave and you'll find many who agree with me.

That was then. Today the issues are, of course, much different. But it's important to know history because many people insist on lying and/or rewriting it to suit their political motives.
Actually I know history. Brown was the worst type of person. He was not fighting a war he was inciting it. His actions were totally wrong. He made himself the arbiter of what was right and wrong. What Grant did and what the soldiers in war situations did have no bearing on John Brown's character or actions. He should not be anyone's hero.
Remember that the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves only in those states in open rebellion. Thanks, Mr. Lincoln. And guess who the first person killed by John Brown was? A black railroad conductor. Was George Washington a traitor? Are Californians who support Calexit traitors?
John Brown was a murderer who used violence to further his efforts to free the slaves and he and his sons lead raids in what became known as " Bleeding Kansas " and of course there's this raid on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry which was an attack on Federal troops.
Remember that the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves only in those states in open rebellion. Thanks, Mr. Lincoln. And guess who the first person killed by John Brown was? A black railroad conductor. Was George Washington a traitor? Are Californians who support Calexit traitors?
The comparison of Washington to rebel soldiers is shocking coming from belluno. I figured trump may say that, but not you. Washington was a slave owner. But obviously he was a patriot. The army he lead fought to create America, not destroy it.

That the America he helped found allowed slavery, treated the native Americans they encountered as they did is our shame. It is a shame we haven't eradicated. But is does not make him or Jefferson comparable to confederate soldiers.
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I can understand the arguments against Brown. This debate has been going on since 1859. Just keep in mind that 11 million slaves were forcibly brought to the Americas. Extraordinary circumstances sometimes call for extraordinary actions. It was not going to end without bloodshed.

The arguments against Washington are beyond ridiculous. I'd focus my ire on the leaders and the businessmen of nations such as England, Spain, France, Portugal and the Dutch... and leaders in Africa. They started and ran the slave Atlantic trade long before the United States exited.

Portugal was involved in the slave trade even before Columbus reached our part of the world.

Without the revolution led by Washington there is no United States and who knows if and when slavery ends.
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The comparison of Washington to rebel soldiers is shocking coming from belluno. I figured trump may say that, but not you. Washington was a slave owner. But obviously he was a patriot. The army he lead fought to create America, not destroy it.

That the America he helped found allowed slavery, treated the native Americans they encountered as they did is our shame. It is a shame we haven't eradicated. But is does not make him or Jefferson comparable to confederate soldiers.

I guess the part I do not understand is this notion that because certain men are considered patriots, we can overlook the fact they were slave owners. Is the cause of this movement race related or true patriot/traitor related? I have yet to see anything where the cause is we need to get rid of anything that reminds us of these unpatriotic men. I thought a lot of this was about race and how standard it was for White Americans to mistreat others because we all know that is beyond 100% wrong and immoral. I just find it unfair to say these were the good slave owners because they were patriotic. Keep their statues, pictures on the dollar bill, and everything else associated with them.

Sadly I believe we are looking at symbols and not facts. Everything we are looking to keep up or tear is not the truth of what it is, but what it symbolizes. Washington and Jefferson are symbols of pride in this country but the fact remains they were slave owners as much as anyone else. The others just were not Founding Fathers. If the others happened to be Founding Fathers we would not be looking to tear them down. Those others are being torn down because the symbolize the mistreating of others. When the truth is those true patriots we honor did the same.
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Well, I guess "The Fighting Irish" will have to go too. When I look at the monuments in question, I see those on both sides who valiently fought for their position as they saw it. I do not think of individuals fighting for or against slavery as such. Frankly, if the Confederate side was maned by actual slave owners, it would have been an army of about 1000 tops. I live in the semi rural south now. I do not see much difference between segregation here today as I witnessed in my much earlier years in suburban Essex county. I do know I am tired of hearing and seeing the constant bickering driven by those on both sides of the race issue whom seem to have an agenda beyond everyone needs to just get along. Charles Barkley the other day said he believes the monument issue is just ridicules with all going on in the world these days. I agree with him.
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The fact remains that had Washington or Jefferson or any of them been caught by the British, they would have been hanged. The fact remains that many signers of the Declaration of Independence were hunted and their property confiscated or destroyed. To an Englishman they were all traitors. And isn't it Grand to judge historical people by today's morals. I wonder what they would think about our morals. 95% of Southerners did not own slaves. So why were they willing to fight for something that they did not directly benefit from?
The fact remains that had Washington or Jefferson or any of them been caught by the British, they would have been hanged. The fact remains that many signers of the Declaration of Independence were hunted and their property confiscated or destroyed. To an Englishman they were all traitors. And isn't it Grand to judge historical people by today's morals. I wonder what they would think about our morals. 95% of Southerners did not own slaves. So why were they willing to fight for something that they did not directly benefit from?
Hey belluno, where do you think the,statues of GW would have been erected if the brits won?
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What I think is that the original discussion of the use of certain sports mascots has gone into a discussion that should be moved to a different forum .
Next they will be offended by the fact the sports teams are men's and woman's basketball etc.
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The confederate monuments were allowed to proliferate after the civil war as a means of reconciliation and to re-unite the country. There is therefore a historical dimension to the Confed monuments as monuments of reconciliation.

Mascots by nature are cartoonish and caricatures of sorts. They are part of the fun of sports. People are so serious and sensitive these days!
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Hey belluno, where do you think the,statues of GW would have been erected if the brits won?
Hey belluno, where do you think the,statues of GW would have been erected if the brits won?
If the British were gracious in victory and saw the wisdom of bringing the colonies back into close relationship with the motherland, I think statues of Washington and Franklin and Hamilton et al would have been erected. A statue is a small price to pay for fostering good will and mending a broken nation.

Now you tell me why a dirt poor foot soldier is a traitor but a rich slave owning planter isn't.
This is only the beginning. Next will be book burning. I stand corrected; history texts have been corrupted for years.

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Clearly we are already on the wrong side of the slippery slope. To the point that you have to be careful what you say in most any conversation or what you post in print.

The latest incident was the ESPN Fantasy auction where some were offended by white males selling off players of color. As I noted in another thread I didn't give that a moments thought until it was brought up by others.

Not just those that commemorate the confederacy but all those who are racist. Princeton is burying the Woodrow Wilson School Of Public Policy. 10 of our first 12 Presidents were slave owners. The slope is very slippery. It won't stop at mascots of statues of Roger Tanney or RE Lee
[QUOTE=" The slope is very slippery. It won't stop at mascots of statues of Roger Tanney or RE Lee[/QUOTE]
The Lincoln Memorial and a statue of that well known racist Joan of Arc. The left is out doing what they do best-destroying tradition
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[QUOTE=" The slope is very slippery. It won't stop at mascots of statues of Roger Tanney or RE Lee
The Lincoln Memorial and a statue of that well known racist Joan of Arc. The left is out doing what they do best-destroying tradition[/QUOTE]
And the Fox News watchers are full of their same stufft. Thanks for electing an unstable incompetent narcissist to the White House.

Halldan, sorry for my sharp edge here...but your original post was guaranteed to start this. I'm certain it wasn't your intention, but it is the effect. I humbly request this thread be moved to the board where these things are discussed.
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The Lincoln Memorial and a statue of that well known racist Joan of Arc. The left is out doing what they do best-destroying tradition
And the Fox News watchers are full of their same stuff. Thanks for electing an unstable incompetent narcissist to the White House.

Halldan, sorry for my sharp edge here...but your original post was guaranteed to start this. I'm certain it wasn't your intention, but it is the effect. I humbly request this thread be moved to the board where these things are discussed.
Thanks for showing s what passes for discussion from a leftwinger. Incompetent narcissist? BHO set the standard. "America is a great country and we're going to change it" It's the one thing he succeeded at-destroying a great country.
Not just those that commemorate the confederacy but all those who are racist. Princeton is burying the Woodrow Wilson School Of Public Policy. 10 of our first 12 Presidents were slave owners. The slope is very slippery. It won't stop at mascots of statues of Roger Tanney or RE Lee
there are schools named after jefferson davis and robert e lee also patrick henry who said give me liberty or give me death, he was a slave holder
And the Fox News watchers are full of their same bullshit. Thanks for electing an unstable incompetent narcissist to the White House.

Halldan, sorry for my sharp edge here...but your original post was guaranteed to start this. I'm certain it wasn't your intention, but it is the effect. I humbly request this thread be moved to the board where these things are discussed.
Thanks for showing s what passes for discussion from a leftwinger. Incompetent narcissist? BHO set the standard. "America is a great country and we're going to change it" It's the one thing he succeeded at-destroying a great country. [/QUOTE]

It is painfully obvious that Trump is an unstable incompetent narcissist. What is there to debate? Even hard-right Sen. Corker of Tennessee has characterized him thusly. Not interested in debating with you on this board...especially when your argument that Obama destroyed America is so absurd. Believe as you wish....or as Fox News guides. I just don't want politics to invade the basketball board.